function _locale_import_parse_plural_forms

_locale_import_parse_plural_forms($pluralforms, $filepath)

Parses a Plural-Forms entry from a Gettext Portable Object file header


$pluralforms: A string containing the Plural-Forms entry.

$filepath: A string containing the filepath.

Return value

An array containing the number of plurals and a formula in PHP for computing the plural form.

Related topics


includes/, line 1239
Administration functions for locale.module.


function _locale_import_parse_plural_forms($pluralforms, $filepath) {
  // First, delete all whitespace
  $pluralforms = strtr($pluralforms, array(" " => "", "\t" => ""));

  // Select the parts that define nplurals and plural
  $nplurals = strstr($pluralforms, "nplurals=");
  if (strpos($nplurals, ";")) {
    $nplurals = substr($nplurals, 9, strpos($nplurals, ";") - 9);
  else {
    return FALSE;
  $plural = strstr($pluralforms, "plural=");
  if (strpos($plural, ";")) {
    $plural = substr($plural, 7, strpos($plural, ";") - 7);
  else {
    return FALSE;

  // Get PHP version of the plural formula
  $plural = _locale_import_parse_arithmetic($plural);

  if ($plural !== FALSE) {
    return array($nplurals, $plural);
  else {
    drupal_set_message(t('The translation file %filepath contains an error: the plural formula could not be parsed.', array('%filepath' => $filepath)), 'error');
    return FALSE;

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