
Inherits: Sky < Resource < Reference < Object

A type of Sky used to draw a background texture.


A resource referenced in an Environment that is used to draw a background. The Panorama sky functions similar to skyboxes in other engines, except it uses an equirectangular sky map instead of a cube map.

Using an HDR panorama is strongly recommended for accurate, high-quality reflections. Godot supports the Radiance HDR (.hdr) and OpenEXR (.exr) image formats for this purpose.

You can use this tool to convert a cube map to an equirectangular sky map.


Texture panorama

Property Descriptions

Texture panorama

Setter set_panorama(value)
Getter get_panorama()

Texture to be applied to the PanoramaSky.

© 2014–2020 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur, Godot Engine contributors
Licensed under the MIT License.