Package kotlin.contracts

Experimental DSL for declaring custom function contracts.


Platform and version requirements: JVM (1.3), JS (1.3), Native (1.3)


An effect of calling a functional parameter in place.

interface CallsInPlace : Effect
Platform and version requirements: JVM (1.3), JS (1.3), Native (1.3)


An effect of some condition being true after observing another effect of a function.

interface ConditionalEffect : Effect
Platform and version requirements: JVM (1.3), JS (1.3), Native (1.3)


Provides a scope, where the functions of the contract DSL, such as returns, callsInPlace, etc., can be used to describe the contract of a function.

interface ContractBuilder
Platform and version requirements: JVM (1.3), JS (1.3), Native (1.3)


Represents an effect of a function invocation, either directly observable, such as the function returning normally, or a side-effect, such as the function's lambda parameter being called in place.

interface Effect
Platform and version requirements: JVM (1.3), JS (1.3), Native (1.3)


Specifies how many times a function invokes its function parameter in place.

enum class InvocationKind
Platform and version requirements: JVM (1.3), JS (1.3), Native (1.3)


Describes a situation when a function returns normally with a given return value.

interface Returns : SimpleEffect
Platform and version requirements: JVM (1.3), JS (1.3), Native (1.3)


Describes a situation when a function returns normally with any non-null return value.

interface ReturnsNotNull : SimpleEffect
Platform and version requirements: JVM (1.3), JS (1.3), Native (1.3)


An effect that can be observed after a function invocation.

interface SimpleEffect : Effect


Platform and version requirements: JVM (1.3), JS (1.3), Native (1.3)


This marker distinguishes the experimental contract declaration API and is used to opt-in for that feature when declaring contracts of user functions.

annotation class ExperimentalContracts


Platform and version requirements: JVM (1.3), JS (1.3), Native (1.3)


Specifies the contract of a function.

fun contract(builder: ContractBuilder.() -> Unit)

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