register_setting( string $option_group, string $option_name, array $args = array() )

Registers a setting and its data.



(string) (Required) A settings group name. Should correspond to an allowed option key name. Default allowed option key names include 'general', 'discussion', 'media', 'reading', 'writing', 'misc', 'options', and 'privacy'.


(string) (Required) The name of an option to sanitize and save.


(array) (Optional) Data used to describe the setting when registered.

  • 'type'
    (string) The type of data associated with this setting. Valid values are 'string', 'boolean', 'integer', 'number', 'array', and 'object'.
  • 'description'
    (string) A description of the data attached to this setting.
  • 'sanitize_callback'
    (callable) A callback function that sanitizes the option's value.
  • 'show_in_rest'
    (bool|array) Whether data associated with this setting should be included in the REST API. When registering complex settings, this argument may optionally be an array with a 'schema' key.
  • 'default'
    (mixed) Default value when calling get_option().

Default value: array()


File: wp-includes/option.php

function register_setting( $option_group, $option_name, $args = array() ) {
	global $new_allowed_options, $wp_registered_settings;

	 * In 5.5.0, the `$new_whitelist_options` global variable was renamed to `$new_allowed_options`.
	 * Please consider writing more inclusive code.
	$GLOBALS['new_whitelist_options'] = &$new_allowed_options;

	$defaults = array(
		'type'              => 'string',
		'group'             => $option_group,
		'description'       => '',
		'sanitize_callback' => null,
		'show_in_rest'      => false,

	// Back-compat: old sanitize callback is added.
	if ( is_callable( $args ) ) {
		$args = array(
			'sanitize_callback' => $args,

	 * Filters the registration arguments when registering a setting.
	 * @since 4.7.0
	 * @param array  $args         Array of setting registration arguments.
	 * @param array  $defaults     Array of default arguments.
	 * @param string $option_group Setting group.
	 * @param string $option_name  Setting name.
	$args = apply_filters( 'register_setting_args', $args, $defaults, $option_group, $option_name );

	$args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );

	// Require an item schema when registering settings with an array type.
	if ( false !== $args['show_in_rest'] && 'array' === $args['type'] && ( ! is_array( $args['show_in_rest'] ) || ! isset( $args['show_in_rest']['schema']['items'] ) ) ) {
		_doing_it_wrong( __FUNCTION__, __( 'When registering an "array" setting to show in the REST API, you must specify the schema for each array item in "show_in_rest.schema.items".' ), '5.4.0' );

	if ( ! is_array( $wp_registered_settings ) ) {
		$wp_registered_settings = array();

	if ( 'misc' === $option_group ) {
				/* translators: %s: misc */
				__( 'The "%s" options group has been removed. Use another settings group.' ),
		$option_group = 'general';

	if ( 'privacy' === $option_group ) {
				/* translators: %s: privacy */
				__( 'The "%s" options group has been removed. Use another settings group.' ),
		$option_group = 'reading';

	$new_allowed_options[ $option_group ][] = $option_name;

	if ( ! empty( $args['sanitize_callback'] ) ) {
		add_filter( "sanitize_option_{$option_name}", $args['sanitize_callback'] );
	if ( array_key_exists( 'default', $args ) ) {
		add_filter( "default_option_{$option_name}", 'filter_default_option', 10, 3 );

	 * Fires immediately before the setting is registered but after its filters are in place.
	 * @since 5.5.0
	 * @param string $option_group Setting group.
	 * @param string $option_name  Setting name.
	 * @param array  $args         Array of setting registration arguments.
	do_action( 'register_setting', $option_group, $option_name, $args );

	$wp_registered_settings[ $option_name ] = $args;


Version Description
5.5.0 $new_whitelist_options was renamed to $new_allowed_options. Please consider writing more inclusive code.
4.7.0 $args can be passed to set flags on the setting, similar to register_meta().
2.7.0 Introduced.

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