
Framework for handling the filtering of content.




Name Description
check_markup Runs all the enabled filters on a piece of text.
filter_access Checks if a user has access to a particular text format.
filter_admin_format_title Displays a text format form title.
filter_default_format Returns the ID of the default text format for a particular user.
filter_dom_load Parses an HTML snippet and returns it as a DOM object.
filter_dom_serialize Converts a DOM object back to an HTML snippet.
filter_dom_serialize_escape_cdata_element Adds comments around the <!CDATA section in a dom element.
filter_element_info Implements hook_element_info().
filter_fallback_format Returns the ID of the fallback text format that all users have access to.
filter_fallback_format_title Returns the title of the fallback text format.
filter_filter_info Implements hook_filter_info().
filter_formats Retrieves a list of text formats, ordered by weight.
filter_formats_reset Resets the text format caches.
filter_format_allowcache Checks if the text in a certain text format is allowed to be cached.
filter_format_disable Disables a text format.
filter_format_exists Determines if a text format exists.
filter_format_load Loads a text format object from the database.
filter_format_save Saves a text format object to the database.
filter_form_access_denied Render API callback: Hides the field value of 'text_format' elements.
filter_get_filters Returns a list of all filters provided by modules.
filter_get_formats_by_role Retrieves a list of text formats that are allowed for a given role.
filter_get_roles_by_format Retrieves a list of roles that are allowed to use a given text format.
filter_help Implements hook_help().
filter_list_format Retrieves a list of filters for a given text format.
filter_menu Implements hook_menu().
filter_modules_disabled Implements hook_modules_disabled().
filter_modules_enabled Implements hook_modules_enabled().
filter_permission Implements hook_permission().
filter_permission_name Returns the machine-readable permission name for a provided text format.
filter_process_format Expands an element into a base element with text format selector attached.
filter_theme Implements hook_theme().
theme_filter_guidelines Returns HTML for guidelines for a text format.
theme_filter_tips_more_info Returns HTML for a link to the more extensive filter tips.
theme_text_format_wrapper Returns HTML for a text format-enabled form element.
_filter_autop Implements callback_filter_process().
_filter_autop_tips Implements callback_filter_tips().
_filter_disable_format_access Access callback: Checks access for disabling text formats.
_filter_format_is_cacheable Helper function to determine whether the output of a given text format can be cached.
_filter_html Implements callback_filter_process().
_filter_htmlcorrector Implements callback_filter_process().
_filter_html_escape Implements callback_filter_process().
_filter_html_escape_tips Implements callback_filter_tips().
_filter_html_settings Implements callback_filter_settings().
_filter_html_tips Implements callback_filter_tips().
_filter_list_cmp Sorts an array of filters by filter name.
_filter_tips Retrieves the filter tips.
_filter_url Implements callback_filter_process().
_filter_url_escape_comments Escapes the contents of HTML comments.
_filter_url_parse_email_links Makes links out of e-mail addresses.
_filter_url_parse_full_links Makes links out of absolute URLs.
_filter_url_parse_partial_links Makes links out of domain names starting with "www."
_filter_url_settings Implements callback_filter_settings().
_filter_url_tips Implements callback_filter_tips().
_filter_url_trim Shortens long URLs to

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