
Inherits: Material < Resource < Reference < Object

Default 3D rendering material.


This provides a default material with a wide variety of rendering features and properties without the need to write shader code. See the tutorial below for details.



Color albedo_color Color( 1, 1, 1, 1 )
Texture albedo_texture
float anisotropy
bool anisotropy_enabled false
Texture anisotropy_flowmap
bool ao_enabled false
float ao_light_affect
bool ao_on_uv2
Texture ao_texture
TextureChannel ao_texture_channel
float clearcoat
bool clearcoat_enabled false
float clearcoat_gloss
Texture clearcoat_texture
bool depth_deep_parallax
bool depth_enabled false
bool depth_flip_binormal
bool depth_flip_tangent
int depth_max_layers
int depth_min_layers
float depth_scale
Texture depth_texture
Texture detail_albedo
BlendMode detail_blend_mode
bool detail_enabled false
Texture detail_mask
Texture detail_normal
DetailUV detail_uv_layer
float distance_fade_max_distance
float distance_fade_min_distance
DistanceFadeMode distance_fade_mode 0
Color emission
bool emission_enabled false
float emission_energy
bool emission_on_uv2
EmissionOperator emission_operator
Texture emission_texture
bool flags_albedo_tex_force_srgb false
bool flags_disable_ambient_light false
bool flags_do_not_receive_shadows false
bool flags_ensure_correct_normals false
bool flags_fixed_size false
bool flags_no_depth_test false
bool flags_transparent false
bool flags_unshaded false
bool flags_use_point_size false
bool flags_use_shadow_to_opacity false
bool flags_vertex_lighting false
bool flags_world_triplanar false
float metallic 0.0
float metallic_specular 0.5
Texture metallic_texture
TextureChannel metallic_texture_channel 0
bool normal_enabled false
float normal_scale
Texture normal_texture
float params_alpha_scissor_threshold
bool params_billboard_keep_scale false
BillboardMode params_billboard_mode 0
BlendMode params_blend_mode 0
CullMode params_cull_mode 0
DepthDrawMode params_depth_draw_mode 0
DiffuseMode params_diffuse_mode 0
bool params_grow false
float params_grow_amount
float params_line_width 1.0
float params_point_size 1.0
SpecularMode params_specular_mode 0
bool params_use_alpha_scissor false
int particles_anim_h_frames
bool particles_anim_loop
int particles_anim_v_frames
float proximity_fade_distance
bool proximity_fade_enable false
bool refraction_enabled false
float refraction_scale
Texture refraction_texture
TextureChannel refraction_texture_channel
float rim
bool rim_enabled false
Texture rim_texture
float rim_tint
float roughness 1.0
Texture roughness_texture
TextureChannel roughness_texture_channel 0
bool subsurf_scatter_enabled false
float subsurf_scatter_strength
Texture subsurf_scatter_texture
Color transmission
bool transmission_enabled false
Texture transmission_texture
Vector3 uv1_offset Vector3( 0, 0, 0 )
Vector3 uv1_scale Vector3( 1, 1, 1 )
bool uv1_triplanar false
float uv1_triplanar_sharpness 1.0
Vector3 uv2_offset Vector3( 0, 0, 0 )
Vector3 uv2_scale Vector3( 1, 1, 1 )
bool uv2_triplanar false
float uv2_triplanar_sharpness 1.0
bool vertex_color_is_srgb false
bool vertex_color_use_as_albedo false


bool get_feature ( Feature feature ) const
bool get_flag ( Flags flag ) const
Texture get_texture ( TextureParam param ) const
void set_feature ( Feature feature, bool enable )
void set_flag ( Flags flag, bool enable )
void set_texture ( TextureParam param, Texture texture )


enum TextureParam:

  • TEXTURE_ALBEDO = 0 --- Texture specifying per-pixel color.
  • TEXTURE_METALLIC = 1 --- Texture specifying per-pixel metallic value.
  • TEXTURE_ROUGHNESS = 2 --- Texture specifying per-pixel roughness value.
  • TEXTURE_EMISSION = 3 --- Texture specifying per-pixel emission color.
  • TEXTURE_NORMAL = 4 --- Texture specifying per-pixel normal vector.
  • TEXTURE_RIM = 5 --- Texture specifying per-pixel rim value.
  • TEXTURE_CLEARCOAT = 6 --- Texture specifying per-pixel clearcoat value.
  • TEXTURE_FLOWMAP = 7 --- Texture specifying per-pixel flowmap direction for use with anisotropy.
  • TEXTURE_AMBIENT_OCCLUSION = 8 --- Texture specifying per-pixel ambient occlusion value.
  • TEXTURE_DEPTH = 9 --- Texture specifying per-pixel depth.
  • TEXTURE_SUBSURFACE_SCATTERING = 10 --- Texture specifying per-pixel subsurface scattering.
  • TEXTURE_TRANSMISSION = 11 --- Texture specifying per-pixel transmission color.
  • TEXTURE_REFRACTION = 12 --- Texture specifying per-pixel refraction strength.
  • TEXTURE_DETAIL_MASK = 13 --- Texture specifying per-pixel detail mask blending value.
  • TEXTURE_DETAIL_ALBEDO = 14 --- Texture specifying per-pixel detail color.
  • TEXTURE_DETAIL_NORMAL = 15 --- Texture specifying per-pixel detail normal.
  • TEXTURE_MAX = 16 --- Represents the size of the TextureParam enum.

enum DetailUV:

  • DETAIL_UV_1 = 0 --- Use UV with the detail texture.
  • DETAIL_UV_2 = 1 --- Use UV2 with the detail texture.

enum Feature:

enum BlendMode:

  • BLEND_MODE_MIX = 0 --- Default blend mode. The color of the object is blended over the background based on the object's alpha value.
  • BLEND_MODE_ADD = 1 --- The color of the object is added to the background.
  • BLEND_MODE_SUB = 2 --- The color of the object is subtracted from the background.
  • BLEND_MODE_MUL = 3 --- The color of the object is multiplied by the background.

enum DepthDrawMode:

  • DEPTH_DRAW_OPAQUE_ONLY = 0 --- Default depth draw mode. Depth is drawn only for opaque objects.
  • DEPTH_DRAW_ALWAYS = 1 --- Depth draw is calculated for both opaque and transparent objects.
  • DEPTH_DRAW_DISABLED = 2 --- No depth draw.
  • DEPTH_DRAW_ALPHA_OPAQUE_PREPASS = 3 --- For transparent objects, an opaque pass is made first with the opaque parts, then transparency is drawn.

enum CullMode:

  • CULL_BACK = 0 --- Default cull mode. The back of the object is culled when not visible.
  • CULL_FRONT = 1 --- The front of the object is culled when not visible.
  • CULL_DISABLED = 2 --- No culling is performed.

enum Flags:

  • FLAG_UNSHADED = 0 --- No lighting is used on the object. Color comes directly from ALBEDO.
  • FLAG_USE_VERTEX_LIGHTING = 1 --- Lighting is calculated per-vertex rather than per-pixel. This can be used to increase the speed of the shader at the cost of quality.
  • FLAG_DISABLE_DEPTH_TEST = 2 --- Disables the depth test, so this object is drawn on top of all others. However, objects drawn after it in the draw order may cover it.
  • FLAG_ALBEDO_FROM_VERTEX_COLOR = 3 --- Set ALBEDO to the per-vertex color specified in the mesh.
  • FLAG_SRGB_VERTEX_COLOR = 4 --- Vertex color is in sRGB space and needs to be converted to linear. Only applies in the GLES3 renderer.
  • FLAG_USE_POINT_SIZE = 5 --- Uses point size to alter the size of primitive points. Also changes the albedo texture lookup to use POINT_COORD instead of UV.
  • FLAG_FIXED_SIZE = 6 --- Object is scaled by depth so that it always appears the same size on screen.
  • FLAG_BILLBOARD_KEEP_SCALE = 7 --- Shader will keep the scale set for the mesh. Otherwise the scale is lost when billboarding. Only applies when params_billboard_mode is BILLBOARD_ENABLED.
  • FLAG_UV1_USE_TRIPLANAR = 8 --- Use triplanar texture lookup for all texture lookups that would normally use UV.
  • FLAG_UV2_USE_TRIPLANAR = 9 --- Use triplanar texture lookup for all texture lookups that would normally use UV2.
  • FLAG_AO_ON_UV2 = 11 --- Use UV2 coordinates to look up from the ao_texture.
  • FLAG_EMISSION_ON_UV2 = 12 --- Use UV2 coordinates to look up from the emission_texture.
  • FLAG_USE_ALPHA_SCISSOR = 13 --- Use alpha scissor. Set by params_use_alpha_scissor.
  • FLAG_TRIPLANAR_USE_WORLD = 10 --- Use world coordinates in the triplanar texture lookup instead of local coordinates.
  • FLAG_ALBEDO_TEXTURE_FORCE_SRGB = 14 --- Forces the shader to convert albedo from sRGB space to linear space.
  • FLAG_DONT_RECEIVE_SHADOWS = 15 --- Disables receiving shadows from other objects.
  • FLAG_DISABLE_AMBIENT_LIGHT = 17 --- Disables receiving ambient light.
  • FLAG_ENSURE_CORRECT_NORMALS = 16 --- Ensures that normals appear correct, even with non-uniform scaling.
  • FLAG_USE_SHADOW_TO_OPACITY = 18 --- Enables the shadow to opacity feature.
  • FLAG_MAX = 19 --- Represents the size of the Flags enum.

enum DiffuseMode:

  • DIFFUSE_BURLEY = 0 --- Default diffuse scattering algorithm.
  • DIFFUSE_LAMBERT = 1 --- Diffuse scattering ignores roughness.
  • DIFFUSE_LAMBERT_WRAP = 2 --- Extends Lambert to cover more than 90 degrees when roughness increases.
  • DIFFUSE_OREN_NAYAR = 3 --- Attempts to use roughness to emulate microsurfacing.
  • DIFFUSE_TOON = 4 --- Uses a hard cut for lighting, with smoothing affected by roughness.

enum SpecularMode:

  • SPECULAR_SCHLICK_GGX = 0 --- Default specular blob.
  • SPECULAR_BLINN = 1 --- Older specular algorithm, included for compatibility.
  • SPECULAR_PHONG = 2 --- Older specular algorithm, included for compatibility.
  • SPECULAR_TOON = 3 --- Toon blob which changes size based on roughness.
  • SPECULAR_DISABLED = 4 --- No specular blob.

enum BillboardMode:

  • BILLBOARD_DISABLED = 0 --- Billboard mode is disabled.
  • BILLBOARD_ENABLED = 1 --- The object's Z axis will always face the camera.
  • BILLBOARD_FIXED_Y = 2 --- The object's X axis will always face the camera.
  • BILLBOARD_PARTICLES = 3 --- Used for particle systems when assigned to Particles and CPUParticles nodes. Enables particles_anim_* properties.

The ParticlesMaterial.anim_speed or CPUParticles.anim_speed should also be set to a positive value for the animation to play.

enum TextureChannel:

  • TEXTURE_CHANNEL_RED = 0 --- Used to read from the red channel of a texture.
  • TEXTURE_CHANNEL_GREEN = 1 --- Used to read from the green channel of a texture.
  • TEXTURE_CHANNEL_BLUE = 2 --- Used to read from the blue channel of a texture.
  • TEXTURE_CHANNEL_ALPHA = 3 --- Used to read from the alpha channel of a texture.
  • TEXTURE_CHANNEL_GRAYSCALE = 4 --- Currently unused.

enum EmissionOperator:

  • EMISSION_OP_ADD = 0 --- Adds the emission color to the color from the emission texture.
  • EMISSION_OP_MULTIPLY = 1 --- Multiplies the emission color by the color from the emission texture.

enum DistanceFadeMode:

  • DISTANCE_FADE_DISABLED = 0 --- Do not use distance fade.
  • DISTANCE_FADE_PIXEL_ALPHA = 1 --- Smoothly fades the object out based on each pixel's distance from the camera using the alpha channel.
  • DISTANCE_FADE_PIXEL_DITHER = 2 --- Smoothly fades the object out based on each pixel's distance from the camera using a dither approach. Dithering discards pixels based on a set pattern to smoothly fade without enabling transparency. On certain hardware this can be faster than DISTANCE_FADE_PIXEL_ALPHA.
  • DISTANCE_FADE_OBJECT_DITHER = 3 --- Smoothly fades the object out based on the object's distance from the camera using a dither approach. Dithering discards pixels based on a set pattern to smoothly fade without enabling transparency. On certain hardware this can be faster than DISTANCE_FADE_PIXEL_ALPHA.

Property Descriptions

Color albedo_color

Default Color( 1, 1, 1, 1 )
Setter set_albedo(value)
Getter get_albedo()

The material's base color.

Texture albedo_texture

Setter set_texture(value)
Getter get_texture()

Texture to multiply by albedo_color. Used for basic texturing of objects.

float anisotropy

Setter set_anisotropy(value)
Getter get_anisotropy()

The strength of the anisotropy effect.

bool anisotropy_enabled

Default false
Setter set_feature(value)
Getter get_feature()

If true, anisotropy is enabled. Changes the shape of the specular blob and aligns it to tangent space. Mesh tangents are needed for this to work. If the mesh does not contain tangents the anisotropy effect will appear broken.

Texture anisotropy_flowmap

Setter set_texture(value)
Getter get_texture()

Texture that offsets the tangent map for anisotropy calculations.

bool ao_enabled

Default false
Setter set_feature(value)
Getter get_feature()

If true, ambient occlusion is enabled. Ambient occlusion darkens areas based on the ao_texture.

float ao_light_affect

Setter set_ao_light_affect(value)
Getter get_ao_light_affect()

Amount that ambient occlusion affects lighting from lights. If 0, ambient occlusion only affects ambient light. If 1, ambient occlusion affects lights just as much as it affects ambient light. This can be used to impact the strength of the ambient occlusion effect, but typically looks unrealistic.

bool ao_on_uv2

Setter set_flag(value)
Getter get_flag()

If true, use UV2 coordinates to look up from the ao_texture.

Texture ao_texture

Setter set_texture(value)
Getter get_texture()

Texture that defines the amount of ambient occlusion for a given point on the object.

TextureChannel ao_texture_channel

Setter set_ao_texture_channel(value)
Getter get_ao_texture_channel()

Specifies the channel of the ao_texture in which the ambient occlusion information is stored. This is useful when you store the information for multiple effects in a single texture. For example if you stored metallic in the red channel, roughness in the blue, and ambient occlusion in the green you could reduce the number of textures you use.

float clearcoat

Setter set_clearcoat(value)
Getter get_clearcoat()

Sets the strength of the clearcoat effect. Setting to 0 looks the same as disabling the clearcoat effect.

bool clearcoat_enabled

Default false
Setter set_feature(value)
Getter get_feature()

If true, clearcoat rendering is enabled. Adds a secondary transparent pass to the lighting calculation resulting in an added specular blob. This makes materials appear as if they have a clear layer on them that can be either glossy or rough.

float clearcoat_gloss

Setter set_clearcoat_gloss(value)
Getter get_clearcoat_gloss()

Sets the roughness of the clearcoat pass. A higher value results in a smoother clearcoat while a lower value results in a rougher clearcoat.

Texture clearcoat_texture

Setter set_texture(value)
Getter get_texture()

Texture that defines the strength of the clearcoat effect and the glossiness of the clearcoat. Strength is specified in the red channel while glossiness is specified in the green channel.

bool depth_deep_parallax

Setter set_depth_deep_parallax(value)
Getter is_depth_deep_parallax_enabled()

If true, the shader will read depth texture at multiple points along the view ray to determine occlusion and parrallax. This can be very performance demanding, but results in more realistic looking depth mapping.

bool depth_enabled

Default false
Setter set_feature(value)
Getter get_feature()

If true, depth mapping is enabled (also called "parallax mapping" or "height mapping"). See also normal_enabled.

bool depth_flip_binormal

Setter set_depth_deep_parallax_flip_binormal(value)
Getter get_depth_deep_parallax_flip_binormal()

If true, direction of the binormal is flipped before using in the depth effect. This may be necessary if you have encoded your binormals in a way that is conflicting with the depth effect.

bool depth_flip_tangent

Setter set_depth_deep_parallax_flip_tangent(value)
Getter get_depth_deep_parallax_flip_tangent()

If true, direction of the tangent is flipped before using in the depth effect. This may be necessary if you have encoded your tangents in a way that is conflicting with the depth effect.

int depth_max_layers

Setter set_depth_deep_parallax_max_layers(value)
Getter get_depth_deep_parallax_max_layers()

Number of layers to use when using depth_deep_parallax and the view direction is perpendicular to the surface of the object. A higher number will be more performance demanding while a lower number may not look as crisp.

int depth_min_layers

Setter set_depth_deep_parallax_min_layers(value)
Getter get_depth_deep_parallax_min_layers()

Number of layers to use when using depth_deep_parallax and the view direction is parallel to the surface of the object. A higher number will be more performance demanding while a lower number may not look as crisp.

float depth_scale

Setter set_depth_scale(value)
Getter get_depth_scale()

Scales the depth offset effect. A higher number will create a larger depth.

Texture depth_texture

Setter set_texture(value)
Getter get_texture()

Texture used to determine depth at a given pixel. Depth is always stored in the red channel.

Texture detail_albedo

Setter set_texture(value)
Getter get_texture()

Texture that specifies the color of the detail overlay.

BlendMode detail_blend_mode

Setter set_detail_blend_mode(value)
Getter get_detail_blend_mode()

Specifies how the detail_albedo should blend with the current ALBEDO. See BlendMode for options.

bool detail_enabled

Default false
Setter set_feature(value)
Getter get_feature()

If true, enables the detail overlay. Detail is a second texture that gets mixed over the surface of the object based on detail_mask. This can be used to add variation to objects, or to blend between two different albedo/normal textures.

Texture detail_mask

Setter set_texture(value)
Getter get_texture()

Texture used to specify how the detail textures get blended with the base textures.

Texture detail_normal

Setter set_texture(value)
Getter get_texture()

Texture that specifies the per-pixel normal of the detail overlay.

Note: Godot expects the normal map to use X+, Y-, and Z+ coordinates. See this page for a comparison of normal map coordinates expected by popular engines.

DetailUV detail_uv_layer

Setter set_detail_uv(value)
Getter get_detail_uv()

Specifies whether to use UV or UV2 for the detail layer. See DetailUV for options.

float distance_fade_max_distance

Setter set_distance_fade_max_distance(value)
Getter get_distance_fade_max_distance()

Distance at which the object fades fully and is no longer visible.

float distance_fade_min_distance

Setter set_distance_fade_min_distance(value)
Getter get_distance_fade_min_distance()

Distance at which the object starts to fade. If the object is less than this distance away it will appear normal.

DistanceFadeMode distance_fade_mode

Default 0
Setter set_distance_fade(value)
Getter get_distance_fade()

Specifies which type of fade to use. Can be any of the DistanceFadeModes.

Color emission

Setter set_emission(value)
Getter get_emission()

The emitted light's color. See emission_enabled.

bool emission_enabled

Default false
Setter set_feature(value)
Getter get_feature()

If true, the body emits light. Emitting light makes the object appear brighter. The object can also cast light on other objects if a GIProbe or BakedLightmap is used and this object is used in baked lighting.

float emission_energy

Setter set_emission_energy(value)
Getter get_emission_energy()

The emitted light's strength. See emission_enabled.

bool emission_on_uv2

Setter set_flag(value)
Getter get_flag()

Use UV2 to read from the emission_texture.

EmissionOperator emission_operator

Setter set_emission_operator(value)
Getter get_emission_operator()

Sets how emission interacts with emission_texture. Can either add or multiply. See EmissionOperator for options.

Texture emission_texture

Setter set_texture(value)
Getter get_texture()

Texture that specifies how much surface emits light at a given point.

bool flags_albedo_tex_force_srgb

Default false
Setter set_flag(value)
Getter get_flag()

Forces a conversion of the albedo_texture from sRGB space to linear space.

bool flags_disable_ambient_light

Default false
Setter set_flag(value)
Getter get_flag()

If true, the object receives no ambient light.

bool flags_do_not_receive_shadows

Default false
Setter set_flag(value)
Getter get_flag()

If true, the object receives no shadow that would otherwise be cast onto it.

bool flags_ensure_correct_normals

Default false
Setter set_flag(value)
Getter get_flag()

If true, the shader will compute extra operations to make sure the normal stays correct when using a non-uniform scale. Only enable if using non-uniform scaling.

bool flags_fixed_size

Default false
Setter set_flag(value)
Getter get_flag()

If true, the object is rendered at the same size regardless of distance.

bool flags_no_depth_test

Default false
Setter set_flag(value)
Getter get_flag()

If true, depth testing is disabled and the object will be drawn in render order.

bool flags_transparent

Default false
Setter set_feature(value)
Getter get_feature()

If true, transparency is enabled on the body. See also params_blend_mode.

bool flags_unshaded

Default false
Setter set_flag(value)
Getter get_flag()

If true, the object is unaffected by lighting.

bool flags_use_point_size

Default false
Setter set_flag(value)
Getter get_flag()

If true, render point size can be changed.

Note: this is only effective for objects whose geometry is point-based rather than triangle-based. See also params_point_size.

bool flags_use_shadow_to_opacity

Default false
Setter set_flag(value)
Getter get_flag()

If true, enables the "shadow to opacity" render mode where lighting modifies the alpha so shadowed areas are opaque and non-shadowed areas are transparent. Useful for overlaying shadows onto a camera feed in AR.

bool flags_vertex_lighting

Default false
Setter set_flag(value)
Getter get_flag()

If true, lighting is calculated per vertex rather than per pixel. This may increase performance on low-end devices.

bool flags_world_triplanar

Default false
Setter set_flag(value)
Getter get_flag()

If true, triplanar mapping is calculated in world space rather than object local space. See also uv1_triplanar.

float metallic

Default 0.0
Setter set_metallic(value)
Getter get_metallic()

A high value makes the material appear more like a metal. Non-metals use their albedo as the diffuse color and add diffuse to the specular reflection. With non-metals, the reflection appears on top of the albedo color. Metals use their albedo as a multiplier to the specular reflection and set the diffuse color to black resulting in a tinted reflection. Materials work better when fully metal or fully non-metal, values between 0 and 1 should only be used for blending between metal and non-metal sections. To alter the amount of reflection use roughness.

float metallic_specular

Default 0.5
Setter set_specular(value)
Getter get_specular()

Sets the size of the specular lobe. The specular lobe is the bright spot that is reflected from light sources.

Note: unlike metallic, this is not energy-conserving, so it should be left at 0.5 in most cases. See also roughness.

Texture metallic_texture

Setter set_texture(value)
Getter get_texture()

Texture used to specify metallic for an object. This is multiplied by metallic.

TextureChannel metallic_texture_channel

Default 0
Setter set_metallic_texture_channel(value)
Getter get_metallic_texture_channel()

Specifies the channel of the metallic_texture in which the metallic information is stored. This is useful when you store the information for multiple effects in a single texture. For example if you stored metallic in the red channel, roughness in the blue, and ambient occlusion in the green you could reduce the number of textures you use.

bool normal_enabled

Default false
Setter set_feature(value)
Getter get_feature()

If true, normal mapping is enabled.

float normal_scale

Setter set_normal_scale(value)
Getter get_normal_scale()

The strength of the normal map's effect.

Texture normal_texture

Setter set_texture(value)
Getter get_texture()

Texture used to specify the normal at a given pixel. The normal_texture only uses the red and green channels. The normal read from normal_texture is oriented around the surface normal provided by the Mesh.

Note: Godot expects the normal map to use X+, Y-, and Z+ coordinates. See this page for a comparison of normal map coordinates expected by popular engines.

float params_alpha_scissor_threshold

Setter set_alpha_scissor_threshold(value)
Getter get_alpha_scissor_threshold()

Threshold at which the alpha scissor will discard values.

bool params_billboard_keep_scale

Default false
Setter set_flag(value)
Getter get_flag()

If true, the shader will keep the scale set for the mesh. Otherwise the scale is lost when billboarding. Only applies when params_billboard_mode is BILLBOARD_ENABLED.

BillboardMode params_billboard_mode

Default 0
Setter set_billboard_mode(value)
Getter get_billboard_mode()

Controls how the object faces the camera. See BillboardMode.

BlendMode params_blend_mode

Default 0
Setter set_blend_mode(value)
Getter get_blend_mode()

The material's blend mode.

Note: Values other than Mix force the object into the transparent pipeline. See BlendMode.

CullMode params_cull_mode

Default 0
Setter set_cull_mode(value)
Getter get_cull_mode()

Which side of the object is not drawn when backfaces are rendered. See CullMode.

DepthDrawMode params_depth_draw_mode

Default 0
Setter set_depth_draw_mode(value)
Getter get_depth_draw_mode()

Determines when depth rendering takes place. See DepthDrawMode. See also flags_transparent.

DiffuseMode params_diffuse_mode

Default 0
Setter set_diffuse_mode(value)
Getter get_diffuse_mode()

The algorithm used for diffuse light scattering. See DiffuseMode.

bool params_grow

Default false
Setter set_grow_enabled(value)
Getter is_grow_enabled()

If true, enables the vertex grow setting. See params_grow_amount.

float params_grow_amount

Setter set_grow(value)
Getter get_grow()

Grows object vertices in the direction of their normals.

float params_line_width

Default 1.0
Setter set_line_width(value)
Getter get_line_width()

Currently unimplemented in Godot.

float params_point_size

Default 1.0
Setter set_point_size(value)
Getter get_point_size()

The point size in pixels. See flags_use_point_size.

SpecularMode params_specular_mode

Default 0
Setter set_specular_mode(value)
Getter get_specular_mode()

The method for rendering the specular blob. See SpecularMode.

bool params_use_alpha_scissor

Default false
Setter set_flag(value)
Getter get_flag()

If true, the shader will discard all pixels that have an alpha value less than params_alpha_scissor_threshold.

int particles_anim_h_frames

Setter set_particles_anim_h_frames(value)
Getter get_particles_anim_h_frames()

The number of horizontal frames in the particle sprite sheet. Only enabled when using BILLBOARD_PARTICLES. See params_billboard_mode.

bool particles_anim_loop

Setter set_particles_anim_loop(value)
Getter get_particles_anim_loop()

If true, particle animations are looped. Only enabled when using BILLBOARD_PARTICLES. See params_billboard_mode.

int particles_anim_v_frames

Setter set_particles_anim_v_frames(value)
Getter get_particles_anim_v_frames()

The number of vertical frames in the particle sprite sheet. Only enabled when using BILLBOARD_PARTICLES. See params_billboard_mode.

float proximity_fade_distance

Setter set_proximity_fade_distance(value)
Getter get_proximity_fade_distance()

Distance over which the fade effect takes place. The larger the distance the longer it takes for an object to fade.

bool proximity_fade_enable

Default false
Setter set_proximity_fade(value)
Getter is_proximity_fade_enabled()

If true, the proximity fade effect is enabled. The proximity fade effect fades out each pixel based on its distance to another object.

bool refraction_enabled

Default false
Setter set_feature(value)
Getter get_feature()

If true, the refraction effect is enabled. Distorts transparency based on light from behind the object.

float refraction_scale

Setter set_refraction(value)
Getter get_refraction()

The strength of the refraction effect.

Texture refraction_texture

Setter set_texture(value)
Getter get_texture()

Texture that controls the strength of the refraction per-pixel. Multiplied by refraction_scale.

TextureChannel refraction_texture_channel

Setter set_refraction_texture_channel(value)
Getter get_refraction_texture_channel()

Specifies the channel of the ao_texture in which the ambient occlusion information is stored. This is useful when you store the information for multiple effects in a single texture. For example if you stored metallic in the red channel, roughness in the blue, and ambient occlusion in the green you could reduce the number of textures you use.

float rim

Setter set_rim(value)
Getter get_rim()

Sets the strength of the rim lighting effect.

bool rim_enabled

Default false
Setter set_feature(value)
Getter get_feature()

If true, rim effect is enabled. Rim lighting increases the brightness at glancing angles on an object.

Texture rim_texture

Setter set_texture(value)
Getter get_texture()

Texture used to set the strength of the rim lighting effect per-pixel. Multiplied by rim.

float rim_tint

Setter set_rim_tint(value)
Getter get_rim_tint()

The amount of to blend light and albedo color when rendering rim effect. If 0 the light color is used, while 1 means albedo color is used. An intermediate value generally works best.

float roughness

Default 1.0
Setter set_roughness(value)
Getter get_roughness()

Surface reflection. A value of 0 represents a perfect mirror while a value of 1 completely blurs the reflection. See also metallic.

Texture roughness_texture

Setter set_texture(value)
Getter get_texture()

Texture used to control the roughness per-pixel. Multiplied by roughness.

TextureChannel roughness_texture_channel

Default 0
Setter set_roughness_texture_channel(value)
Getter get_roughness_texture_channel()

Specifies the channel of the ao_texture in which the ambient occlusion information is stored. This is useful when you store the information for multiple effects in a single texture. For example if you stored metallic in the red channel, roughness in the blue, and ambient occlusion in the green you could reduce the number of textures you use.

bool subsurf_scatter_enabled

Default false
Setter set_feature(value)
Getter get_feature()

If true, subsurface scattering is enabled. Emulates light that penetrates an object's surface, is scattered, and then emerges.

float subsurf_scatter_strength

Setter set_subsurface_scattering_strength(value)
Getter get_subsurface_scattering_strength()

The strength of the subsurface scattering effect.

Texture subsurf_scatter_texture

Setter set_texture(value)
Getter get_texture()

Texture used to control the subsurface scattering strength. Stored in the red texture channel. Multiplied by subsurf_scatter_strength.

Color transmission

Setter set_transmission(value)
Getter get_transmission()

The color used by the transmission effect. Represents the light passing through an object.

bool transmission_enabled

Default false
Setter set_feature(value)
Getter get_feature()

If true, the transmission effect is enabled.

Texture transmission_texture

Setter set_texture(value)
Getter get_texture()

Texture used to control the transmission effect per-pixel. Added to transmission.

Vector3 uv1_offset

Default Vector3( 0, 0, 0 )
Setter set_uv1_offset(value)
Getter get_uv1_offset()

How much to offset the UV coordinates. This amount will be added to UV in the vertex function. This can be used to offset a texture.

Vector3 uv1_scale

Default Vector3( 1, 1, 1 )
Setter set_uv1_scale(value)
Getter get_uv1_scale()

How much to scale the UV coordinates. This is multiplied by UV in the vertex function.

bool uv1_triplanar

Default false
Setter set_flag(value)
Getter get_flag()

If true, instead of using UV textures will use a triplanar texture lookup to determine how to apply textures. Triplanar uses the orientation of the object's surface to blend between texture coordinates. It reads from the source texture 3 times, once for each axis and then blends between the results based on how closely the pixel aligns with each axis. This is often used for natural features to get a realistic blend of materials. Because triplanar texturing requires many more texture reads per-pixel it is much slower than normal UV texturing. Additionally, because it is blending the texture between the three axes, it is unsuitable when you are trying to achieve crisp texturing.

float uv1_triplanar_sharpness

Default 1.0
Setter set_uv1_triplanar_blend_sharpness(value)
Getter get_uv1_triplanar_blend_sharpness()

A lower number blends the texture more softly while a higher number blends the texture more sharply.

Vector3 uv2_offset

Default Vector3( 0, 0, 0 )
Setter set_uv2_offset(value)
Getter get_uv2_offset()

How much to offset the UV2 coordinates. This amount will be added to UV2 in the vertex function. This can be used to offset a texture.

Vector3 uv2_scale

Default Vector3( 1, 1, 1 )
Setter set_uv2_scale(value)
Getter get_uv2_scale()

How much to scale the UV2 coordinates. This is multiplied by UV2 in the vertex function.

bool uv2_triplanar

Default false
Setter set_flag(value)
Getter get_flag()

If true, instead of using UV2 textures will use a triplanar texture lookup to determine how to apply textures. Triplanar uses the orientation of the object's surface to blend between texture coordinates. It reads from the source texture 3 times, once for each axis and then blends between the results based on how closely the pixel aligns with each axis. This is often used for natural features to get a realistic blend of materials. Because triplanar texturing requires many more texture reads per-pixel it is much slower than normal UV texturing. Additionally, because it is blending the texture between the three axes, it is unsuitable when you are trying to achieve crisp texturing.

float uv2_triplanar_sharpness

Default 1.0
Setter set_uv2_triplanar_blend_sharpness(value)
Getter get_uv2_triplanar_blend_sharpness()

A lower number blends the texture more softly while a higher number blends the texture more sharply.

bool vertex_color_is_srgb

Default false
Setter set_flag(value)
Getter get_flag()

If true, the model's vertex colors are processed as sRGB mode.

bool vertex_color_use_as_albedo

Default false
Setter set_flag(value)
Getter get_flag()

If true, the vertex color is used as albedo color.

Method Descriptions

bool get_feature ( Feature feature ) const

Returns true, if the specified Feature is enabled.

bool get_flag ( Flags flag ) const

Returns true, if the specified flag is enabled. See Flags enumerator for options.

Texture get_texture ( TextureParam param ) const

Returns the Texture associated with the specified TextureParam.

void set_feature ( Feature feature, bool enable )

If true, enables the specified Feature. Many features that are available in SpatialMaterials need to be enabled before use. This way the cost for using the feature is only incurred when specified. Features can also be enabled by setting the corresponding member to true.

void set_flag ( Flags flag, bool enable )

If true, enables the specified flag. Flags are optional behaviour that can be turned on and off. Only one flag can be enabled at a time with this function, the flag enumerators cannot be bit-masked together to enable or disable multiple flags at once. Flags can also be enabled by setting the corresponding member to true. See Flags enumerator for options.

void set_texture ( TextureParam param, Texture texture )

Sets the Texture to be used by the specified TextureParam. This function is called when setting members ending in *_texture.

© 2014–2020 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur, Godot Engine contributors
Licensed under the MIT License.