class JsCollectionOptimizer

Optimizes JavaScript assets.



core/lib/Drupal/Core/Asset/JsCollectionOptimizer.php, line 11




Name Modifiers Type Description
JsCollectionOptimizer::$dumper protected property An asset dumper.
JsCollectionOptimizer::$grouper protected property A JS asset grouper.
JsCollectionOptimizer::$optimizer protected property A JS asset optimizer.
JsCollectionOptimizer::$state protected property The state key/value store.
JsCollectionOptimizer::deleteAll public function Deletes all optimized asset collections assets. Overrides AssetCollectionOptimizerInterface::deleteAll
JsCollectionOptimizer::generateHash protected function Generate a hash for a given group of JavaScript assets.
JsCollectionOptimizer::getAll public function Returns all optimized asset collections assets. Overrides AssetCollectionOptimizerInterface::getAll
JsCollectionOptimizer::optimize public function The cache file name is retrieved on a page load via a lookup variable that contains an associative array. The array key is the hash of the names in $files while the value is the cache file name. The cache file is generated in two cases. First, if… Overrides AssetCollectionOptimizerInterface::optimize
JsCollectionOptimizer::__construct public function Constructs a JsCollectionOptimizer.

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