wp_enqueue_code_editor( array $args )

Enqueue assets needed by the code editor for the given settings.


See also



(array) (Required) Args.

  • 'type'
    (string) The MIME type of the file to be edited.
  • 'file'
    (string) Filename to be edited. Extension is used to sniff the type. Can be supplied as alternative to $type param.
  • 'theme'
    (WP_Theme) Theme being edited when on theme editor.
  • 'plugin'
    (string) Plugin being edited when on plugin editor.
  • 'codemirror'
    (array) Additional CodeMirror setting overrides.
  • 'csslint'
    (array) CSSLint rule overrides.
  • 'jshint'
    (array) JSHint rule overrides.
  • 'htmlhint'
    (array) HTMLHint rule overrides.


(array|false) Settings for the enqueued code editor, or false if the editor was not enqueued.


File: wp-includes/general-template.php

function wp_enqueue_code_editor( $args ) {
	if ( is_user_logged_in() && 'false' === wp_get_current_user()->syntax_highlighting ) {
		return false;

	$settings = wp_get_code_editor_settings( $args );

	if ( empty( $settings ) || empty( $settings['codemirror'] ) ) {
		return false;

	wp_enqueue_script( 'code-editor' );
	wp_enqueue_style( 'code-editor' );

	if ( isset( $settings['codemirror']['mode'] ) ) {
		$mode = $settings['codemirror']['mode'];
		if ( is_string( $mode ) ) {
			$mode = array(
				'name' => $mode,

		if ( ! empty( $settings['codemirror']['lint'] ) ) {
			switch ( $mode['name'] ) {
				case 'css':
				case 'text/css':
				case 'text/x-scss':
				case 'text/x-less':
					wp_enqueue_script( 'csslint' );
				case 'htmlmixed':
				case 'text/html':
				case 'php':
				case 'application/x-httpd-php':
				case 'text/x-php':
					wp_enqueue_script( 'htmlhint' );
					wp_enqueue_script( 'csslint' );
					wp_enqueue_script( 'jshint' );
					if ( ! current_user_can( 'unfiltered_html' ) ) {
						wp_enqueue_script( 'htmlhint-kses' );
				case 'javascript':
				case 'application/ecmascript':
				case 'application/json':
				case 'application/javascript':
				case 'application/ld+json':
				case 'text/typescript':
				case 'application/typescript':
					wp_enqueue_script( 'jshint' );
					wp_enqueue_script( 'jsonlint' );

	wp_add_inline_script( 'code-editor', sprintf( 'jQuery.extend( wp.codeEditor.defaultSettings, %s );', wp_json_encode( $settings ) ) );

	 * Fires when scripts and styles are enqueued for the code editor.
	 * @since 4.9.0
	 * @param array $settings Settings for the enqueued code editor.
	do_action( 'wp_enqueue_code_editor', $settings );

	return $settings;


Version Description
4.9.0 Introduced.

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Licensed under the GNU GPLv2+ License.