class MatchData


MatchData is the type of the special variable $~, and is the type of the object returned by Regexp#match and Regexp.last_match. It encapsulates all the results of a pattern match, results normally accessed through the special variables $&, $', $`, $1, $2, and so on.

Public Instance Methods

mtch == mtch2 → true or false Show source
static VALUE
match_equal(VALUE match1, VALUE match2)
    const struct re_registers *regs1, *regs2;
    if (match1 == match2) return Qtrue;
    if (!RB_TYPE_P(match2, T_MATCH)) return Qfalse;
    if (!rb_str_equal(RMATCH(match1)->str, RMATCH(match2)->str)) return Qfalse;
    if (!rb_reg_equal(match_regexp(match1), match_regexp(match2))) return Qfalse;
    regs1 = RMATCH_REGS(match1);
    regs2 = RMATCH_REGS(match2);
    if (regs1->num_regs != regs2->num_regs) return Qfalse;
    if (memcmp(regs1->beg, regs2->beg, regs1->num_regs * sizeof(*regs1->beg))) return Qfalse;
    if (memcmp(regs1->end, regs2->end, regs1->num_regs * sizeof(*regs1->end))) return Qfalse;
    return Qtrue;

Equality—Two matchdata are equal if their target strings, patterns, and matched positions are identical.

mtch[i] → str or nil Show source
mtch[start, length] → array
mtch[range] → array
mtch[name] → str or nil
static VALUE
match_aref(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE match)
    VALUE idx, rest, re;

    rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &idx, &rest);

    if (NIL_P(rest)) {
        if (FIXNUM_P(idx)) {
            if (FIX2INT(idx) >= 0) {
                return rb_reg_nth_match(FIX2INT(idx), match);
        else {
            const char *p;
            int num;

            switch (TYPE(idx)) {
              case T_SYMBOL:
                idx = rb_sym2str(idx);
                /* fall through */
              case T_STRING:
                p = StringValuePtr(idx);
                re = RMATCH(match)->regexp;
                if (NIL_P(re) || !rb_enc_compatible(RREGEXP(re)->src, idx) ||
                    (num = name_to_backref_number(RMATCH_REGS(match), RMATCH(match)->regexp,
                                                  p, p + RSTRING_LEN(idx))) < 1) {
                return rb_reg_nth_match(num, match);


    return rb_ary_aref(argc, argv, match_to_a(match));

Match Reference – MatchData acts as an array, and may be accessed using the normal array indexing techniques. mtch[0] is equivalent to the special variable $&, and returns the entire matched string. mtch[1], mtch[2], and so on return the values of the matched backreferences (portions of the pattern between parentheses).

m = /(.)(.)(\d+)(\d)/.match("THX1138.")
m          #=> #<MatchData "HX1138" 1:"H" 2:"X" 3:"113" 4:"8">
m[0]       #=> "HX1138"
m[1, 2]    #=> ["H", "X"]
m[1..3]    #=> ["H", "X", "113"]
m[-3, 2]   #=> ["X", "113"]

m = /(?<foo>a+)b/.match("ccaaab")
m          #=> #<MatchData "aaab" foo:"aaa">
m["foo"]   #=> "aaa"
m[:foo]    #=> "aaa"
begin(n) → integer Show source
static VALUE
match_begin(VALUE match, VALUE n)
    int i = match_backref_number(match, n);
    struct re_registers *regs = RMATCH_REGS(match);

    if (i < 0 || regs->num_regs <= i)
        rb_raise(rb_eIndexError, "index %d out of matches", i);

    if (BEG(i) < 0)
        return Qnil;

    return INT2FIX(RMATCH(match)->rmatch->char_offset[i].beg);

Returns the offset of the start of the nth element of the match array in the string. n can be a string or symbol to reference a named capture.

m = /(.)(.)(\d+)(\d)/.match("THX1138.")
m.begin(0)       #=> 1
m.begin(2)       #=> 2

m = /(?<foo>.)(.)(?<bar>.)/.match("hoge")
p m.begin(:foo)  #=> 0
p m.begin(:bar)  #=> 2
captures → array Show source
static VALUE
match_captures(VALUE match)
    return match_array(match, 1);

Returns the array of captures; equivalent to mtch.to_a[1..-1].

f1,f2,f3,f4 = /(.)(.)(\d+)(\d)/.match("THX1138.").captures
f1    #=> "H"
f2    #=> "X"
f3    #=> "113"
f4    #=> "8"
end(n) → integer Show source
static VALUE
match_end(VALUE match, VALUE n)
    int i = match_backref_number(match, n);
    struct re_registers *regs = RMATCH_REGS(match);

    if (i < 0 || regs->num_regs <= i)
        rb_raise(rb_eIndexError, "index %d out of matches", i);

    if (BEG(i) < 0)
        return Qnil;

    return INT2FIX(RMATCH(match)->rmatch->char_offset[i].end);

Returns the offset of the character immediately following the end of the nth element of the match array in the string. n can be a string or symbol to reference a named capture.

m = /(.)(.)(\d+)(\d)/.match("THX1138.")
m.end(0)         #=> 7
m.end(2)         #=> 3

m = /(?<foo>.)(.)(?<bar>.)/.match("hoge")
p m.end(:foo)    #=> 1
p m.end(:bar)    #=> 3
eql?(mtch2) → true or false Show source
static VALUE
match_equal(VALUE match1, VALUE match2)
    const struct re_registers *regs1, *regs2;
    if (match1 == match2) return Qtrue;
    if (!RB_TYPE_P(match2, T_MATCH)) return Qfalse;
    if (!rb_str_equal(RMATCH(match1)->str, RMATCH(match2)->str)) return Qfalse;
    if (!rb_reg_equal(match_regexp(match1), match_regexp(match2))) return Qfalse;
    regs1 = RMATCH_REGS(match1);
    regs2 = RMATCH_REGS(match2);
    if (regs1->num_regs != regs2->num_regs) return Qfalse;
    if (memcmp(regs1->beg, regs2->beg, regs1->num_regs * sizeof(*regs1->beg))) return Qfalse;
    if (memcmp(regs1->end, regs2->end, regs1->num_regs * sizeof(*regs1->end))) return Qfalse;
    return Qtrue;

Equality—Two matchdata are equal if their target strings, patterns, and matched positions are identical.

hash → integer Show source
static VALUE
match_hash(VALUE match)
    const struct re_registers *regs;
    st_index_t hashval = rb_hash_start(rb_str_hash(RMATCH(match)->str));

    rb_hash_uint(hashval, reg_hash(match_regexp(match)));
    regs = RMATCH_REGS(match);
    hashval = rb_hash_uint(hashval, regs->num_regs);
    hashval = rb_hash_uint(hashval, rb_memhash(regs->beg, regs->num_regs * sizeof(*regs->beg)));
    hashval = rb_hash_uint(hashval, rb_memhash(regs->end, regs->num_regs * sizeof(*regs->end)));
    hashval = rb_hash_end(hashval);
    return LONG2FIX(hashval);

Produce a hash based on the target string, regexp and matched positions of this matchdata.

See also Object#hash.

inspect → str Show source
static VALUE
match_inspect(VALUE match)
    VALUE cname = rb_class_path(rb_obj_class(match));
    VALUE str;
    int i;
    struct re_registers *regs = RMATCH_REGS(match);
    int num_regs = regs->num_regs;
    struct backref_name_tag *names;
    VALUE regexp = RMATCH(match)->regexp;

    if (regexp == 0) {
        return rb_sprintf("#<%"PRIsVALUE":%p>", cname, (void*)match);
    else if (NIL_P(regexp)) {
        return rb_sprintf("#<%"PRIsVALUE": %"PRIsVALUE">",
                          cname, rb_reg_nth_match(0, match));

    names = ALLOCA_N(struct backref_name_tag, num_regs);
    MEMZERO(names, struct backref_name_tag, num_regs);

            match_inspect_name_iter, names);

    str = rb_str_buf_new2("#<");
    rb_str_append(str, cname);

    for (i = 0; i < num_regs; i++) {
        VALUE v;
        rb_str_buf_cat2(str, " ");
        if (0 < i) {
            if (names[i].name)
                rb_str_buf_cat(str, (const char *)names[i].name, names[i].len);
            else {
                rb_str_catf(str, "%d", i);
            rb_str_buf_cat2(str, ":");
        v = rb_reg_nth_match(i, match);
        if (v == Qnil)
            rb_str_buf_cat2(str, "nil");
            rb_str_buf_append(str, rb_str_inspect(v));
    rb_str_buf_cat2(str, ">");

    return str;

Returns a printable version of mtch.

puts /.$/.match("foo").inspect
#=> #<MatchData "o">

puts /(.)(.)(.)/.match("foo").inspect
#=> #<MatchData "foo" 1:"f" 2:"o" 3:"o">

puts /(.)(.)?(.)/.match("fo").inspect
#=> #<MatchData "fo" 1:"f" 2:nil 3:"o">

puts /(?<foo>.)(?<bar>.)(?<baz>.)/.match("hoge").inspect
#=> #<MatchData "hog" foo:"h" bar:"o" baz:"g">
length → integer Show source
static VALUE
match_size(VALUE match)
    return INT2FIX(RMATCH_REGS(match)->num_regs);

Returns the number of elements in the match array.

m = /(.)(.)(\d+)(\d)/.match("THX1138.")
m.length   #=> 5
m.size     #=> 5
names → [name1, name2, ...] Show source
static VALUE
match_names(VALUE match)
    if (NIL_P(RMATCH(match)->regexp))
        return rb_ary_new_capa(0);
    return rb_reg_names(RMATCH(match)->regexp);

Returns a list of names of captures as an array of strings. It is same as mtch.regexp.names.

#=> ["foo", "bar", "baz"]

m = /(?<x>.)(?<y>.)?/.match("a") #=> #<MatchData "a" x:"a" y:nil>
m.names                          #=> ["x", "y"]
offset(n) → array Show source
static VALUE
match_offset(VALUE match, VALUE n)
    int i = match_backref_number(match, n);
    struct re_registers *regs = RMATCH_REGS(match);

    if (i < 0 || regs->num_regs <= i)
        rb_raise(rb_eIndexError, "index %d out of matches", i);

    if (BEG(i) < 0)
        return rb_assoc_new(Qnil, Qnil);

    return rb_assoc_new(INT2FIX(RMATCH(match)->rmatch->char_offset[i].beg),

Returns a two-element array containing the beginning and ending offsets of the nth match. n can be a string or symbol to reference a named capture.

m = /(.)(.)(\d+)(\d)/.match("THX1138.")
m.offset(0)      #=> [1, 7]
m.offset(4)      #=> [6, 7]

m = /(?<foo>.)(.)(?<bar>.)/.match("hoge")
p m.offset(:foo) #=> [0, 1]
p m.offset(:bar) #=> [2, 3]
post_match → str Show source
rb_reg_match_post(VALUE match)
    VALUE str;
    long pos;
    struct re_registers *regs;

    if (NIL_P(match)) return Qnil;
    regs = RMATCH_REGS(match);
    if (BEG(0) == -1) return Qnil;
    str = RMATCH(match)->str;
    pos = END(0);
    str = rb_str_subseq(str, pos, RSTRING_LEN(str) - pos);
    if (OBJ_TAINTED(match)) OBJ_TAINT(str);
    return str;

Returns the portion of the original string after the current match. Equivalent to the special variable $'.

m = /(.)(.)(\d+)(\d)/.match("THX1138: The Movie")
m.post_match   #=> ": The Movie"
pre_match → str Show source
rb_reg_match_pre(VALUE match)
    VALUE str;
    struct re_registers *regs;

    if (NIL_P(match)) return Qnil;
    regs = RMATCH_REGS(match);
    if (BEG(0) == -1) return Qnil;
    str = rb_str_subseq(RMATCH(match)->str, 0, BEG(0));
    if (OBJ_TAINTED(match)) OBJ_TAINT(str);
    return str;

Returns the portion of the original string before the current match. Equivalent to the special variable $`.

m = /(.)(.)(\d+)(\d)/.match("THX1138.")
m.pre_match   #=> "T"
regexp → regexp Show source
static VALUE
match_regexp(VALUE match)
    VALUE regexp;
    regexp = RMATCH(match)->regexp;
    if (NIL_P(regexp)) {
        VALUE str = rb_reg_nth_match(0, match);
        regexp = rb_reg_regcomp(rb_reg_quote(str));
        RMATCH(match)->regexp = regexp;
    return regexp;

Returns the regexp.

m = /a.*b/.match("abc")
m.regexp #=> /a.*b/
size → integer Show source
static VALUE
match_size(VALUE match)
    return INT2FIX(RMATCH_REGS(match)->num_regs);

Returns the number of elements in the match array.

m = /(.)(.)(\d+)(\d)/.match("THX1138.")
m.length   #=> 5
m.size     #=> 5
string → str Show source
static VALUE
match_string(VALUE match)
    return RMATCH(match)->str;  /* str is frozen */

Returns a frozen copy of the string passed in to match.

m = /(.)(.)(\d+)(\d)/.match("THX1138.")
m.string   #=> "THX1138."
to_a → anArray Show source
static VALUE
match_to_a(VALUE match)
    return match_array(match, 0);

Returns the array of matches.

m = /(.)(.)(\d+)(\d)/.match("THX1138.")
m.to_a   #=> ["HX1138", "H", "X", "113", "8"]

Because to_a is called when expanding *variable, there's a useful assignment shortcut for extracting matched fields. This is slightly slower than accessing the fields directly (as an intermediate array is generated).

all,f1,f2,f3 = * /(.)(.)(\d+)(\d)/.match("THX1138.")
all   #=> "HX1138"
f1    #=> "H"
f2    #=> "X"
f3    #=> "113"
to_s → str Show source
static VALUE
match_to_s(VALUE match)
    VALUE str = rb_reg_last_match(match);

    if (NIL_P(str)) str = rb_str_new(0,0);
    if (OBJ_TAINTED(match)) OBJ_TAINT(str);
    if (OBJ_TAINTED(RMATCH(match)->str)) OBJ_TAINT(str);
    return str;

Returns the entire matched string.

m = /(.)(.)(\d+)(\d)/.match("THX1138.")
m.to_s   #=> "HX1138"
values_at([index]*) → array Show source
static VALUE
match_values_at(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE match)
    struct re_registers *regs;

    regs = RMATCH_REGS(match);
    return rb_get_values_at(match, regs->num_regs, argc, argv, match_entry);

Uses each index to access the matching values, returning an array of the corresponding matches.

m = /(.)(.)(\d+)(\d)/.match("THX1138: The Movie")
m.to_a               #=> ["HX1138", "H", "X", "113", "8"]
m.values_at(0, 2, -2)   #=> ["HX1138", "X", "113"]

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Licensed under the Ruby License.
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