class DefaultMenuLinkTreeManipulators

Provides a couple of menu link tree manipulators.

This class provides menu link tree manipulators to:

  • perform render cached menu-optimized access checking
  • optimized node access checking
  • generate a unique index for the elements in a tree and sorting by it
  • flatten a tree (i.e. a 1-dimensional tree)



core/lib/Drupal/Core/Menu/DefaultMenuLinkTreeManipulators.php, line 19




Name Modifiers Type Description
DefaultMenuLinkTreeManipulators::$accessManager protected property The access manager.
DefaultMenuLinkTreeManipulators::$account protected property The current user.
DefaultMenuLinkTreeManipulators::$queryFactory protected property The entity query factory.
DefaultMenuLinkTreeManipulators::checkAccess public function Performs access checks of a menu tree.
DefaultMenuLinkTreeManipulators::checkNodeAccess public function Performs access checking for nodes in an optimized way.
DefaultMenuLinkTreeManipulators::collectNodeLinks protected function Collects the node links in the menu tree.
DefaultMenuLinkTreeManipulators::flatten public function Flattens the tree to a single level.
DefaultMenuLinkTreeManipulators::generateIndexAndSort public function Generates a unique index and sorts by it.
DefaultMenuLinkTreeManipulators::menuLinkCheckAccess protected function Checks access for one menu link instance.
DefaultMenuLinkTreeManipulators::__construct public function Constructs a \Drupal\Core\Menu\DefaultMenuLinkTreeManipulators object.

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