WP_List_Table::pagination( string $which )

Displays the pagination.



(string) (Required)

More Information

Creates the pagination HTML and assigns it to the _pagination property. Generally, you don’t need to call this directly as it’s handled for you on display().


File: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-list-table.php

protected function pagination( $which ) {
		if ( empty( $this->_pagination_args ) ) {

		$total_items     = $this->_pagination_args['total_items'];
		$total_pages     = $this->_pagination_args['total_pages'];
		$infinite_scroll = false;
		if ( isset( $this->_pagination_args['infinite_scroll'] ) ) {
			$infinite_scroll = $this->_pagination_args['infinite_scroll'];

		if ( 'top' === $which && $total_pages > 1 ) {
			$this->screen->render_screen_reader_content( 'heading_pagination' );

		$output = '<span class="displaying-num">' . sprintf(
			/* translators: %s: Number of items. */
			_n( '%s item', '%s items', $total_items ),
			number_format_i18n( $total_items )
		) . '</span>';

		$current              = $this->get_pagenum();
		$removable_query_args = wp_removable_query_args();

		$current_url = set_url_scheme( 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] );

		$current_url = remove_query_arg( $removable_query_args, $current_url );

		$page_links = array();

		$total_pages_before = '<span class="paging-input">';
		$total_pages_after  = '</span></span>';

		$disable_first = false;
		$disable_last  = false;
		$disable_prev  = false;
		$disable_next  = false;

		if ( 1 == $current ) {
			$disable_first = true;
			$disable_prev  = true;
		if ( 2 == $current ) {
			$disable_first = true;
		if ( $total_pages == $current ) {
			$disable_last = true;
			$disable_next = true;
		if ( $total_pages - 1 == $current ) {
			$disable_last = true;

		if ( $disable_first ) {
			$page_links[] = '<span class="tablenav-pages-navspan button disabled" aria-hidden="true">&laquo;</span>';
		} else {
			$page_links[] = sprintf(
				"<a class='first-page button' href='%s'><span class='screen-reader-text'>%s</span><span aria-hidden='true'>%s</span></a>",
				esc_url( remove_query_arg( 'paged', $current_url ) ),
				__( 'First page' ),

		if ( $disable_prev ) {
			$page_links[] = '<span class="tablenav-pages-navspan button disabled" aria-hidden="true">&lsaquo;</span>';
		} else {
			$page_links[] = sprintf(
				"<a class='prev-page button' href='%s'><span class='screen-reader-text'>%s</span><span aria-hidden='true'>%s</span></a>",
				esc_url( add_query_arg( 'paged', max( 1, $current - 1 ), $current_url ) ),
				__( 'Previous page' ),

		if ( 'bottom' === $which ) {
			$html_current_page  = $current;
			$total_pages_before = '<span class="screen-reader-text">' . __( 'Current Page' ) . '</span><span id="table-paging" class="paging-input"><span class="tablenav-paging-text">';
		} else {
			$html_current_page = sprintf(
				"%s<input class='current-page' id='current-page-selector' type='text' name='paged' value='%s' size='%d' aria-describedby='table-paging' /><span class='tablenav-paging-text'>",
				'<label for="current-page-selector" class="screen-reader-text">' . __( 'Current Page' ) . '</label>',
				strlen( $total_pages )
		$html_total_pages = sprintf( "<span class='total-pages'>%s</span>", number_format_i18n( $total_pages ) );
		$page_links[]     = $total_pages_before . sprintf(
			/* translators: 1: Current page, 2: Total pages. */
			_x( '%1$s of %2$s', 'paging' ),
		) . $total_pages_after;

		if ( $disable_next ) {
			$page_links[] = '<span class="tablenav-pages-navspan button disabled" aria-hidden="true">&rsaquo;</span>';
		} else {
			$page_links[] = sprintf(
				"<a class='next-page button' href='%s'><span class='screen-reader-text'>%s</span><span aria-hidden='true'>%s</span></a>",
				esc_url( add_query_arg( 'paged', min( $total_pages, $current + 1 ), $current_url ) ),
				__( 'Next page' ),

		if ( $disable_last ) {
			$page_links[] = '<span class="tablenav-pages-navspan button disabled" aria-hidden="true">&raquo;</span>';
		} else {
			$page_links[] = sprintf(
				"<a class='last-page button' href='%s'><span class='screen-reader-text'>%s</span><span aria-hidden='true'>%s</span></a>",
				esc_url( add_query_arg( 'paged', $total_pages, $current_url ) ),
				__( 'Last page' ),

		$pagination_links_class = 'pagination-links';
		if ( ! empty( $infinite_scroll ) ) {
			$pagination_links_class .= ' hide-if-js';
		$output .= "\n<span class='$pagination_links_class'>" . implode( "\n", $page_links ) . '</span>';

		if ( $total_pages ) {
			$page_class = $total_pages < 2 ? ' one-page' : '';
		} else {
			$page_class = ' no-pages';
		$this->_pagination = "<div class='tablenav-pages{$page_class}'>$output</div>";

		echo $this->_pagination;


Version Description
3.1.0 Introduced.

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Licensed under the GNU GPLv2+ License.