function xmlrpc

xmlrpc($url, $args, $options = array())

Performs one or more XML-RPC request(s).

Usage example:

$result = xmlrpc('', array(
  'service.methodName' => array($parameter, $second, $third),


$url: An absolute URL of the XML-RPC endpoint.

$args: An associative array whose keys are the methods to call and whose values are the arguments to pass to the respective method. If multiple methods are specified, a system.multicall is performed.

$options: (optional) An array of options to pass along to drupal_http_request().

Return value

For one request: Either the return value of the method on success, or FALSE. If FALSE is returned, see xmlrpc_errno() and xmlrpc_error_msg(). For multiple requests: An array of results. Each result will either be the result returned by the method called, or an xmlrpc_error object if the call failed. See xmlrpc_error().


includes/, line 8320
Common functions that many Drupal modules will need to reference.


function xmlrpc($url, $args, $options = array()) {
  require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/';
  return _xmlrpc($url, $args, $options);

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