class DrupalFakeCache

Defines a stub cache implementation to be used during installation.

The stub implementation is needed when database access is not yet available. Because Drupal's caching system never requires that cached data be present, these stub functions can short-circuit the process and sidestep the need for any persistent storage. Obviously, using this cache implementation during normal operations would have a negative impact on performance.


Expanded class hierarchy of DrupalFakeCache


includes/, line 17
Provides a stub cache implementation to be used during installation.


Name Modifiers Type Description
DrupalDatabaseCache::$bin protected property
DrupalDatabaseCache::garbageCollection protected function Garbage collection for get() and getMultiple().
DrupalDatabaseCache::isValidBin function Checks if $this->bin represents a valid cache table.
DrupalDatabaseCache::prepareItem protected function Prepares a cached item.
DrupalDatabaseCache::__construct function Constructs a DrupalDatabaseCache object.
DrupalFakeCache::clear function Overrides DrupalDatabaseCache::clear(). Overrides DrupalDatabaseCache::clear
DrupalFakeCache::get function Overrides DrupalDatabaseCache::get(). Overrides DrupalDatabaseCache::get
DrupalFakeCache::getMultiple function Overrides DrupalDatabaseCache::getMultiple(). Overrides DrupalDatabaseCache::getMultiple
DrupalFakeCache::isEmpty function Overrides DrupalDatabaseCache::isEmpty(). Overrides DrupalDatabaseCache::isEmpty
DrupalFakeCache::set function Overrides DrupalDatabaseCache::set(). Overrides DrupalDatabaseCache::set

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