Package kotlin.system

System-related utility functions.


Platform and version requirements: JVM (1.0), Native (1.0)


Terminates the currently running process.

fun exitProcess(status: Int): Nothing
Platform and version requirements: Native (1.3)


Gets current system time in microseconds since certain moment in the past, only delta between two subsequent calls makes sense.

fun getTimeMicros(): Long
Platform and version requirements: Native (1.3)


Gets current system time in milliseconds since certain moment in the past, only delta between two subsequent calls makes sense.

fun getTimeMillis(): Long
Platform and version requirements: Native (1.3)


Gets current system time in nanoseconds since certain moment in the past, only delta between two subsequent calls makes sense.

fun getTimeNanos(): Long
Platform and version requirements: JVM (1.0), Native (1.0)


Executes the given block and returns elapsed time in nanoseconds.

fun measureNanoTime(block: () -> Unit): Long
Platform and version requirements: Native (1.3)


Executes the given block and returns elapsed time in microseconds (Kotlin/Native only).

fun measureTimeMicros(block: () -> Unit): Long
Platform and version requirements: JVM (1.0), Native (1.0)


Executes the given block and returns elapsed time in milliseconds.

fun measureTimeMillis(block: () -> Unit): Long

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