
Manages an ACL token in Nomad.

Example Usage

Creating a token with limited policies:

resource "nomad_acl_token" "ron" {
  name = "Ron Weasley"
  type = "client"
  policies = ["dev", "qa"]

Creating a global token that will be replicated to all regions:

resource "nomad_acl_token" "hermione" {
  name = "Hermione Granger"
  type = "client"
  policies = ["dev", "qa"]
  global = true

Creating a token with full access to the cluster:

resource "nomad_acl_token" "hagrid" {
  name = "Rubeus Hagrid"
  # Hagrid is the keeper of the keys
  type = "management"

Accessing the token:

resource "nomad_acl_token" "token" {
  type = "client"
  policies = ["dev"]

output "nomad_token" {
  value = "${nomad_acl_token.token.secret_id}"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • type (string: <required>) - The type of token this is. Use client for tokens that will have policies associated with them. Use management for tokens that can perform any action.

  • name (string: "") - A human-friendly name for this token.

  • policies (set: []) - A set of policy names to associate with this token. Must be set on client-type tokens, must not be set on management-type tokens. Policies do not need to exist before being used here.

  • global (bool: false) - Whether the token should be replicated to all regions, or if it will only be used in the region it was created in.

In addition to the above arguments, the following attributes are exported and can be referenced:

  • accessor_id (string) - A non-sensitive identifier for this token that can be logged and shared safely without granting any access to the cluster.

  • secret_id (string) - The token value itself, which is presented for access to the cluster.

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Licensed under the MPL 2.0 License.