module Base64

The Base64 module provides for the encoding (#encode64, strict_encode64, urlsafe_encode64) and decoding (#decode64, strict_decode64, urlsafe_decode64) of binary data using a Base64 representation.


A simple encoding and decoding.

require "base64"

enc   = Base64.encode64('Send reinforcements')
                    # -> "U2VuZCByZWluZm9yY2VtZW50cw==\n"
plain = Base64.decode64(enc)
                    # -> "Send reinforcements"

The purpose of using base64 to encode data is that it translates any binary data into purely printable characters.

Public Instance Methods

decode64(str) Show source
# File lib/base64.rb, line 57
def decode64(str)

Returns the Base64-decoded version of str. This method complies with RFC 2045. Characters outside the base alphabet are ignored.

require 'base64'
str = 'VGhpcyBpcyBsaW5lIG9uZQpUaGlzIG' +
      'lzIGxpbmUgdHdvClRoaXMgaXMgbGlu' +
puts Base64.decode64(str)


This is line one
This is line two
This is line three
And so on...
encode64(bin) Show source
# File lib/base64.rb, line 37
def encode64(bin)

Returns the Base64-encoded version of bin. This method complies with RFC 2045. Line feeds are added to every 60 encoded characters.

require 'base64'
Base64.encode64("Now is the time for all good coders\nto learn Ruby")


strict_decode64(str) Show source
# File lib/base64.rb, line 72
def strict_decode64(str)

Returns the Base64-decoded version of str. This method complies with RFC 4648. ArgumentError is raised if str is incorrectly padded or contains non-alphabet characters. Note that CR or LF are also rejected.

strict_encode64(bin) Show source
# File lib/base64.rb, line 64
def strict_encode64(bin)

Returns the Base64-encoded version of bin. This method complies with RFC 4648. No line feeds are added.

urlsafe_decode64(str) Show source
# File lib/base64.rb, line 88
def urlsafe_decode64(str)
  strict_decode64("-_", "+/"))

Returns the Base64-decoded version of str. This method complies with “Base 64 Encoding with URL and Filename Safe Alphabet'' in RFC 4648. The alphabet uses '-' instead of '+' and '_' instead of '/'.

urlsafe_encode64(bin) Show source
# File lib/base64.rb, line 80
def urlsafe_encode64(bin)
  strict_encode64(bin).tr("+/", "-_")

Returns the Base64-encoded version of bin. This method complies with “Base 64 Encoding with URL and Filename Safe Alphabet'' in RFC 4648. The alphabet uses '-' instead of '+' and '_' instead of '/'.

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Licensed under the Ruby License.
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