
Defines a "managed_file" Form API field and a "file" field for Field module.




Name Description
file_ajax_progress Menu callback for upload progress.
file_ajax_upload Menu callback; Shared Ajax callback for file uploads and deletions.
file_element_info Implements hook_element_info().
file_file_delete Implements hook_file_delete().
file_file_download Implements hook_file_download().
file_get_file_references Retrieves a list of references to a file.
file_help Implements hook_help().
file_icon_map Determines the generic icon MIME package based on a file's MIME type.
file_icon_path Creates a path to the icon for a file object.
file_icon_url Creates a URL to the icon for a file object.
file_managed_file_pre_render #pre_render callback to hide display of the upload or remove controls.
file_managed_file_process Process function to expand the managed_file element type.
file_managed_file_save_upload Saves any files that have been uploaded into a managed_file element.
file_managed_file_submit Form submission handler for upload / remove buttons of managed_file elements.
file_managed_file_validate An #element_validate callback for the managed_file element.
file_managed_file_value The #value_callback for a managed_file type element.
file_menu Implements hook_menu().
file_progress_implementation Determines the preferred upload progress implementation.
file_theme Implements hook_theme().
theme_file_icon Returns HTML for an image with an appropriate icon for the given file.
theme_file_link Returns HTML for a link to a file.
theme_file_managed_file Returns HTML for a managed file element.

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