
Inherits: Container < Control < CanvasItem < Node < Object

A GraphNode is a container with potentially several input and output slots allowing connections between GraphNodes. Slots can have different, incompatible types.


A GraphNode is a container. Each GraphNode can have several input and output slots, sometimes referred to as ports, allowing connections between GraphNodes. To add a slot to GraphNode, add any Control-derived child node to it.

After adding at least one child to GraphNode new sections will be automatically created in the Inspector called 'Slot'. When 'Slot' is expanded you will see list with index number for each slot. You can click on each of them to expand further.

In the Inspector you can enable (show) or disable (hide) slots. By default all slots are disabled so you may not see any slots on your GraphNode initially. You can assign a type to each slot. Only slots of the same type will be able to connect to each other. You can also assign colors to slots. A tuple of input and output slots is defined for each GUI element included in the GraphNode. Input connections are on the left and output connections are on the right side of GraphNode. Only enabled slots are counted as connections.


bool comment false
Vector2 offset Vector2( 0, 0 )
Overlay overlay 0
bool resizable false
bool selected false
bool show_close false
String title ""


void clear_all_slots ( )
void clear_slot ( int idx )
Color get_connection_input_color ( int idx )
int get_connection_input_count ( )
Vector2 get_connection_input_position ( int idx )
int get_connection_input_type ( int idx )
Color get_connection_output_color ( int idx )
int get_connection_output_count ( )
Vector2 get_connection_output_position ( int idx )
int get_connection_output_type ( int idx )
Color get_slot_color_left ( int idx ) const
Color get_slot_color_right ( int idx ) const
int get_slot_type_left ( int idx ) const
int get_slot_type_right ( int idx ) const
bool is_slot_enabled_left ( int idx ) const
bool is_slot_enabled_right ( int idx ) const
void set_slot ( int idx, bool enable_left, int type_left, Color color_left, bool enable_right, int type_right, Color color_right, Texture custom_left=null, Texture custom_right=null )

Theme Properties

StyleBox breakpoint
Texture close
Color close_color Color( 0, 0, 0, 1 )
int close_offset 18
StyleBox comment
StyleBox commentfocus
StyleBox defaultfocus
StyleBox defaultframe
StyleBox frame
Texture port
int port_offset 3
StyleBox position
Texture resizer
Color resizer_color Color( 0, 0, 0, 1 )
StyleBox selectedframe
int separation 1
Color title_color Color( 0, 0, 0, 1 )
Font title_font
int title_offset 20


close_request ( )

Emitted when the GraphNode is requested to be closed. Happens on clicking the close button (see show_close).

dragged ( Vector2 from, Vector2 to )

Emitted when the GraphNode is dragged.

offset_changed ( )

Emitted when the GraphNode is moved.

raise_request ( )

Emitted when the GraphNode is requested to be displayed over other ones. Happens on focusing (clicking into) the GraphNode.

resize_request ( Vector2 new_minsize )

Emitted when the GraphNode is requested to be resized. Happens on dragging the resizer handle (see resizable).


enum Overlay:

  • OVERLAY_DISABLED = 0 --- No overlay is shown.
  • OVERLAY_BREAKPOINT = 1 --- Show overlay set in the breakpoint theme property.
  • OVERLAY_POSITION = 2 --- Show overlay set in the position theme property.

Property Descriptions

bool comment

Default false
Setter set_comment(value)
Getter is_comment()

If true, the GraphNode is a comment node.

Vector2 offset

Default Vector2( 0, 0 )
Setter set_offset(value)
Getter get_offset()

The offset of the GraphNode, relative to the scroll offset of the GraphEdit.

Note: You cannot use position directly, as GraphEdit is a Container.

Overlay overlay

Default 0
Setter set_overlay(value)
Getter get_overlay()

Sets the overlay shown above the GraphNode. See Overlay.

bool resizable

Default false
Setter set_resizable(value)
Getter is_resizable()

If true, the user can resize the GraphNode.

Note: Dragging the handle will only emit the resize_request signal, the GraphNode needs to be resized manually.

bool selected

Default false
Setter set_selected(value)
Getter is_selected()

If true, the GraphNode is selected.

bool show_close

Default false
Setter set_show_close_button(value)
Getter is_close_button_visible()

If true, the close button will be visible.

Note: Pressing it will only emit the close_request signal, the GraphNode needs to be removed manually.

String title

Default ""
Setter set_title(value)
Getter get_title()

The text displayed in the GraphNode's title bar.

Method Descriptions

void clear_all_slots ( )

Disables all input and output slots of the GraphNode.

void clear_slot ( int idx )

Disables input and output slot whose index is idx.

Color get_connection_input_color ( int idx )

Returns the color of the input connection idx.

int get_connection_input_count ( )

Returns the number of enabled input slots (connections) to the GraphNode.

Vector2 get_connection_input_position ( int idx )

Returns the position of the input connection idx.

int get_connection_input_type ( int idx )

Returns the type of the input connection idx.

Color get_connection_output_color ( int idx )

Returns the color of the output connection idx.

int get_connection_output_count ( )

Returns the number of enabled output slots (connections) of the GraphNode.

Vector2 get_connection_output_position ( int idx )

Returns the position of the output connection idx.

int get_connection_output_type ( int idx )

Returns the type of the output connection idx.

Color get_slot_color_left ( int idx ) const

Returns the color set to idx left (input) slot.

Color get_slot_color_right ( int idx ) const

Returns the color set to idx right (output) slot.

int get_slot_type_left ( int idx ) const

Returns the (integer) type of left (input) idx slot.

int get_slot_type_right ( int idx ) const

Returns the (integer) type of right (output) idx slot.

bool is_slot_enabled_left ( int idx ) const

Returns true if left (input) slot idx is enabled, false otherwise.

bool is_slot_enabled_right ( int idx ) const

Returns true if right (output) slot idx is enabled, false otherwise.

void set_slot ( int idx, bool enable_left, int type_left, Color color_left, bool enable_right, int type_right, Color color_right, Texture custom_left=null, Texture custom_right=null )

Sets properties of the slot with ID idx.

If enable_left/right, a port will appear and the slot will be able to be connected from this side.

type_left/right is an arbitrary type of the port. Only ports with the same type values can be connected.

color_left/right is the tint of the port's icon on this side.

custom_left/right is a custom texture for this side's port.

Note: This method only sets properties of the slot. To create the slot, add a Control-derived child to the GraphNode.

© 2014–2020 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur, Godot Engine contributors
Licensed under the MIT License.