class MimeTypeGuesser

Defines a MIME type guesser that also supports stream wrapper paths.



core/lib/Drupal/Core/File/MimeType/MimeTypeGuesser.php, line 13




Name Modifiers Type Description
MimeTypeGuesser::$guessers protected property An array of arrays of registered guessers keyed by priority.
MimeTypeGuesser::$sortedGuessers protected property Holds the array of guessers sorted by priority.
MimeTypeGuesser::$streamWrapperManager protected property The stream wrapper manager.
MimeTypeGuesser::addGuesser public function Appends a MIME type guesser to the guessers chain.
MimeTypeGuesser::guess public function Guesses the mime type of the file with the given path. Overrides MimeTypeGuesserInterface::guess
MimeTypeGuesser::registerWithSymfonyGuesser public static function A helper function to register with Symfony's singleton MIME type guesser.
MimeTypeGuesser::sortGuessers protected function Sorts guessers according to priority.
MimeTypeGuesser::__construct public function Constructs a MimeTypeGuesser object.

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