class MatcherDumper

Dumps Route information to a database table.


See also



core/lib/Drupal/Core/Routing/MatcherDumper.php, line 16




Name Modifiers Type Description
MatcherDumper::$connection protected property The database connection to which to dump route information.
MatcherDumper::$routes protected property The routes to be dumped.
MatcherDumper::$state protected property The state.
MatcherDumper::$tableName protected property The name of the SQL table to which to dump the routes.
MatcherDumper::addRoutes public function Adds additional routes to be dumped. Overrides MatcherDumperInterface::addRoutes
MatcherDumper::dump public function Dumps a set of routes to the router table in the database. Overrides MatcherDumperInterface::dump
MatcherDumper::ensureTableExists protected function Checks if the tree table exists and create it if not.
MatcherDumper::getRoutes public function Gets the routes to match. Overrides MatcherDumperInterface::getRoutes
MatcherDumper::schemaDefinition protected function Defines the schema for the router table.
MatcherDumper::__construct public function Construct the MatcherDumper.

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