
Provides a VPC router interface resource to connect two VPCs by connecting the router interfaces .

Example Usage

resource "alicloud_vpc" "foo" {
  name = "tf_test_foo12345"
  cidr_block = ""

resource "alicloud_router_interface" "interface" {
  opposite_region = "cn-beijing"
  router_type = "VRouter"
  router_id = "${}"
  role = "InitiatingSide"
  specification = "Large.2"
  name = "test1"
  description = "test1"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • opposite_region - (Required, Force New) The Region of peer side. At present, optional value: cn-beijing, cn-hangzhou, cn-shanghai, cn-shenzhen, cn-hongkong, ap-southeast-1, us-east-1, us-west-1.
  • router_type - (Required, Forces New) Router Type. Optional value: VRouter, VBR.
  • opposite_router_type - (Optional, Force New) Peer router type. Optional value: VRouter, VBR. Default to VRouter.
  • router_id - (Required, Force New) Router ID. When router_type is VBR, the VBR specified by the router_id must be in the access point specified by access_point_id.
  • opposite_router_id - (Optional) Peer router ID. When opposite_router_type is VBR, the opposite_router_id must be in the access point specified by opposite_access_point_id.
  • role - (Required, Force New) The role the router interface plays. Optional value: InitiatingSide, AcceptingSide.
  • specification - (Optional) Specification of router interfaces. If role is AcceptingSide, the value can be ignore or must be Negative. For more about the specification, refer to Router interface specification.
  • access_point_id - (Optional, Force New) Access point ID. Required when router_type is VBR. Prohibited when router_type is VRouter.
  • opposite_access_point_id - (Optional, Force New) Access point ID of peer side. Required when opposite_router_type is VBR. Prohibited when opposite_router_type is VRouter.
  • opposite_interface_id - (Optional) Peer router interface ID.
  • opposite_interface_owner_id - (Optional) Peer account ID. Log on to the Alibaba Cloud console, select User Info > Account Management to check your account ID.
  • name - (Optional) Name of the router interface. Length must be 2-80 characters long. Only Chinese characters, English letters, numbers, period (.), underline (_), or dash (-) are permitted. If it is not specified, the default value is interface ID. The name cannot start with http:// and https://.
  • description - (Optional) Description of the router interface. It can be 2-256 characters long or left blank. It cannot start with http:// and https://.
  • health_check_source_ip - (Optional) Used as the Packet Source IP of health check for disaster recovery or ECMP. It is only valid when router_type is VRouter and opposite_router_type is VBR. The IP must be an unused IP in the local VPC. It and health_check_target_ip must be specified at the same time.
  • health_check_target_ip - (Optional) Used as the Packet Target IP of health check for disaster recovery or ECMP. It is only valid when router_type is VRouter and opposite_router_type is VBR. The IP must be an unused IP in the local VPC. It and health_check_source_ip must be specified at the same time.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

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