function module_invoke_all


Invokes a hook in all enabled modules that implement it.

All arguments are passed by value. Use drupal_alter() if you need to pass arguments by reference.


$hook: The name of the hook to invoke.

...: Arguments to pass to the hook.

Return value

An array of return values of the hook implementations. If modules return arrays from their implementations, those are merged into one array recursively. Note: integer keys in arrays will be lost, as the merge is done using array_merge_recursive().

See also


Related topics


includes/, line 949
API for loading and interacting with Drupal modules.


function module_invoke_all($hook) {
  $args = func_get_args();
  // Remove $hook from the arguments.
  $return = array();
  foreach (module_implements($hook) as $module) {
    $function = $module . '_' . $hook;
    if (function_exists($function)) {
      $result = call_user_func_array($function, $args);
      if (isset($result) && is_array($result)) {
        $return = array_merge_recursive($return, $result);
      elseif (isset($result)) {
        $return[] = $result;

  return $return;

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