KeyEvent factory constructor

KeyEvent(String type, { Window view, bool canBubble: true, bool cancelable: true, int keyCode: 0, int charCode: 0, int keyLocation: 1, bool ctrlKey: false, bool altKey: false, bool shiftKey: false, bool metaKey: false, EventTarget currentTarget })

Programmatically create a new KeyEvent (and KeyboardEvent).


factory KeyEvent(String type,
    {Window view,
    bool canBubble: true,
    bool cancelable: true,
    int keyCode: 0,
    int charCode: 0,
    int keyLocation: 1,
    bool ctrlKey: false,
    bool altKey: false,
    bool shiftKey: false,
    bool metaKey: false,
    EventTarget currentTarget}) {
  var parent = new KeyboardEvent(type,
      view: view,
      canBubble: canBubble,
      cancelable: cancelable,
      keyLocation: keyLocation,
      ctrlKey: ctrlKey,
      altKey: altKey,
      shiftKey: shiftKey,
      metaKey: metaKey);
  var keyEvent = new KeyEvent.wrap(parent);
  keyEvent._shadowAltKey = altKey;
  keyEvent._shadowCharCode = charCode;
  keyEvent._shadowKeyCode = keyCode;
  keyEvent._currentTarget = currentTarget == null ? window : currentTarget;
  return keyEvent;

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