
Configures an Icinga2 checkcommand resource. This allows checkcommands to be configured, updated, and deleted.

Example Usage

# Configure a new checkcommand on an Icinga2 Server, that can be used to monitor hosts and/or services
provider "icinga2" {
  api_url = ""

resource "icinga2_checkcommand" "apache_status" {
  name      = "apache_status"
  templates = ["apache-status", "plugin-check-command", "plugin-check-command", "ipv4-or-ipv6"]
  command   = "/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_apache_status.pl"

  arguments = {
    "-H" = "$apache_status_address$"
    "-c" = "$apache_status_critical$"
    "-p" = "$apache_status_port$"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • arguments - (Optional) A mapping of arguments to include with the command.
  • command - (Required) Path to the command te be executed.
  • name - (Required) Name by which to reference the checkcommand
  • templates - (Optional) A list of Icinga2 templates to assign to the host.

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