class SettingsCommand

AJAX command for adjusting Drupal's JavaScript settings.

The 'settings' command instructs the client either to use the given array as the settings for ajax-loaded content or to extend drupalSettings with the given array, depending on the value of the $merge parameter.

This command is implemented by Drupal.AjaxCommands.prototype.settings() defined in misc/ajax.js.


Related topics

Ajax API
Overview for Drupal's Ajax API.


core/lib/Drupal/Core/Ajax/SettingsCommand.php, line 17




Name Modifiers Type Description
SettingsCommand::$merge protected property Whether the settings should be merged into the global drupalSettings.
SettingsCommand::$settings protected property An array of key/value pairs of JavaScript settings.
SettingsCommand::render public function Implements Drupal\Core\Ajax\CommandInterface:render(). Overrides CommandInterface::render
SettingsCommand::__construct public function Constructs a SettingsCommand object.

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