class Tables

Adds tables and fields to the SQL entity query.



core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/Query/Sql/Tables.php, line 13




Name Modifiers Type Description
Tables::$caseSensitiveFields protected property List of case sensitive fields.
Tables::$entityManager protected property The entity manager.
Tables::$entityTables protected property Entity table array, key is table name, value is alias.
Tables::$fieldTables protected property Field table array, key is table name, value is alias.
Tables::$sqlQuery protected property
Tables::addField public function Adds a field to a database query. Overrides TablesInterface::addField
Tables::addJoin protected function
Tables::ensureEntityTable protected function Join entity table if necessary and return the alias for it.
Tables::ensureFieldTable protected function Join field table if necessary.
Tables::getTableMapping protected function Gets the schema for the given table.
Tables::isFieldCaseSensitive public function Determines whether the given field is case sensitive. Overrides TablesInterface::isFieldCaseSensitive
Tables::__construct public function

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