public function EntityConstraintViolationList::filterByFields

public EntityConstraintViolationList::filterByFields(array $field_names)

Filters this violation list by the given fields.

The returned object just has violations attached to the provided fields.

When violations should be displayed for a sub-set of visible fields only, this method may be used to filter the set of visible violations first.


string[] $field_names: The names of the fields to filter violations for.

Return value


Overrides EntityConstraintViolationListInterface::filterByFields


core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityConstraintViolationList.php, line 115


Implements an entity constraint violation list.




public function filterByFields(array $field_names) {
  $new_violations = [];
  foreach (array_intersect_key($this->violationOffsetsByField, array_flip($field_names)) as $field_name => $offsets) {
    foreach ($offsets as $offset) {
      $violation = $this->get($offset);
      // Take care of composite field violations and re-map them to some
      // covered field if necessary.
      if ($violation->getConstraint() instanceof CompositeConstraintBase) {
        $covered_fields = $violation->getConstraint()->coversFields();

        // Keep the composite field if it covers some remaining field and put
        // a violation on some other covered field instead.
        if ($remaining_fields = array_diff($covered_fields, $field_names)) {
          $message_params = ['%field_name' => $field_name];
          $violation = new ConstraintViolation(
          $this->t('The validation failed because the value conflicts with the value in %field_name, which you cannot access.', $message_params), 
          'The validation failed because the value conflicts with the value in %field_name, which you cannot access.', 
          $new_violations[] = $violation;

  foreach ($new_violations as $violation) {
  return $this;

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