Class CakeFixtureManager

A factory class to manage the life cycle of test fixtures

Package: Cake\TestSuite\Fixture
Copyright: Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
License: MIT License
Location: Cake/TestSuite/Fixture/CakeFixtureManager.php

Properties summary

  • $_db protected
    Default datasource to use
  • $_fixtureMap protected
    Holds the fixture classes that where instantiated indexed by class name
  • $_initialized protected
    Was this class already initialized?
  • $_loaded protected
    Holds the fixture classes that where instantiated

Method Summary

  • _initDb() protected
    Initializes this class with a DataSource object to use as default for all fixtures
  • _loadFixtures() protected
    Looks for fixture files and instantiates the classes accordingly
  • Parse the fixture path included in test cases, to get the fixture class name, and the real fixture path including sub-directories

  • _setupTable() protected
    Runs the drop, create and truncate commands on the fixtures if necessary.
  • fixturize() public
    Inspects the test to look for unloaded fixtures and loads them
  • load() public
    Creates the fixtures tables and inserts data on them.
  • loadSingle() public
    Creates a single fixture table and loads data into it.
  • shutDown() public
    Drop all fixture tables loaded by this class
  • unload() public
    Truncates the fixtures tables

Method Detail

_initDb()source protected

_initDb( )

Initializes this class with a DataSource object to use as default for all fixtures

_loadFixtures()source protected

_loadFixtures( array $fixtures )

Looks for fixture files and instantiates the classes accordingly


array $fixtures
the fixture names to load using the notation {type}.{name}


when a referenced fixture does not exist.

_parseFixturePath()source protected

_parseFixturePath( string $fixturePath )

Parse the fixture path included in test cases, to get the fixture class name, and the real fixture path including sub-directories


string $fixturePath
the fixture path to parse


containing fixture class name and optional additional path

_setupTable()source protected

_setupTable( CakeTestFixture $fixture , DataSource $db null , boolean $drop true )

Runs the drop, create and truncate commands on the fixtures if necessary.


CakeTestFixture $fixture
the fixture object to create
DataSource $db optional null
the datasource instance to use
boolean $drop optional true
whether drop the fixture if it is already created or not

fixturize()source public

fixturize( CakeTestCase $test )

Inspects the test to look for unloaded fixtures and loads them


CakeTestCase $test
the test case to inspect

load()source public

load( CakeTestCase $test )

Creates the fixtures tables and inserts data on them.


CakeTestCase $test
the test to inspect for fixture loading

loadSingle()source public

loadSingle( string $name , DataSource $db null , boolean $dropTables true )

Creates a single fixture table and loads data into it.


string $name
of the fixture
DataSource $db optional null
DataSource instance or leave null to get DataSource from the fixture
boolean $dropTables optional true
Whether or not tables should be dropped and re-created.


if $name is not a previously loaded class

shutDown()source public

shutDown( )

Drop all fixture tables loaded by this class

This will also close the session, as failing to do so will cause fatal errors with database sessions.

unload()source public

unload( CakeTestCase $test )

Truncates the fixtures tables


CakeTestCase $test
the test to inspect for fixture unloading

Properties detail


protected DataSource

Default datasource to use



protected array

Holds the fixture classes that where instantiated indexed by class name



protected boolean

Was this class already initialized?



protected array

Holds the fixture classes that where instantiated


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Licensed under the MIT License.
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We are not endorsed by or affiliated with CakePHP.