
Inheritance diagram of matplotlib.widgets

GUI neutral widgets

Widgets that are designed to work for any of the GUI backends. All of these widgets require you to predefine a matplotlib.axes.Axes instance and pass that as the first parameter. Matplotlib doesn't try to be too smart with respect to layout -- you will have to figure out how wide and tall you want your Axes to be to accommodate your widget.

class matplotlib.widgets.AxesWidget(ax) [source]

Bases: matplotlib.widgets.Widget

Widget connected to a single Axes.

To guarantee that the widget remains responsive and not garbage-collected, a reference to the object should be maintained by the user.

This is necessary because the callback registry maintains only weak-refs to the functions, which are member functions of the widget. If there are no references to the widget object it may be garbage collected which will disconnect the callbacks.


The parent axes for the widget.


The parent figure canvas for the widget.


Is the widget active?

connect_event(self, event, callback) [source]

Connect callback with an event.

This should be used in lieu of figure.canvas.mpl_connect since this function stores callback ids for later clean up.

disconnect_events(self) [source]

Disconnect all events created by this widget.

class matplotlib.widgets.Button(ax, label, image=None, color='0.85', hovercolor='0.95') [source]

Bases: matplotlib.widgets.AxesWidget

A GUI neutral button.

For the button to remain responsive you must keep a reference to it. Call on_clicked to connect to the button.


The matplotlib.axes.Axes the button renders into.


A matplotlib.text.Text instance.


The color of the button when not hovering.


The color of the button when hovering.


The Axes instance the button will be placed into.


The button text.

imagearray-like or PIL Image

The image to place in the button, if not None. The parameter is directly forwarded to imshow.


The color of the button when not activated.


The color of the button when the mouse is over it.

disconnect(self, cid) [source]

Remove the callback function with connection id cid.

on_clicked(self, func) [source]

Connect the callback function func to button click events.

Returns a connection id, which can be used to disconnect the callback.

class matplotlib.widgets.CheckButtons(ax, labels, actives=None) [source]

Bases: matplotlib.widgets.AxesWidget

A GUI neutral set of check buttons.

For the check buttons to remain responsive you must keep a reference to this object.

Connect to the CheckButtons with the on_clicked method.


The parent axes for the widget.

labelslist of Text
rectangleslist of Rectangle
lineslist of (Line2D, Line2D) pairs

List of lines for the x's in the check boxes. These lines exist for each box, but have set_visible(False) when its box is not checked.

Add check buttons to matplotlib.axes.Axes instance ax


The parent axes for the widget.

labelslist of str

The labels of the check buttons.

activeslist of bool, optional

The initial check states of the buttons. The list must have the same length as labels. If not given, all buttons are unchecked.

disconnect(self, cid) [source]

Remove the observer with connection id cid.

get_status(self) [source]

Return a tuple of the status (True/False) of all of the check buttons.

on_clicked(self, func) [source]

Connect the callback function func to button click events.

Returns a connection id, which can be used to disconnect the callback.

set_active(self, index) [source]

Toggle (activate or deactivate) a check button by index.

Callbacks will be triggered if eventson is True.


Index of the check button to toggle.


If index is invalid.

class matplotlib.widgets.Cursor(ax, horizOn=True, vertOn=True, useblit=False, **lineprops) [source]

Bases: matplotlib.widgets.AxesWidget

A crosshair cursor that spans the axes and moves with mouse cursor.

For the cursor to remain responsive you must keep a reference to it.


The Axes to attach the cursor to.

horizOnbool, default: True

Whether to draw the horizontal line.

vertOnbool, default: True

Whether to draw the vertical line.

useblitbool, default: False

Use blitting for faster drawing if supported by the backend.

Other Parameters:

Line2D properties that control the appearance of the lines. See also axhline.


See Cursor.

clear(self, event) [source]

Internal event handler to clear the cursor.

onmove(self, event) [source]

Internal event handler to draw the cursor when the mouse moves.

class matplotlib.widgets.EllipseSelector(ax, onselect, drawtype='box', minspanx=0, minspany=0, useblit=False, lineprops=None, rectprops=None, spancoords='data', button=None, maxdist=10, marker_props=None, interactive=False, state_modifier_keys=None) [source]

Bases: matplotlib.widgets.RectangleSelector

Select an elliptical region of an axes.

For the cursor to remain responsive you must keep a reference to it.

Example usage:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.widgets import EllipseSelector

def onselect(eclick, erelease):
    "eclick and erelease are matplotlib events at press and release."
    print('startposition: (%f, %f)' % (eclick.xdata, eclick.ydata))
    print('endposition  : (%f, %f)' % (erelease.xdata, erelease.ydata))
    print('used button  : ', eclick.button)

def toggle_selector(event):
    print(' Key pressed.')
    if event.key in ['Q', 'q'] and
        print('EllipseSelector deactivated.')
    if event.key in ['A', 'a'] and not
        print('EllipseSelector activated.')

x = np.arange(100.) / 99
y = np.sin(x)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(x, y)

toggle_selector.ES = EllipseSelector(ax, onselect, drawtype='line')
fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', toggle_selector)

The parent axes for the widget.


A callback function that is called after a selection is completed. It must have the signature:

def onselect(eclick: MouseEvent, erelease: MouseEvent)

where eclick and erelease are the mouse click and release MouseEvents that start and complete the selection.

drawtype{"box", "line", "none"}, default: "box"

Whether to draw the full rectangle box, the diagonal line of the rectangle, or nothing at all.

minspanxfloat, default: 0

Selections with an x-span less than minspanx are ignored.

minspanyfloat, default: 0

Selections with an y-span less than minspany are ignored.

useblitbool, default: False

Whether to use blitting for faster drawing (if supported by the backend).

linepropsdict, optional

Properties with which the line is drawn, if drawtype == "line". Default:

dict(color="black", linestyle="-", linewidth=2, alpha=0.5)
rectpropsdict, optional

Properties with which the rectangle is drawn, if drawtype == "box". Default:

dict(facecolor="red", edgecolor="black", alpha=0.2, fill=True)
spancoords{"data", "pixels"}, default: "data"

Whether to interpret minspanx and minspany in data or in pixel coordinates.

buttonMouseButton, list of MouseButton, default: all buttons

Button(s) that trigger rectangle selection.

maxdistfloat, default: 10

Distance in pixels within which the interactive tool handles can be activated.


Properties with which the interactive handles are drawn. Currently not implemented and ignored.

interactivebool, default: False

Whether to draw a set of handles that allow interaction with the widget after it is drawn.

state_modifier_keysdict, optional

Keyboard modifiers which affect the widget's behavior. Values amend the defaults.

  • "move": Move the existing shape, default: no modifier.
  • "clear": Clear the current shape, default: "escape".
  • "square": Makes the shape square, default: "shift".
  • "center": Make the initial point the center of the shape, default: "ctrl".

"square" and "center" can be combined.

draw_shape(self, extents) [source]
class matplotlib.widgets.Lasso(ax, xy, callback=None, useblit=True) [source]

Bases: matplotlib.widgets.AxesWidget

Selection curve of an arbitrary shape.

The selected path can be used in conjunction with contains_point to select data points from an image.

Unlike LassoSelector, this must be initialized with a starting point xy, and the Lasso events are destroyed upon release.


The parent axes for the widget.

xy(float, float)

Coordinates of the start of the lasso.


Whenever the lasso is released, the callback function is called and passed the vertices of the selected path.

onmove(self, event) [source]
onrelease(self, event) [source]
class matplotlib.widgets.LassoSelector(ax, onselect=None, useblit=True, lineprops=None, button=None) [source]

Bases: matplotlib.widgets._SelectorWidget

Selection curve of an arbitrary shape.

For the selector to remain responsive you must keep a reference to it.

The selected path can be used in conjunction with contains_point to select data points from an image.

In contrast to Lasso, LassoSelector is written with an interface similar to RectangleSelector and SpanSelector, and will continue to interact with the axes until disconnected.

Example usage:

ax = subplot(111)
ax.plot(x, y)

def onselect(verts):
lasso = LassoSelector(ax, onselect)

The parent axes for the widget.


Whenever the lasso is released, the onselect function is called and passed the vertices of the selected path.

buttonMouseButton or list of MouseButton, optional

The mouse buttons used for rectangle selection. Default is None, which corresponds to all buttons.

onpress(self, event) [source]
onrelease(self, event) [source]
class matplotlib.widgets.LockDraw [source]

Bases: object

Some widgets, like the cursor, draw onto the canvas, and this is not desirable under all circumstances, like when the toolbar is in zoom-to-rect mode and drawing a rectangle. To avoid this, a widget can acquire a canvas' lock with canvas.widgetlock(widget) before drawing on the canvas; this will prevent other widgets from doing so at the same time (if they also try to acquire the lock first).

available(self, o) [source]

Return whether drawing is available to o.

isowner(self, o) [source]

Return whether o owns this lock.

locked(self) [source]

Return whether the lock is currently held by an owner.

release(self, o) [source]

Release the lock from o.

class matplotlib.widgets.MultiCursor(canvas, axes, useblit=True, horizOn=False, vertOn=True, **lineprops) [source]

Bases: matplotlib.widgets.Widget

Provide a vertical (default) and/or horizontal line cursor shared between multiple axes.

For the cursor to remain responsive you must keep a reference to it.

Example usage:

from matplotlib.widgets import MultiCursor
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=2, sharex=True)
t = np.arange(0.0, 2.0, 0.01)
ax1.plot(t, np.sin(2*np.pi*t))
ax2.plot(t, np.sin(4*np.pi*t))

multi = MultiCursor(fig.canvas, (ax1, ax2), color='r', lw=1,
                    horizOn=False, vertOn=True)
clear(self, event) [source]

Clear the cursor.

connect(self) [source]

Connect events.

disconnect(self) [source]

Disconnect events.

onmove(self, event) [source]
class matplotlib.widgets.PolygonSelector(ax, onselect, useblit=False, lineprops=None, markerprops=None, vertex_select_radius=15) [source]

Bases: matplotlib.widgets._SelectorWidget

Select a polygon region of an axes.

Place vertices with each mouse click, and make the selection by completing the polygon (clicking on the first vertex). Hold the ctrl key and click and drag a vertex to reposition it (the ctrl key is not necessary if the polygon has already been completed). Hold the shift key and click and drag anywhere in the axes to move all vertices. Press the esc key to start a new polygon.

For the selector to remain responsive you must keep a reference to it.


The parent axes for the widget.


When a polygon is completed or modified after completion, the onselect function is called and passed a list of the vertices as (xdata, ydata) tuples.

useblitbool, default: False
linepropsdict, default: dict(color='k', linestyle='-', linewidth=2, alpha=0.5).

Artist properties for the line representing the edges of the polygon.

markerpropsdict, default: dict(marker='o', markersize=7, mec='k', mfc='k', alpha=0.5).

Artist properties for the markers drawn at the vertices of the polygon.

vertex_select_radiusfloat, default: 15px

A vertex is selected (to complete the polygon or to move a vertex) if the mouse click is within vertex_select_radius pixels of the vertex.


Polygon Selector Demo

onmove(self, event) [source]

Cursor move event handler and validator

property verts

The polygon vertices, as a list of (x, y) pairs.

class matplotlib.widgets.RadioButtons(ax, labels, active=0, activecolor='blue') [source]

Bases: matplotlib.widgets.AxesWidget

A GUI neutral radio button.

For the buttons to remain responsive you must keep a reference to this object.

Connect to the RadioButtons with the on_clicked method.


The parent axes for the widget.


The color of the selected button.

labelslist of Text

The button labels.

circleslist of Circle

The buttons.


The label text of the currently selected button.

Add radio buttons to an Axes.


The axes to add the buttons to.

labelslist of str

The button labels.


The index of the initially selected button.


The color of the selected button.

disconnect(self, cid) [source]

Remove the observer with connection id cid.

on_clicked(self, func) [source]

Connect the callback function func to button click events.

Returns a connection id, which can be used to disconnect the callback.

set_active(self, index) [source]

Select button with number index.

Callbacks will be triggered if eventson is True.

class matplotlib.widgets.RectangleSelector(ax, onselect, drawtype='box', minspanx=0, minspany=0, useblit=False, lineprops=None, rectprops=None, spancoords='data', button=None, maxdist=10, marker_props=None, interactive=False, state_modifier_keys=None) [source]

Bases: matplotlib.widgets._SelectorWidget

Select a rectangular region of an axes.

For the cursor to remain responsive you must keep a reference to it.


Rectangle Selector


The parent axes for the widget.


A callback function that is called after a selection is completed. It must have the signature:

def onselect(eclick: MouseEvent, erelease: MouseEvent)

where eclick and erelease are the mouse click and release MouseEvents that start and complete the selection.

drawtype{"box", "line", "none"}, default: "box"

Whether to draw the full rectangle box, the diagonal line of the rectangle, or nothing at all.

minspanxfloat, default: 0

Selections with an x-span less than minspanx are ignored.

minspanyfloat, default: 0

Selections with an y-span less than minspany are ignored.

useblitbool, default: False

Whether to use blitting for faster drawing (if supported by the backend).

linepropsdict, optional

Properties with which the line is drawn, if drawtype == "line". Default:

dict(color="black", linestyle="-", linewidth=2, alpha=0.5)
rectpropsdict, optional

Properties with which the rectangle is drawn, if drawtype == "box". Default:

dict(facecolor="red", edgecolor="black", alpha=0.2, fill=True)
spancoords{"data", "pixels"}, default: "data"

Whether to interpret minspanx and minspany in data or in pixel coordinates.

buttonMouseButton, list of MouseButton, default: all buttons

Button(s) that trigger rectangle selection.

maxdistfloat, default: 10

Distance in pixels within which the interactive tool handles can be activated.


Properties with which the interactive handles are drawn. Currently not implemented and ignored.

interactivebool, default: False

Whether to draw a set of handles that allow interaction with the widget after it is drawn.

state_modifier_keysdict, optional

Keyboard modifiers which affect the widget's behavior. Values amend the defaults.

  • "move": Move the existing shape, default: no modifier.
  • "clear": Clear the current shape, default: "escape".
  • "square": Makes the shape square, default: "shift".
  • "center": Make the initial point the center of the shape, default: "ctrl".

"square" and "center" can be combined.

property center

Center of rectangle

property corners

Corners of rectangle from lower left, moving clockwise.

draw_shape(self, extents) [source]
property edge_centers

Midpoint of rectangle edges from left, moving clockwise.

property extents

Return (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax).

property geometry

Return an array of shape (2, 5) containing the x (RectangleSelector.geometry[1, :]) and y (RectangleSelector.geometry[0, :]) coordinates of the four corners of the rectangle starting and ending in the top left corner.

class matplotlib.widgets.Slider(ax, label, valmin, valmax, valinit=0.5, valfmt=None, closedmin=True, closedmax=True, slidermin=None, slidermax=None, dragging=True, valstep=None, orientation='horizontal', **kwargs) [source]

Bases: matplotlib.widgets.AxesWidget

A slider representing a floating point range.

Create a slider from valmin to valmax in axes ax. For the slider to remain responsive you must maintain a reference to it. Call on_changed() to connect to the slider event.


Slider value.


The Axes to put the slider in.


Slider label.


The minimum value of the slider.


The maximum value of the slider.

valinitfloat, default: 0.5

The slider initial position.

valfmtstr, default: None

%-format string used to format the slider value. If None, a ScalarFormatter is used instead.

closedminbool, default: True

Whether the slider interval is closed on the bottom.

closedmaxbool, default: True

Whether the slider interval is closed on the top.

sliderminSlider, default: None

Do not allow the current slider to have a value less than the value of the Slider slidermin.

slidermaxSlider, default: None

Do not allow the current slider to have a value greater than the value of the Slider slidermax.

draggingbool, default: True

If True the slider can be dragged by the mouse.

valstepfloat, default: None

If given, the slider will snap to multiples of valstep.

orientation{'horizontal', 'vertical'}, default: 'horizontal'

The orientation of the slider.


Additional kwargs are passed on to self.poly which is the Rectangle that draws the slider knob. See the Rectangle documentation for valid property names (facecolor, edgecolor, alpha, etc.).

disconnect(self, cid) [source]

Remove the observer with connection id cid


Connection id of the observer to be removed

on_changed(self, func) [source]

When the slider value is changed call func with the new slider value


Function to call when slider is changed. The function must accept a single float as its arguments.


Connection id (which can be used to disconnect func)

reset(self) [source]

Reset the slider to the initial value

set_val(self, val) [source]

Set slider value to val

class matplotlib.widgets.SpanSelector(ax, onselect, direction, minspan=None, useblit=False, rectprops=None, onmove_callback=None, span_stays=False, button=None) [source]

Bases: matplotlib.widgets._SelectorWidget

Visually select a min/max range on a single axis and call a function with those values.

To guarantee that the selector remains responsive, keep a reference to it.

In order to turn off the SpanSelector, set to False. To turn it back on, set it to True.

onselectfunc(min, max), min/max are floats
direction{"horizontal", "vertical"}

The direction along which to draw the span selector.

minspanfloat, default: None

If selection is less than minspan, do not call onselect.

useblitbool, default: False

If True, use the backend-dependent blitting features for faster canvas updates.

rectpropsdict, default: None

Dictionary of matplotlib.patches.Patch properties.

onmove_callbackfunc(min, max), min/max are floats, default: None

Called on mouse move while the span is being selected.

span_staysbool, default: False

If True, the span stays visible after the mouse is released.

buttonMouseButton or list of MouseButton

The mouse buttons which activate the span selector.


>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import matplotlib.widgets as mwidgets
>>> fig, ax = plt.subplots()
>>> ax.plot([1, 2, 3], [10, 50, 100])
>>> def onselect(vmin, vmax):
...     print(vmin, vmax)
>>> rectprops = dict(facecolor='blue', alpha=0.5)
>>> span = mwidgets.SpanSelector(ax, onselect, 'horizontal',
...                              rectprops=rectprops)

See also: Span Selector

ignore(self, event) [source]

Return whether event should be ignored.

This method should be called at the beginning of any event callback.

new_axes(self, ax) [source]

Set SpanSelector to operate on a new Axes.

class matplotlib.widgets.SubplotTool(targetfig, toolfig) [source]

Bases: matplotlib.widgets.Widget

A tool to adjust the subplot params of a matplotlib.figure.Figure.


The figure instance to adjust.


The figure instance to embed the subplot tool into.

property axbottom
property axhspace
property axleft
property axright
property axtop
property axwspace
funcbottom(self, val) [source]



Deprecated since version 3.3:

funchspace(self, val) [source]



Deprecated since version 3.3:

funcleft(self, val) [source]



Deprecated since version 3.3:

funcright(self, val) [source]



Deprecated since version 3.3:

functop(self, val) [source]



Deprecated since version 3.3:

funcwspace(self, val) [source]



Deprecated since version 3.3:

class matplotlib.widgets.TextBox(ax, label, initial='', color='.95', hovercolor='1', label_pad=0.01) [source]

Bases: matplotlib.widgets.AxesWidget

A GUI neutral text input box.

For the text box to remain responsive you must keep a reference to it.

Call on_text_change to be updated whenever the text changes.

Call on_submit to be updated whenever the user hits enter or leaves the text entry field.


The parent axes for the widget.


The color of the text box when not hovering.


The color of the text box when hovering.


The Axes instance the button will be placed into.


Label for this text box.


Initial value in the text box.


The color of the box.


The color of the box when the mouse is over it.


The distance between the label and the right side of the textbox.

begin_typing(self, x) [source]
disconnect(self, cid) [source]

Remove the observer with connection id cid.

on_submit(self, func) [source]

When the user hits enter or leaves the submission box, call this func with event.

A connection id is returned which can be used to disconnect.

on_text_change(self, func) [source]

When the text changes, call this func with event.

A connection id is returned which can be used to disconnect.

property params_to_disable
position_cursor(self, x) [source]
set_val(self, val) [source]
stop_typing(self) [source]
property text
class matplotlib.widgets.ToolHandles(ax, x, y, marker='o', marker_props=None, useblit=True) [source]

Bases: object

Control handles for canvas tools.


Matplotlib axes where tool handles are displayed.

x, y1D arrays

Coordinates of control handles.


Shape of marker used to display handle. See matplotlib.pyplot.plot.


Additional marker properties. See matplotlib.lines.Line2D.

closest(self, x, y) [source]

Return index and pixel distance to closest index.

set_animated(self, val) [source]
set_data(self, pts, y=None) [source]

Set x and y positions of handles

set_visible(self, val) [source]
property x
property y
class matplotlib.widgets.Widget [source]

Bases: object

Abstract base class for GUI neutral widgets

property active

Is the widget active?

drawon = True
eventson = True
get_active(self) [source]

Get whether the widget is active.

ignore(self, event) [source]

Return whether event should be ignored.

This method should be called at the beginning of any event callback.

set_active(self, active) [source]

Set whether the widget is active.

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