class YamlFileLoader

YamlFileLoader loads YAML files service definitions.

Drupal does not use Symfony's Config component, and Symfony's dependency on it cannot be removed easily. Therefore, this is a partial but mostly literal copy of upstream, which does not depend on the Config component.

NOTE: 98% of this code is a literal copy of Symfony's YamlFileLoader.

This file does NOT follow Drupal coding standards, so as to simplify future synchronizations.


See also



core/lib/Drupal/Core/DependencyInjection/YamlFileLoader.php, line 30




Name Modifiers Type Description
YamlFileLoader::$container protected property
YamlFileLoader::$fileCache protected property File cache object.
YamlFileLoader::load public function Loads a Yaml file.
YamlFileLoader::loadFile protected function Loads a YAML file.
YamlFileLoader::parseDefinition private function Parses a definition.
YamlFileLoader::parseDefinitions private function Parses definitions
YamlFileLoader::resolveServices private function Resolves services.
YamlFileLoader::validate private function Validates a YAML file.
YamlFileLoader::__construct public function

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