function xmlrpc_error

xmlrpc_error($code = NULL, $message = NULL, $reset = FALSE)

Generates, temporarily saves, and returns an XML-RPC error object.


$code: The error code.

$message: The error message.

$reset: TRUE to empty the temporary error storage. Ignored if $code is supplied.

Return value

object An XML-RPC error object representing $code and $message, or the most recently stored error object if omitted.


includes/, line 438
Drupal XML-RPC library.


function xmlrpc_error($code = NULL, $message = NULL, $reset = FALSE) {
  static $xmlrpc_error;
  if (isset($code)) {
    $xmlrpc_error = new stdClass();
    $xmlrpc_error->is_error = TRUE;
    $xmlrpc_error->code = $code;
    $xmlrpc_error->message = $message;
  elseif ($reset) {
    $xmlrpc_error = NULL;
  return $xmlrpc_error;

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