class CssCommand

An AJAX command for calling the jQuery css() method.

The 'css' command will instruct the client to use the jQuery css() method to apply the CSS arguments to elements matched by the given selector.

This command is implemented by Drupal.AjaxCommands.prototype.css() defined in misc/ajax.js.


See also

Related topics

Ajax API
Overview for Drupal's Ajax API.


core/lib/Drupal/Core/Ajax/CssCommand.php, line 18




Name Modifiers Type Description
CssCommand::$css protected property An array of property/value pairs to set in the CSS for the selector.
CssCommand::$selector protected property A CSS selector string.
CssCommand::render public function Implements Drupal\Core\Ajax\CommandInterface:render(). Overrides CommandInterface::render
CssCommand::setProperty public function Adds a property/value pair to the CSS to be added to this element.
CssCommand::__construct public function Constructs a CssCommand object.

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