load_template( string $_template_file, bool $require_once = true, array $args = array() )

Require the template file with WordPress environment.


The globals are set up for the template file to ensure that the WordPress environment is available from within the function. The query variables are also available.



(string) (Required) Path to template file.


(bool) (Optional) Whether to require_once or require.

Default value: true


(array) (Optional) Additional arguments passed to the template.

Default value: array()

More Information

Uses global: (object) $wp_query to extract extract() global variables returned by the query_vars method while protecting the current values in these global variables:

  • (unknown type) $posts
  • (unknown type) $post
  • (boolean) $wp_did_header Returns true if the WordPress header was already loaded. See the /wp-blog-header.php file for details.
  • (boolean) $wp_did_template_redirect
  • (object) $wp_rewrite
  • (object) $wpdb
  • (string) $wp_version holds the installed WordPress version number.
  • (string) $wp
  • (string) $id
  • (string) $comment
  • (string) $user_ID


File: wp-includes/template.php

function load_template( $_template_file, $require_once = true, $args = array() ) {
	global $posts, $post, $wp_did_header, $wp_query, $wp_rewrite, $wpdb, $wp_version, $wp, $id, $comment, $user_ID;

	if ( is_array( $wp_query->query_vars ) ) {
		 * This use of extract() cannot be removed. There are many possible ways that
		 * templates could depend on variables that it creates existing, and no way to
		 * detect and deprecate it.
		 * Passing the EXTR_SKIP flag is the safest option, ensuring globals and
		 * function variables cannot be overwritten.
		// phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.DontExtract.extract_extract
		extract( $wp_query->query_vars, EXTR_SKIP );

	if ( isset( $s ) ) {
		$s = esc_attr( $s );

	if ( $require_once ) {
		require_once $_template_file;
	} else {
		require $_template_file;


Version Description
5.5.0 The $args parameter was added.
1.5.0 Introduced.

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