User page callback file for the user module.




Name Description
template_preprocess_user_profile Process variables for user-profile.tpl.php.
template_preprocess_user_profile_category Process variables for user-profile-category.tpl.php.
template_preprocess_user_profile_item Process variables for user-profile-item.tpl.php.
user_autocomplete Menu callback; Retrieve a JSON object containing autocomplete suggestions for existing users.
user_cancel_confirm Menu callback; Cancel a user account via e-mail confirmation link.
user_cancel_confirm_form Form builder; confirm form for cancelling user account.
user_cancel_confirm_form_submit Submit handler for the account cancellation confirm form.
user_cancel_methods Helper function to return available account cancellation methods.
user_edit_cancel_submit Submit function for the 'Cancel account' button on the user edit form.
user_logout Menu callback; logs the current user out, and redirects to the home page.
user_logout_current_user Logs the current user out.
user_page Page callback: Displays the user page.
user_pass Form builder; Request a password reset.
user_pass_reset Menu callback; process one time login link and redirects to the user page on success.
user_pass_submit Form submission handler for user_pass().
user_pass_validate Form validation handler for user_pass().
user_profile_form Form builder; edit a user account or one of their profile categories.
user_profile_form_submit Form submission handler for user_profile_form().
user_profile_form_validate Form validation handler for user_profile_form().

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