
Provides a Cognito User Identity Provider resource.

Example Usage

resource "aws_cognito_user_pool" "example" {
  name                      = "example-pool"
  auto_verified_attributes  = ["email"]

resource "aws_cognito_identity_provider" "example_provider" {
  user_pool_id  = "${}"
  provider_name = "Google"
  provider_type = "Google"

  provider_details {
    authorize_scopes  = "email"
    client_id         = "your client_id"
    client_secret     = "your client_secret"

  attribute_mapping {
    email    = "email"
    username = "sub"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:


aws_cognito_identity_provider resources can be imported using their User Pool ID and Provider Name, e.g.

$ terraform import aws_cognito_identity_provider.example xxx_yyyyy:example

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