class EntityResolverManager

Sets the entity route parameter converter options automatically.

If controllers of routes with route parameters, type-hint the parameters with an entity interface, upcasting is done automatically.



core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/EntityResolverManager.php, line 14




Name Modifiers Type Description
EntityResolverManager::$classResolver protected property The class resolver.
EntityResolverManager::$entityManager protected property The entity manager.
EntityResolverManager::getControllerClass protected function Gets the controller class using route defaults.
EntityResolverManager::getEntityTypes protected function Gets the list of all entity types.
EntityResolverManager::setParametersFromEntityInformation protected function Sets the upcasting information using the _entity_* route defaults.
EntityResolverManager::setParametersFromReflection protected function Sets the upcasting information using reflection.
EntityResolverManager::setRouteOptions public function Set the upcasting route objects.
EntityResolverManager::__construct public function Constructs a new EntityRouteAlterSubscriber.

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