
Hooks provided by the User module.




Name Description
hook_user_cancel Act on user account cancellations.
hook_user_cancel_methods_alter Modify account cancellation methods.
hook_user_categories Define a list of user settings or profile information categories.
hook_user_delete Respond to user deletion.
hook_user_insert A user account was created.
hook_user_load Act on user objects when loaded from the database.
hook_user_login The user just logged in.
hook_user_logout The user just logged out.
hook_user_operations Add mass user operations.
hook_user_presave A user account is about to be created or updated.
hook_user_role_delete Respond to user role deletion.
hook_user_role_insert Respond to creation of a new user role.
hook_user_role_presave Act on a user role being inserted or updated.
hook_user_role_update Respond to updates to a user role.
hook_user_update A user account was updated.
hook_user_view The user's account information is being displayed.
hook_user_view_alter The user was built; the module may modify the structured content.

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