class NoSessionOpen

A policy allowing delivery of cached pages when there is no session open.

Do not serve cached pages to authenticated users, or to anonymous users when $_SESSION is non-empty. $_SESSION may contain status messages from a form submission, the contents of a shopping cart, or other userspecific content that should not be cached and displayed to other users.



core/lib/Drupal/Core/PageCache/RequestPolicy/NoSessionOpen.php, line 17




Name Modifiers Type Description
NoSessionOpen::$sessionConfiguration protected property The session configuration.
NoSessionOpen::check public function Determines whether delivery of a cached page should be attempted. Overrides RequestPolicyInterface::check
NoSessionOpen::__construct public function Constructs a new page cache session policy.
RequestPolicyInterface::ALLOW constant Allow delivery of cached pages.
RequestPolicyInterface::DENY constant Deny delivery of cached pages.

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