
Wrapper for the IUP native GUI library.

Requires iup.dll on Windows, libiup.so on Linux, libiup.dylib on OS X. Compile with -d:nimDebugDlOpen to debug the shared library opening.


import os, iup
var argc = create(cint)
argc[] = paramCount().cint
var argv = allocCstringArray(commandLineParams())
assert open(argc, argv.addr) == 0         # UIP requires calling open()
message(r"Hello world 1", r"Hello world") # Message popup
close()                                   # UIP requires calling close()
import os, iup
var argc = create(cint)
argc[] = paramCount().cint
var argv = allocCstringArray(commandLineParams())
assert open(argc, argv.addr) == 0            # UIP requires open()
let textarea = text(nil)                     # Text widget.
setAttribute(textarea, r"MULTILINE", r"YES") # Set text widget to multiline.
setAttribute(textarea, r"EXPAND", r"YES")    # Set text widget to auto expand.
let layout = vbox(textarea)                  # Vertical layout.
let window = dialog(layout)                  # Dialog window.
setAttribute(window, "TITLE", "Nim Notepad") # Set window title.
showXY(window, IUP_CENTER, IUP_CENTER)       # Show window.
mainLoop()                                   # Main loop.
close()                                      # UIP requires calling close()


PIhandle = ptr Ihandle
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Icallback = proc (arg: PIhandle): cint {...}{.cdecl.}
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Iparamcb = proc (dialog: PIhandle; paramIndex: cint; userData: pointer): cint {...}{.
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IUP_NAME = "IUP - Portable User Interface"
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IUP_DESCRIPTION = "Portable toolkit for building graphical user interfaces."
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constIUP_VERSION = "3.0"
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constIUP_VERSION_NUMBER = 300000
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constIUP_VERSION_DATE = "2009/07/18"
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IUP_ERROR = 1'i32
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IUP_OPENED = -1'i32
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IUP_INVALID = -1'i32
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IUP_IGNORE = -1'i32
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IUP_DEFAULT = -2'i32
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IUP_CLOSE = -3'i32
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IUP_CENTER = 65535'i32
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IUP_LEFT = 65534'i32
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IUP_RIGHT = 65533'i32
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IUP_MOUSEPOS = 65532'i32
Source Edit
IUP_CURRENT = 65531'i32
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IUP_TOP = 65534'i32
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IUP_BOTTOM = 65533'i32
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IUP_SHOW = 0'i32
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Source Edit
Source Edit
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IUP_HIDE = 4'i32
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IUP_SBUP = 0'i32
Source Edit
IUP_SBDN = 1'i32
Source Edit
IUP_SBPGUP = 2'i32
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IUP_SBPGDN = 3'i32
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IUP_SBPOSV = 4'i32
Source Edit
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IUP_SBLEFT = 6'i32
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Source Edit
Source Edit
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IUP_SBPOSH = 10'i32
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IUP_SBDRAGH = 11'i32
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IUP_BUTTON1 = 49'i32
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IUP_BUTTON2 = 50'i32
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IUP_BUTTON3 = 51'i32
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IUP_BUTTON4 = 52'i32
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IUP_BUTTON5 = 53'i32
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IUP_MASK_FLOAT = "[+/-]?(/d+/.?/d*|/./d+)"
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IUP_MASK_UFLOAT = "(/d+/.?/d*|/./d+)"
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IUP_MASK_EFLOAT = "[+/-]?(/d+/.?/d*|/./d+)([eE][+/-]?/d+)?"
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IUP_MASK_INT = "[+/-]?/d+"
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K_SP = 32'i32
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K_exclam = 33'i32
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K_quotedbl = 34'i32
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K_numbersign = 35'i32
Source Edit
K_dollar = 36'i32
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K_percent = 37'i32
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K_ampersand = 38'i32
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K_apostrophe = 39'i32
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K_parentleft = 40'i32
Source Edit
K_parentright = 41'i32
Source Edit
K_asterisk = 42'i32
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K_plus = 43'i32
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K_comma = 44'i32
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K_minus = 45'i32
Source Edit
K_period = 46'i32
Source Edit
K_slash = 47'i32
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K_0 = 48'i32
Source Edit
K_1 = 49'i32
Source Edit
K_2 = 50'i32
Source Edit
K_3 = 51'i32
Source Edit
K_4 = 52'i32
Source Edit
K_5 = 53'i32
Source Edit
K_6 = 54'i32
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K_7 = 55'i32
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K_8 = 56'i32
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K_9 = 57'i32
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K_colon = 58'i32
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K_semicolon = 59'i32
Source Edit
K_less = 60'i32
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K_equal = 61'i32
Source Edit
K_greater = 62'i32
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K_question = 63'i32
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K_at = 64'i32
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K_upperA = 65'i32
Source Edit
K_upperB = 66'i32
Source Edit
K_upperC = 67'i32
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K_upperD = 68'i32
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K_upperE = 69'i32
Source Edit
K_upperF = 70'i32
Source Edit
K_upperG = 71'i32
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K_upperH = 72'i32
Source Edit
K_upperI = 73'i32
Source Edit
K_upperJ = 74'i32
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K_upperK = 75'i32
Source Edit
K_upperL = 76'i32
Source Edit
K_upperM = 77'i32
Source Edit
K_upperN = 78'i32
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K_upperO = 79'i32
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K_upperP = 80'i32
Source Edit
K_upperQ = 81'i32
Source Edit
K_upperR = 82'i32
Source Edit
K_upperS = 83'i32
Source Edit
K_upperT = 84'i32
Source Edit
K_upperU = 85'i32
Source Edit
K_upperV = 86'i32
Source Edit
K_upperW = 87'i32
Source Edit
K_upperX = 88'i32
Source Edit
K_upperY = 89'i32
Source Edit
K_upperZ = 90'i32
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K_bracketleft = 91'i32
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K_backslash = 92'i32
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K_bracketright = 93'i32
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K_circum = 94'i32
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K_underscore = 95'i32
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K_grave = 96'i32
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K_lowera = 97'i32
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K_lowerb = 98'i32
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K_lowerc = 99'i32
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K_lowerd = 100'i32
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K_lowere = 101'i32
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K_lowerf = 102'i32
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K_lowerg = 103'i32
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K_lowerh = 104'i32
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K_loweri = 105'i32
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K_lowerj = 106'i32
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K_lowerk = 107'i32
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K_lowerl = 108'i32
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K_lowerm = 109'i32
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K_lowern = 110'i32
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K_lowero = 111'i32
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K_lowerp = 112'i32
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K_lowerq = 113'i32
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K_lowerr = 114'i32
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K_lowers = 115'i32
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K_lowert = 116'i32
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K_loweru = 117'i32
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K_lowerv = 118'i32
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K_lowerw = 119'i32
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K_lowerx = 120'i32
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K_lowery = 121'i32
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K_lowerz = 122'i32
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K_braceleft = 123'i32
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K_bar = 124'i32
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K_braceright = 125'i32
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K_tilde = 126'i32
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K_BS = 8'i32
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K_TAB = 9'i32
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K_LF = 10'i32
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K_CR = 13'i32
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5*256=1280 Normal+Shift+Ctrl+Alt+Sys Source Edit
K_HOME = 129
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K_UP = 130
Source Edit
K_PGUP = 131
Source Edit
K_LEFT = 132
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K_MIDDLE = 133
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K_RIGHT = 134
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K_END = 135
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K_DOWN = 136
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K_PGDN = 137
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K_INS = 138
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K_DEL = 139
Source Edit
K_PAUSE = 140
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K_ESC = 141
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K_ccedilla = 142
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K_F1 = 143
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K_F2 = 144
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K_F3 = 145
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K_F4 = 146
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K_F5 = 147
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K_F6 = 148
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K_F7 = 149
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K_F8 = 150
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K_F9 = 151
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K_F10 = 152
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K_F11 = 153
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K_F12 = 154
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K_Print = 155
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K_Menu = 156
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K_acute = 157
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K_sHOME = 385
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K_sUP = 386
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K_sPGUP = 387
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K_sLEFT = 388
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K_sMIDDLE = 389
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K_sRIGHT = 390
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K_sEND = 391
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K_sDOWN = 392
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K_sPGDN = 393
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K_sINS = 394
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K_sDEL = 395
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K_sSP = 288
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K_sTAB = 265
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K_sCR = 269
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K_sBS = 264
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K_sPAUSE = 396
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K_sESC = 397
Source Edit
K_sCcedilla = 398
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K_sF1 = 399
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K_sF2 = 400
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K_sF3 = 401
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K_sF4 = 402
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K_sF5 = 403
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K_sF6 = 404
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K_sF7 = 405
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K_sF8 = 406
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K_sF9 = 407
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K_sF10 = 408
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K_sF11 = 409
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K_sF12 = 410
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K_sPrint = 411
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K_sMenu = 412
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K_cHOME = 641
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K_cUP = 642
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K_cPGUP = 643
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K_cLEFT = 644
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K_cMIDDLE = 645
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K_cRIGHT = 646
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K_cEND = 647
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K_cDOWN = 648
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K_cPGDN = 649
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K_cINS = 650
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K_cDEL = 651
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K_cSP = 544
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K_cTAB = 521
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K_cCR = 525
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K_cBS = 520
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K_cPAUSE = 652
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K_cESC = 653
Source Edit
K_cCcedilla = 654
Source Edit
K_cF1 = 655
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K_cF2 = 656
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K_cF3 = 657
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K_cF4 = 658
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K_cF5 = 659
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K_cF6 = 660
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K_cF7 = 661
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K_cF8 = 662
Source Edit
K_cF9 = 663
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K_cF10 = 664
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K_cF11 = 665
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K_cF12 = 666
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K_cPrint = 667
Source Edit
K_cMenu = 668
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K_mHOME = 897
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K_mUP = 898
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K_mPGUP = 899
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K_mLEFT = 900
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K_mMIDDLE = 901
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K_mRIGHT = 902
Source Edit
K_mEND = 903
Source Edit
K_mDOWN = 904
Source Edit
K_mPGDN = 905
Source Edit
K_mINS = 906
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K_mDEL = 907
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K_mSP = 800
Source Edit
K_mTAB = 777
Source Edit
K_mCR = 781
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K_mBS = 776
Source Edit
K_mPAUSE = 908
Source Edit
K_mESC = 909
Source Edit
K_mCcedilla = 910
Source Edit
K_mF1 = 911
Source Edit
K_mF2 = 912
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K_mF3 = 913
Source Edit
K_mF4 = 914
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K_mF5 = 915
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K_mF6 = 916
Source Edit
K_mF7 = 917
Source Edit
K_mF8 = 918
Source Edit
K_mF9 = 919
Source Edit
K_mF10 = 920
Source Edit
K_mF11 = 921
Source Edit
K_mF12 = 922
Source Edit
K_mPrint = 923
Source Edit
K_mMenu = 924
Source Edit
K_yHOME = 1153
Source Edit
K_yUP = 1154
Source Edit
K_yPGUP = 1155
Source Edit
K_yLEFT = 1156
Source Edit
K_yMIDDLE = 1157
Source Edit
K_yRIGHT = 1158
Source Edit
K_yEND = 1159
Source Edit
K_yDOWN = 1160
Source Edit
K_yPGDN = 1161
Source Edit
K_yINS = 1162
Source Edit
K_yDEL = 1163
Source Edit
K_ySP = 1056
Source Edit
K_yTAB = 1033
Source Edit
K_yCR = 1037
Source Edit
K_yBS = 1032
Source Edit
K_yPAUSE = 1164
Source Edit
K_yESC = 1165
Source Edit
K_yCcedilla = 1166
Source Edit
K_yF1 = 1167
Source Edit
K_yF2 = 1168
Source Edit
K_yF3 = 1169
Source Edit
K_yF4 = 1170
Source Edit
K_yF5 = 1171
Source Edit
K_yF6 = 1172
Source Edit
K_yF7 = 1173
Source Edit
K_yF8 = 1174
Source Edit
K_yF9 = 1175
Source Edit
K_yF10 = 1176
Source Edit
K_yF11 = 1177
Source Edit
K_yF12 = 1178
Source Edit
K_yPrint = 1179
Source Edit
K_yMenu = 1180
Source Edit
K_sPlus = 299
Source Edit
K_sComma = 300
Source Edit
K_sMinus = 301
Source Edit
K_sPeriod = 302
Source Edit
K_sSlash = 303
Source Edit
K_sAsterisk = 298
Source Edit
K_cupperA = 577
Source Edit
K_cupperB = 578
Source Edit
K_cupperC = 579
Source Edit
K_cupperD = 580
Source Edit
K_cupperE = 581
Source Edit
K_cupperF = 582
Source Edit
K_cupperG = 583
Source Edit
K_cupperH = 584
Source Edit
K_cupperI = 585
Source Edit
K_cupperJ = 586
Source Edit
K_cupperK = 587
Source Edit
K_cupperL = 588
Source Edit
K_cupperM = 589
Source Edit
K_cupperN = 590
Source Edit
K_cupperO = 591
Source Edit
K_cupperP = 592
Source Edit
K_cupperQ = 593
Source Edit
K_cupperR = 594
Source Edit
K_cupperS = 595
Source Edit
K_cupperT = 596
Source Edit
K_cupperU = 597
Source Edit
K_cupperV = 598
Source Edit
K_cupperW = 599
Source Edit
K_cupperX = 600
Source Edit
K_cupperY = 601
Source Edit
K_cupperZ = 602
Source Edit
K_c1 = 561
Source Edit
K_c2 = 562
Source Edit
K_c3 = 563
Source Edit
K_c4 = 564
Source Edit
K_c5 = 565
Source Edit
K_c6 = 566
Source Edit
K_c7 = 567
Source Edit
K_c8 = 568
Source Edit
K_c9 = 569
Source Edit
K_c0 = 560
Source Edit
K_cPlus = 555
Source Edit
K_cComma = 556
Source Edit
K_cMinus = 557
Source Edit
K_cPeriod = 558
Source Edit
K_cSlash = 559
Source Edit
K_cSemicolon = 571
Source Edit
K_cEqual = 573
Source Edit
K_cBracketleft = 603
Source Edit
K_cBracketright = 605
Source Edit
K_cBackslash = 604
Source Edit
K_cAsterisk = 554
Source Edit
K_mupperA = 833
Source Edit
K_mupperB = 834
Source Edit
K_mupperC = 835
Source Edit
K_mupperD = 836
Source Edit
K_mupperE = 837
Source Edit
K_mupperF = 838
Source Edit
K_mupperG = 839
Source Edit
K_mupperH = 840
Source Edit
K_mupperI = 841
Source Edit
K_mupperJ = 842
Source Edit
K_mupperK = 843
Source Edit
K_mupperL = 844
Source Edit
K_mupperM = 845
Source Edit
K_mupperN = 846
Source Edit
K_mupperO = 847
Source Edit
K_mupperP = 848
Source Edit
K_mupperQ = 849
Source Edit
K_mupperR = 850
Source Edit
K_mupperS = 851
Source Edit
K_mupperT = 852
Source Edit
K_mupperU = 853
Source Edit
K_mupperV = 854
Source Edit
K_mupperW = 855
Source Edit
K_mupperX = 856
Source Edit
K_mupperY = 857
Source Edit
K_mupperZ = 858
Source Edit
K_m1 = 817
Source Edit
K_m2 = 818
Source Edit
K_m3 = 819
Source Edit
K_m4 = 820
Source Edit
K_m5 = 821
Source Edit
K_m6 = 822
Source Edit
K_m7 = 823
Source Edit
K_m8 = 824
Source Edit
K_m9 = 825
Source Edit
K_m0 = 816
Source Edit
K_mPlus = 811
Source Edit
K_mComma = 812
Source Edit
K_mMinus = 813
Source Edit
K_mPeriod = 814
Source Edit
K_mSlash = 815
Source Edit
K_mSemicolon = 827
Source Edit
K_mEqual = 829
Source Edit
K_mBracketleft = 859
Source Edit
K_mBracketright = 861
Source Edit
K_mBackslash = 860
Source Edit
K_mAsterisk = 810
Source Edit
K_yA = 1089
Source Edit
K_yB = 1090
Source Edit
K_yC = 1091
Source Edit
K_yD = 1092
Source Edit
K_yE = 1093
Source Edit
K_yF = 1094
Source Edit
K_yG = 1095
Source Edit
K_yH = 1096
Source Edit
K_yI = 1097
Source Edit
K_yJ = 1098
Source Edit
K_yK = 1099
Source Edit
K_yL = 1100
Source Edit
K_yM = 1101
Source Edit
K_yN = 1102
Source Edit
K_yO = 1103
Source Edit
K_yP = 1104
Source Edit
K_yQ = 1105
Source Edit
K_yR = 1106
Source Edit
K_yS = 1107
Source Edit
K_yT = 1108
Source Edit
K_yU = 1109
Source Edit
K_yV = 1110
Source Edit
K_yW = 1111
Source Edit
K_yX = 1112
Source Edit
K_yY = 1113
Source Edit
K_yZ = 1114
Source Edit
K_y1 = 1073
Source Edit
K_y2 = 1074
Source Edit
K_y3 = 1075
Source Edit
K_y4 = 1076
Source Edit
K_y5 = 1077
Source Edit
K_y6 = 1078
Source Edit
K_y7 = 1079
Source Edit
K_y8 = 1080
Source Edit
K_y9 = 1081
Source Edit
K_y0 = 1072
Source Edit
K_yPlus = 1067
Source Edit
K_yComma = 1068
Source Edit
K_yMinus = 1069
Source Edit
K_yPeriod = 1070
Source Edit
K_ySlash = 1071
Source Edit
K_ySemicolon = 1083
Source Edit
K_yEqual = 1085
Source Edit
K_yBracketleft = 1115
Source Edit
K_yBracketright = 1117
Source Edit
K_yBackslash = 1116
Source Edit
K_yAsterisk = 1066
Source Edit
Source Edit
Source Edit


proc fileDlg(): PIhandle {...}{.importc: "IupFileDlg", dynlib: dllname, cdecl.}
Source Edit
proc messageDlg(): PIhandle {...}{.importc: "IupMessageDlg", dynlib: dllname, cdecl.}
Source Edit
proc colorDlg(): PIhandle {...}{.importc: "IupColorDlg", dynlib: dllname, cdecl.}
Source Edit
proc fontDlg(): PIhandle {...}{.importc: "IupFontDlg", dynlib: dllname, cdecl.}
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proc getFile(arq: cstring): cint {...}{.importc: "IupGetFile", dynlib: dllname, cdecl.}
Source Edit
proc message(title, msg: cstring) {...}{.importc: "IupMessage", dynlib: dllname,
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proc messagef(title, format: cstring) {...}{.importc: "IupMessagef", dynlib: dllname,
                                        cdecl, varargs.}
Source Edit
proc alarm(title, msg, b1, b2, b3: cstring): cint {...}{.importc: "IupAlarm",
    dynlib: dllname, cdecl.}
Source Edit
proc scanf(format: cstring): cint {...}{.importc: "IupScanf", dynlib: dllname, cdecl,
Source Edit
proc listDialog(theType: cint; title: cstring; size: cint; list: cstringArray;
                op, maxCol, maxLin: cint; marks: ptr cint): cint {...}{.
    importc: "IupListDialog", dynlib: dllname, cdecl.}
Source Edit
proc getText(title, text: cstring): cint {...}{.importc: "IupGetText",
    dynlib: dllname, cdecl.}
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proc getColor(x, y: cint; r, g, b: var byte): cint {...}{.importc: "IupGetColor",
    dynlib: dllname, cdecl.}
Source Edit
proc getParam(title: cstring; action: Iparamcb; userData: pointer;
              format: cstring): cint {...}{.importc: "IupGetParam", cdecl, varargs,
                                       dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc getParamv(title: cstring; action: Iparamcb; userData: pointer;
               format: cstring; paramCount, paramExtra: cint; paramData: pointer): cint {...}{.
    importc: "IupGetParamv", cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc open(argc: ptr cint; argv: ptr cstringArray): cint {...}{.importc: "IupOpen",
    cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc close() {...}{.importc: "IupClose", cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc imageLibOpen() {...}{.importc: "IupImageLibOpen", cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc mainLoop(): cint {...}{.importc: "IupMainLoop", cdecl, dynlib: dllname,
Source Edit
proc loopStep(): cint {...}{.importc: "IupLoopStep", cdecl, dynlib: dllname,
Source Edit
proc mainLoopLevel(): cint {...}{.importc: "IupMainLoopLevel", cdecl,
                             dynlib: dllname, discardable.}
Source Edit
proc flush() {...}{.importc: "IupFlush", cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc exitLoop() {...}{.importc: "IupExitLoop", cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc update(ih: PIhandle) {...}{.importc: "IupUpdate", cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc updateChildren(ih: PIhandle) {...}{.importc: "IupUpdateChildren", cdecl,
                                    dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc redraw(ih: PIhandle; children: cint) {...}{.importc: "IupRedraw", cdecl,
    dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc refresh(ih: PIhandle) {...}{.importc: "IupRefresh", cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc mapFont(iupfont: cstring): cstring {...}{.importc: "IupMapFont", cdecl,
    dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc unMapFont(driverfont: cstring): cstring {...}{.importc: "IupUnMapFont", cdecl,
    dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc help(url: cstring): cint {...}{.importc: "IupHelp", cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc load(filename: cstring): cstring {...}{.importc: "IupLoad", cdecl,
                                        dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc iupVersion(): cstring {...}{.importc: "IupVersion", cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc iupVersionDate(): cstring {...}{.importc: "IupVersionDate", cdecl,
                                 dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc iupVersionNumber(): cint {...}{.importc: "IupVersionNumber", cdecl,
                                dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc setLanguage(lng: cstring) {...}{.importc: "IupSetLanguage", cdecl,
                                 dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc getLanguage(): cstring {...}{.importc: "IupGetLanguage", cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc destroy(ih: PIhandle) {...}{.importc: "IupDestroy", cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc detach(child: PIhandle) {...}{.importc: "IupDetach", cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc append(ih, child: PIhandle): PIhandle {...}{.importc: "IupAppend", cdecl,
    dynlib: dllname, discardable.}
Source Edit
proc insert(ih, refChild, child: PIhandle): PIhandle {...}{.importc: "IupInsert",
    cdecl, dynlib: dllname, discardable.}
Source Edit
proc getChild(ih: PIhandle; pos: cint): PIhandle {...}{.importc: "IupGetChild",
    cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc getChildPos(ih, child: PIhandle): cint {...}{.importc: "IupGetChildPos", cdecl,
    dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc getChildCount(ih: PIhandle): cint {...}{.importc: "IupGetChildCount", cdecl,
    dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc getNextChild(ih, child: PIhandle): PIhandle {...}{.importc: "IupGetNextChild",
    cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc getBrother(ih: PIhandle): PIhandle {...}{.importc: "IupGetBrother", cdecl,
    dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc getParent(ih: PIhandle): PIhandle {...}{.importc: "IupGetParent", cdecl,
    dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc getDialog(ih: PIhandle): PIhandle {...}{.importc: "IupGetDialog", cdecl,
    dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc getDialogChild(ih: PIhandle; name: cstring): PIhandle {...}{.
    importc: "IupGetDialogChild", cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc reparent(ih, newParent: PIhandle): cint {...}{.importc: "IupReparent", cdecl,
    dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc popup(ih: PIhandle; x, y: cint): cint {...}{.importc: "IupPopup", cdecl,
    dynlib: dllname, discardable.}
Source Edit
proc show(ih: PIhandle): cint {...}{.importc: "IupShow", cdecl, dynlib: dllname,
Source Edit
proc showXY(ih: PIhandle; x, y: cint): cint {...}{.importc: "IupShowXY", cdecl,
    dynlib: dllname, discardable.}
Source Edit
proc hide(ih: PIhandle): cint {...}{.importc: "IupHide", cdecl, dynlib: dllname,
Source Edit
proc map(ih: PIhandle): cint {...}{.importc: "IupMap", cdecl, dynlib: dllname,
Source Edit
proc unmap(ih: PIhandle) {...}{.importc: "IupUnmap", cdecl, dynlib: dllname,
Source Edit
proc setAttribute(ih: PIhandle; name, value: cstring) {...}{.
    importc: "IupSetAttribute", cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc storeAttribute(ih: PIhandle; name, value: cstring) {...}{.
    importc: "IupStoreAttribute", cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc setAttributes(ih: PIhandle; str: cstring): PIhandle {...}{.
    importc: "IupSetAttributes", cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc getAttribute(ih: PIhandle; name: cstring): cstring {...}{.
    importc: "IupGetAttribute", cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc getAttributes(ih: PIhandle): cstring {...}{.importc: "IupGetAttributes", cdecl,
    dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc getInt(ih: PIhandle; name: cstring): cint {...}{.importc: "IupGetInt", cdecl,
    dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc getInt2(ih: PIhandle; name: cstring): cint {...}{.importc: "IupGetInt2", cdecl,
    dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc getIntInt(ih: PIhandle; name: cstring; i1, i2: var cint): cint {...}{.
    importc: "IupGetIntInt", cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc getFloat(ih: PIhandle; name: cstring): cfloat {...}{.importc: "IupGetFloat",
    cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc setfAttribute(ih: PIhandle; name, format: cstring) {...}{.
    importc: "IupSetfAttribute", cdecl, dynlib: dllname, varargs.}
Source Edit
proc getAllAttributes(ih: PIhandle; names: cstringArray; n: cint): cint {...}{.
    importc: "IupGetAllAttributes", cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc setAtt(handleName: cstring; ih: PIhandle; name: cstring): PIhandle {...}{.
    importc: "IupSetAtt", cdecl, dynlib: dllname, varargs, discardable.}
Source Edit
proc setGlobal(name, value: cstring) {...}{.importc: "IupSetGlobal", cdecl,
                                       dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc storeGlobal(name, value: cstring) {...}{.importc: "IupStoreGlobal", cdecl,
    dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc getGlobal(name: cstring): cstring {...}{.importc: "IupGetGlobal", cdecl,
    dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc setFocus(ih: PIhandle): PIhandle {...}{.importc: "IupSetFocus", cdecl,
                                        dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc getFocus(): PIhandle {...}{.importc: "IupGetFocus", cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc previousField(ih: PIhandle): PIhandle {...}{.importc: "IupPreviousField", cdecl,
    dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc nextField(ih: PIhandle): PIhandle {...}{.importc: "IupNextField", cdecl,
    dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc getCallback(ih: PIhandle; name: cstring): Icallback {...}{.
    importc: "IupGetCallback", cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc setCallback(ih: PIhandle; name: cstring; fn: Icallback): Icallback {...}{.
    importc: "IupSetCallback", cdecl, dynlib: dllname, discardable.}
Source Edit
proc setCallbacks(ih: PIhandle; name: cstring; fn: Icallback): PIhandle {...}{.
    importc: "IupSetCallbacks", cdecl, dynlib: dllname, varargs, discardable.}
Source Edit
proc getFunction(name: cstring): Icallback {...}{.importc: "IupGetFunction", cdecl,
    dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc setFunction(name: cstring; fn: Icallback): Icallback {...}{.
    importc: "IupSetFunction", cdecl, dynlib: dllname, discardable.}
Source Edit
proc getActionName(): cstring {...}{.importc: "IupGetActionName", cdecl,
                                dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc getHandle(name: cstring): PIhandle {...}{.importc: "IupGetHandle", cdecl,
    dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc setHandle(name: cstring; ih: PIhandle): PIhandle {...}{.importc: "IupSetHandle",
    cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc getAllNames(names: cstringArray; n: cint): cint {...}{.
    importc: "IupGetAllNames", cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc getAllDialogs(names: cstringArray; n: cint): cint {...}{.
    importc: "IupGetAllDialogs", cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc getName(ih: PIhandle): cstring {...}{.importc: "IupGetName", cdecl,
                                      dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc setAttributeHandle(ih: PIhandle; name: cstring; ihNamed: PIhandle) {...}{.
    importc: "IupSetAttributeHandle", cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc getAttributeHandle(ih: PIhandle; name: cstring): PIhandle {...}{.
    importc: "IupGetAttributeHandle", cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc getClassName(ih: PIhandle): cstring {...}{.importc: "IupGetClassName", cdecl,
    dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc getClassType(ih: PIhandle): cstring {...}{.importc: "IupGetClassType", cdecl,
    dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc getClassAttributes(classname: cstring; names: cstringArray; n: cint): cint {...}{.
    importc: "IupGetClassAttributes", cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc saveClassAttributes(ih: PIhandle) {...}{.importc: "IupSaveClassAttributes",
    cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc setClassDefaultAttribute(classname, name, value: cstring) {...}{.
    importc: "IupSetClassDefaultAttribute", cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc create(classname: cstring): PIhandle {...}{.importc: "IupCreate", cdecl,
    dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc createv(classname: cstring; params: pointer): PIhandle {...}{.
    importc: "IupCreatev", cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc createp(classname: cstring; first: pointer): PIhandle {...}{.
    importc: "IupCreatep", cdecl, dynlib: dllname, varargs.}
Source Edit
proc fill(): PIhandle {...}{.importc: "IupFill", cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc radio(child: PIhandle): PIhandle {...}{.importc: "IupRadio", cdecl,
                                        dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc vbox(child: PIhandle): PIhandle {...}{.importc: "IupVbox", cdecl,
                                       dynlib: dllname, varargs.}
Source Edit
proc vboxv(children: ptr PIhandle): PIhandle {...}{.importc: "IupVboxv", cdecl,
    dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc zbox(child: PIhandle): PIhandle {...}{.importc: "IupZbox", cdecl,
                                       dynlib: dllname, varargs.}
Source Edit
proc zboxv(children: ptr PIhandle): PIhandle {...}{.importc: "IupZboxv", cdecl,
    dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc hbox(child: PIhandle): PIhandle {...}{.importc: "IupHbox", cdecl,
                                       dynlib: dllname, varargs.}
Source Edit
proc hboxv(children: ptr PIhandle): PIhandle {...}{.importc: "IupHboxv", cdecl,
    dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc normalizer(ihFirst: PIhandle): PIhandle {...}{.importc: "IupNormalizer", cdecl,
    dynlib: dllname, varargs.}
Source Edit
proc normalizerv(ihList: ptr PIhandle): PIhandle {...}{.importc: "IupNormalizerv",
    cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc cbox(child: PIhandle): PIhandle {...}{.importc: "IupCbox", cdecl,
                                       dynlib: dllname, varargs.}
Source Edit
proc cboxv(children: ptr PIhandle): PIhandle {...}{.importc: "IupCboxv", cdecl,
    dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc sbox(child: PIhandle): PIhandle {...}{.importc: "IupSbox", cdecl,
                                       dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc frame(child: PIhandle): PIhandle {...}{.importc: "IupFrame", cdecl,
                                        dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc image(width, height: cint; pixmap: pointer): PIhandle {...}{.
    importc: "IupImage", cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc imageRGB(width, height: cint; pixmap: pointer): PIhandle {...}{.
    importc: "IupImageRGB", cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc imageRGBA(width, height: cint; pixmap: pointer): PIhandle {...}{.
    importc: "IupImageRGBA", cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc item(title, action: cstring): PIhandle {...}{.importc: "IupItem", cdecl,
    dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
Source Edit
proc separator(): PIhandle {...}{.importc: "IupSeparator", cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
Source Edit
Source Edit
proc button(title, action: cstring): PIhandle {...}{.importc: "IupButton", cdecl,
    dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc link(url, title: cstring): PIhandle {...}{.importc: "IupLink", cdecl,
    dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc canvas(action: cstring): PIhandle {...}{.importc: "IupCanvas", cdecl,
    dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc dialog(child: PIhandle): PIhandle {...}{.importc: "IupDialog", cdecl,
    dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc user(): PIhandle {...}{.importc: "IupUser", cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc label(title: cstring): PIhandle {...}{.importc: "IupLabel", cdecl,
                                       dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc list(action: cstring): PIhandle {...}{.importc: "IupList", cdecl,
                                       dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc text(action: cstring): PIhandle {...}{.importc: "IupText", cdecl,
                                       dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc multiLine(action: cstring): PIhandle {...}{.importc: "IupMultiLine", cdecl,
    dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc toggle(title, action: cstring): PIhandle {...}{.importc: "IupToggle", cdecl,
    dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc timer(): PIhandle {...}{.importc: "IupTimer", cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc progressBar(): PIhandle {...}{.importc: "IupProgressBar", cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc val(theType: cstring): PIhandle {...}{.importc: "IupVal", cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc tabs(child: PIhandle): PIhandle {...}{.importc: "IupTabs", cdecl,
                                       dynlib: dllname, varargs.}
Source Edit
proc tabsv(children: ptr PIhandle): PIhandle {...}{.importc: "IupTabsv", cdecl,
    dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc tree(): PIhandle {...}{.importc: "IupTree", cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc spin(): PIhandle {...}{.importc: "IupSpin", cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc spinbox(child: PIhandle): PIhandle {...}{.importc: "IupSpinbox", cdecl,
    dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc textConvertLinColToPos(ih: PIhandle; lin, col: cint; pos: var cint) {...}{.
    importc: "IupTextConvertLinColToPos", cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc textConvertPosToLinCol(ih: PIhandle; pos: cint; lin, col: var cint) {...}{.
    importc: "IupTextConvertPosToLinCol", cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc convertXYToPos(ih: PIhandle; x, y: cint): cint {...}{.
    importc: "IupConvertXYToPos", cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc treeSetUserId(ih: PIhandle; id: cint; userid: pointer): cint {...}{.
    importc: "IupTreeSetUserId", cdecl, dynlib: dllname, discardable.}
Source Edit
proc treeGetUserId(ih: PIhandle; id: cint): pointer {...}{.
    importc: "IupTreeGetUserId", cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc treeGetId(ih: PIhandle; userid: pointer): cint {...}{.importc: "IupTreeGetId",
    cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc treeSetAttribute(ih: PIhandle; name: cstring; id: cint; value: cstring) {...}{.
    importc: "IupTreeSetAttribute", cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc treeStoreAttribute(ih: PIhandle; name: cstring; id: cint; value: cstring) {...}{.
    importc: "IupTreeStoreAttribute", cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc treeGetAttribute(ih: PIhandle; name: cstring; id: cint): cstring {...}{.
    importc: "IupTreeGetAttribute", cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc treeGetInt(ih: PIhandle; name: cstring; id: cint): cint {...}{.
    importc: "IupTreeGetInt", cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc treeGetFloat(ih: PIhandle; name: cstring; id: cint): cfloat {...}{.
    importc: "IupTreeGetFloat", cdecl, dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc treeSetfAttribute(ih: PIhandle; name: cstring; id: cint; format: cstring) {...}{.
    importc: "IupTreeSetfAttribute", cdecl, dynlib: dllname, varargs.}
Source Edit
proc isShift(s: cstring): bool {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
Source Edit
proc isControl(s: cstring): bool {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
Source Edit
proc isButton1(s: cstring): bool {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
Source Edit
proc isButton2(s: cstring): bool {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
Source Edit
proc isbutton3(s: cstring): bool {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
Source Edit
proc isDouble(s: cstring): bool {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
Source Edit
proc isAlt(s: cstring): bool {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
Source Edit
proc isSys(s: cstring): bool {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
Source Edit
proc isButton4(s: cstring): bool {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
Source Edit
proc isButton5(s: cstring): bool {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
Source Edit
proc isPrint(c: cint): bool {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
Source Edit
proc isXkey(c: cint): bool {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
Source Edit
proc isShiftXkey(c: cint): bool {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
Source Edit
proc isCtrlXkey(c: cint): bool {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
Source Edit
proc isAltXkey(c: cint): bool {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
Source Edit
proc isSysXkey(c: cint): bool {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
Source Edit
proc iUPxCODE(c: cint): cint {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
Source Edit
proc iUPsxCODE(c: cint): cint {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
Source Edit
proc iUPcxCODE(c: cint): cint {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
Source Edit
proc iUPmxCODE(c: cint): cint {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
Source Edit
proc iUPyxCODE(c: cint): cint {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
Source Edit
proc controlsOpen(): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "IupControlsOpen", dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc controlsClose() {...}{.cdecl, importc: "IupControlsClose", dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc oldValOpen() {...}{.cdecl, importc: "IupOldValOpen", dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc oldTabsOpen() {...}{.cdecl, importc: "IupOldTabsOpen", dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc colorbar(): PIhandle {...}{.cdecl, importc: "IupColorbar", dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc cells(): PIhandle {...}{.cdecl, importc: "IupCells", dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc colorBrowser(): PIhandle {...}{.cdecl, importc: "IupColorBrowser",
                                dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc gauge(): PIhandle {...}{.cdecl, importc: "IupGauge", dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc dial(theType: cstring): PIhandle {...}{.cdecl, importc: "IupDial",
                                        dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc matrix(action: cstring): PIhandle {...}{.cdecl, importc: "IupMatrix",
    dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc matSetAttribute(ih: PIhandle; name: cstring; lin, col: cint; value: cstring) {...}{.
    cdecl, importc: "IupMatSetAttribute", dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc matStoreAttribute(ih: PIhandle; name: cstring; lin, col: cint;
                       value: cstring) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "IupMatStoreAttribute",
    dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc matGetAttribute(ih: PIhandle; name: cstring; lin, col: cint): cstring {...}{.
    cdecl, importc: "IupMatGetAttribute", dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc matGetInt(ih: PIhandle; name: cstring; lin, col: cint): cint {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "IupMatGetInt", dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc matGetFloat(ih: PIhandle; name: cstring; lin, col: cint): cfloat {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "IupMatGetFloat", dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc matSetfAttribute(ih: PIhandle; name: cstring; lin, col: cint;
                      format: cstring) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "IupMatSetfAttribute",
    dynlib: dllname, varargs.}
Source Edit
proc pPlotOpen() {...}{.cdecl, importc: "IupPPlotOpen", dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc pPlot(): PIhandle {...}{.cdecl, importc: "IupPPlot", dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc pPlotBegin(ih: PIhandle; strXdata: cint) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "IupPPlotBegin",
    dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc pPlotAdd(ih: PIhandle; x, y: cfloat) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "IupPPlotAdd",
    dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc pPlotAddStr(ih: PIhandle; x: cstring; y: cfloat) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "IupPPlotAddStr", dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc pPlotEnd(ih: PIhandle): cint {...}{.cdecl, importc: "IupPPlotEnd",
                                    dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc pPlotInsertStr(ih: PIhandle; index, sampleIndex: cint; x: cstring;
                    y: cfloat) {...}{.cdecl, importc: "IupPPlotInsertStr",
                                 dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc pPlotInsert(ih: PIhandle; index, sampleIndex: cint; x, y: cfloat) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "IupPPlotInsert", dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc pPlotTransform(ih: PIhandle; x, y: cfloat; ix, iy: var cint) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "IupPPlotTransform", dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit
proc pPlotPaintTo(ih: PIhandle; cnv: pointer) {...}{.cdecl,
    importc: "IupPPlotPaintTo", dynlib: dllname.}
Source Edit

© 2006–2021 Andreas Rumpf
Licensed under the MIT License.