public function MenuParentFormSelectorInterface::getParentSelectOptions

public MenuParentFormSelectorInterface::getParentSelectOptions($id = '', array $menus = NULL, CacheableMetadata &$cacheability = NULL)

Gets the options for a select element to choose a menu and parent.


string $id: Optional ID of a link plugin. This will exclude the link and its children from the select options.

array $menus: Optional array of menu names as keys and titles as values to limit the select options. If NULL, all menus will be included.

\Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheableMetadata|NULL &$cacheability: Optional cacheability metadata object, which will be populated based on the accessibility of the links and the cacheability of the links.

Return value

array Keyed array where the keys are contain a menu name and parent ID and the values are a menu name or link title indented by depth.


core/lib/Drupal/Core/Menu/MenuParentFormSelectorInterface.php, line 29


Defines an interface for menu selector form elements and menu link options.




public function getParentSelectOptions($id = '', array $menus = NULL, CacheableMetadata &$cacheability = NULL);

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