
The opc_compute_machine_image resource creates and manages a machine image template of a virtual hard disk of a specific size with an installed operating system.

Before performing this creating the Machine Image, you must upload your machine image file to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage Classic compute_images container

Example Usage

resource "opc_compute_machine_image" "centos" {
  account     = "/Compute-${var.domain}/cloud_storage"
  name        = "CentOS_7"
  file        = "CentOS-7-x86_64-OracleCloud.raw.tar.gz"
  description = "CentOS 7"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • account - (Required) The two part name of the compute object storage account in the format /Compute-{identity_domain}/cloud_storage

  • name - (Required) The name of the Machine Image.

  • file - (Required) The name of the Machine Image .tar.gz file in the compute_images storage container.

  • description - (Optional) A description of the Machine Image.

  • attributes - (Optional) An optional JSON object of arbitrary attributes to be made available to the instance. These are user-defined tags. After defining attributes, you can view them from within an instance at

In addition to the above, the following values are exported:

  • error_reason - Description of the state of the machine image if there is an error.

  • hypervisor - Dictionary of hypervisor-specific attributes.

  • image_format - The format of the image.

  • platform - The OS platform of the image.

  • state - The state of the uploaded machine image.

  • uri - The Uniform Resource Identifier for the Machine Image.


Machine Images can be imported using the resource name, e.g.

$ terraform import opc_compute_machine_image.machine_image1 example

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