
This module implements color handling for Nim.


strutils, algorithm


Color = distinct int
A color stored as RGB, e.g. 0xff00cc. Source Edit


colAliceBlue = 15792383
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colAntiqueWhite = 16444375
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colAqua = 65535
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colAquamarine = 8388564
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colAzure = 15794175
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colBeige = 16119260
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colBisque = 16770244
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colBlack = 0
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colBlanchedAlmond = 16772045
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colBlue = 255
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colBlueViolet = 9055202
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colBrown = 10824234
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colBurlyWood = 14596231
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colCadetBlue = 6266528
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colChartreuse = 8388352
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colChocolate = 13789470
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colCoral = 16744272
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colCornflowerBlue = 6591981
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colCornsilk = 16775388
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colCrimson = 14423100
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colCyan = 65535
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colDarkBlue = 139
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colDarkCyan = 35723
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colDarkGoldenRod = 12092939
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colDarkGray = 11119017
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colDarkGreen = 25600
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colDarkKhaki = 12433259
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colDarkMagenta = 9109643
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colDarkOliveGreen = 5597999
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colDarkorange = 16747520
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colDarkOrchid = 10040012
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colDarkRed = 9109504
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colDarkSalmon = 15308410
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colDarkSeaGreen = 9419919
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colDarkSlateBlue = 4734347
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colDarkSlateGray = 3100495
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colDarkTurquoise = 52945
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colDarkViolet = 9699539
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colDeepPink = 16716947
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colDeepSkyBlue = 49151
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colDimGray = 6908265
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colDodgerBlue = 2003199
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colFireBrick = 11674146
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colFloralWhite = 16775920
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colForestGreen = 2263842
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colFuchsia = 16711935
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colGainsboro = 14474460
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colGhostWhite = 16316671
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colGold = 16766720
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colGoldenRod = 14329120
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colGray = 8421504
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colGreen = 32768
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colGreenYellow = 11403055
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colHoneyDew = 15794160
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colHotPink = 16738740
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colIndianRed = 13458524
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colIndigo = 4915330
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colIvory = 16777200
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colKhaki = 15787660
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colLavender = 15132410
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colLavenderBlush = 16773365
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colLawnGreen = 8190976
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colLemonChiffon = 16775885
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colLightBlue = 11393254
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colLightCoral = 15761536
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colLightCyan = 14745599
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colLightGoldenRodYellow = 16448210
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colLightGrey = 13882323
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colLightGreen = 9498256
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colLightPink = 16758465
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colLightSalmon = 16752762
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colLightSeaGreen = 2142890
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colLightSkyBlue = 8900346
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colLightSlateGray = 7833753
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colLightSteelBlue = 11584734
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colLightYellow = 16777184
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colLime = 65280
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colLimeGreen = 3329330
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colLinen = 16445670
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colMagenta = 16711935
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colMaroon = 8388608
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colMediumAquaMarine = 6737322
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colMediumBlue = 205
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colMediumOrchid = 12211667
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colMediumPurple = 9662680
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colMediumSeaGreen = 3978097
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colMediumSlateBlue = 8087790
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colMediumSpringGreen = 64154
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colMediumTurquoise = 4772300
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colMediumVioletRed = 13047173
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colMidnightBlue = 1644912
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colMintCream = 16121850
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colMistyRose = 16770273
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colMoccasin = 16770229
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colNavajoWhite = 16768685
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colNavy = 128
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colOldLace = 16643558
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colOlive = 8421376
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colOliveDrab = 7048739
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colOrange = 16753920
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colOrangeRed = 16729344
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colOrchid = 14315734
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colPaleGoldenRod = 15657130
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colPaleGreen = 10025880
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colPaleTurquoise = 11529966
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colPaleVioletRed = 14184595
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colPapayaWhip = 16773077
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colPeachPuff = 16767673
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colPeru = 13468991
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colPink = 16761035
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colPlum = 14524637
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colPowderBlue = 11591910
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colPurple = 8388736
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colRed = 16711680
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colRosyBrown = 12357519
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colRoyalBlue = 4286945
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colSaddleBrown = 9127187
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colSalmon = 16416882
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colSandyBrown = 16032864
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colSeaGreen = 3050327
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colSeaShell = 16774638
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colSienna = 10506797
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colSilver = 12632256
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colSkyBlue = 8900331
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colSlateBlue = 6970061
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colSlateGray = 7372944
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colSnow = 16775930
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colSpringGreen = 65407
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colSteelBlue = 4620980
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colTan = 13808780
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colTeal = 32896
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colThistle = 14204888
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colTomato = 16737095
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colTurquoise = 4251856
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colViolet = 15631086
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colWheat = 16113331
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colWhite = 16777215
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colWhiteSmoke = 16119285
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colYellow = 16776960
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colYellowGreen = 10145074
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proc `==`(a, b: Color): bool {...}{.borrow.}
Compares two colors.
  a = Color(0xff_00_ff)
  b = colFuchsia
  c = Color(0x00_ff_cc)
assert a == b
assert not a == c
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proc `+`(a, b: Color): Color {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}

Adds two colors.

This uses saturated arithmetic, so that each color component cannot overflow (255 is used as a maximum).


  a = Color(0xaa_00_ff)
  b = Color(0x11_cc_cc)
assert a + b == Color(0xbb_cc_ff)
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proc `-`(a, b: Color): Color {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}

Subtracts two colors.

This uses saturated arithmetic, so that each color component cannot underflow (0 is used as a minimum).


  a = Color(0xff_33_ff)
  b = Color(0x11_ff_cc)
assert a - b == Color(0xee_00_33)
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proc extractRGB(a: Color): tuple[r, g, b: range[0 .. 255]] {...}{.raises: [],
    tags: [].}
Extracts the red/green/blue components of the color a.


  a = Color(0xff_00_ff)
  b = Color(0x00_ff_cc)
  Col = range[0..255]
# assert extractRGB(a) == (r: 255.Col, g: 0.Col, b: 255.Col)
# assert extractRGB(b) == (r: 0.Col, g: 255.Col, b: 204.Col)
echo extractRGB(a)
echo typeof(extractRGB(a))
echo extractRGB(b)
echo typeof(extractRGB(b))
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proc intensity(a: Color; f: float): Color {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
Returns a with intensity f. f should be a float from 0.0 (completely dark) to 1.0 (full color intensity).


  a = Color(0xff_00_ff)
  b = Color(0x00_42_cc)
assert a.intensity(0.5) == Color(0x80_00_80)
assert b.intensity(0.5) == Color(0x00_21_66)
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proc `$`(c: Color): string {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
Converts a color into its textual representation.


assert $colFuchsia == "#FF00FF"
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proc parseColor(name: string): Color {...}{.raises: [ValueError], tags: [].}

Parses name to a color value.

If no valid color could be parsed ValueError is raised. Case insensitive.


  a = "silver"
  b = "#0179fc"
  c = "#zzmmtt"
assert parseColor(a) == Color(0xc0_c0_c0)
assert parseColor(b) == Color(0x01_79_fc)
doAssertRaises(ValueError): discard parseColor(c)
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proc isColor(name: string): bool {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
Returns true if name is a known color name or a hexadecimal color prefixed with #. Case insensitive.


  a = "silver"
  b = "#0179fc"
  c = "#zzmmtt"
assert a.isColor
assert b.isColor
assert not c.isColor
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proc rgb(r, g, b: range[0 .. 255]): Color {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
Constructs a color from RGB values.


assert rgb(0, 255, 128) == Color(0x00_ff_80)
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template mix(a, b: Color; fn: untyped): untyped

Uses fn to mix the colors a and b.

fn is invoked for each component R, G, and B. If fn's result is not in the range[0..255], it will be saturated to be so.


  a = Color(0x0a2814)
  b = Color(0x050a03)

proc myMix(x, y: int): int =
  2 * x - 3 * y

assert mix(a, b, myMix) == Color(0x05_32_1f)
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© 2006–2021 Andreas Rumpf
Licensed under the MIT License.