
Provides a Heroku Drain resource. This can be used to create and manage Log Drains on Heroku.

Example Usage

resource "heroku_drain" "default" {
  app = "test-app"
  url = "syslog://terraform.example.com:1234"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • url - (Required) The URL for Heroku to drain your logs to.
  • app - (Required) The Heroku app to link to.

Attributes Reference

The following attributes are exported:

  • token - The unique token for your created drain.


When importing a Heroku drain resource, the ID must be built using the app name colon the unique ID from the Heroku API. For an app named production-api with a drain ID of b85d9224-310b-409b-891e-c903f5a40568, you would import it as: $ terraform import heroku_drain.production_api production-api:b85d9224-310b-409b-891e-c903f5a40568

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