
Inherits: Control < CanvasItem < Node < Object

Control to show a tree of items.


This shows a tree of items that can be selected, expanded and collapsed. The tree can have multiple columns with custom controls like text editing, buttons and popups. It can be useful for structured displays and interactions.

Trees are built via code, using TreeItem objects to create the structure. They have a single root but multiple roots can be simulated if a dummy hidden root is added.

func _ready():
    var tree =
    var root = tree.create_item()
    var child1 = tree.create_item(root)
    var child2 = tree.create_item(root)
    var subchild1 = tree.create_item(child1)
    subchild1.set_text(0, "Subchild1")

To iterate over all the TreeItem objects in a Tree object, use TreeItem.get_next and TreeItem.get_children after getting the root through get_root. You can use on a TreeItem to remove it from the Tree.


bool allow_reselect false
bool allow_rmb_select false
int columns 1
int drop_mode_flags 0
FocusMode focus_mode 2 (parent override)
bool hide_folding false
bool hide_root false
bool rect_clip_content true (parent override)
SelectMode select_mode 0


bool are_column_titles_visible ( ) const
void clear ( )
TreeItem create_item ( Object parent=null, int idx=-1 )
void ensure_cursor_is_visible ( )
int get_column_at_position ( Vector2 position ) const
String get_column_title ( int column ) const
int get_column_width ( int column ) const
Rect2 get_custom_popup_rect ( ) const
int get_drop_section_at_position ( Vector2 position ) const
TreeItem get_edited ( ) const
int get_edited_column ( ) const
Rect2 get_item_area_rect ( Object item, int column=-1 ) const
TreeItem get_item_at_position ( Vector2 position ) const
TreeItem get_next_selected ( Object from )
int get_pressed_button ( ) const
TreeItem get_root ( )
Vector2 get_scroll ( ) const
TreeItem get_selected ( ) const
int get_selected_column ( ) const
void set_column_expand ( int column, bool expand )
void set_column_min_width ( int column, int min_width )
void set_column_title ( int column, String title )
void set_column_titles_visible ( bool visible )

Theme Properties

Texture arrow
Texture arrow_collapsed
StyleBox bg
StyleBox bg_focus
int button_margin 4
StyleBox button_pressed
Texture checked
StyleBox cursor
StyleBox cursor_unfocused
StyleBox custom_button
Color custom_button_font_highlight Color( 0.94, 0.94, 0.94, 1 )
StyleBox custom_button_hover
StyleBox custom_button_pressed
int draw_guides 1
int draw_relationship_lines 0
Color drop_position_color Color( 1, 0.3, 0.2, 1 )
Font font
Color font_color Color( 0.69, 0.69, 0.69, 1 )
Color font_color_selected Color( 1, 1, 1, 1 )
Color guide_color Color( 0, 0, 0, 0.1 )
int hseparation 4
int item_margin 12
Color relationship_line_color Color( 0.27, 0.27, 0.27, 1 )
int scroll_border 4
int scroll_speed 12
Texture select_arrow
StyleBox selected
StyleBox selected_focus
Color title_button_color Color( 0.88, 0.88, 0.88, 1 )
Font title_button_font
StyleBox title_button_hover
StyleBox title_button_normal
StyleBox title_button_pressed
Texture unchecked
Texture updown
int vseparation 4


button_pressed ( TreeItem item, int column, int id )

Emitted when a button on the tree was pressed (see TreeItem.add_button).

cell_selected ( )

Emitted when a cell is selected.

column_title_pressed ( int column )

Emitted when a column's title is pressed.

custom_popup_edited ( bool arrow_clicked )

Emitted when a cell with the TreeItem.CELL_MODE_CUSTOM is clicked to be edited.

empty_rmb ( Vector2 position )

Emitted when the right mouse button is pressed in the empty space of the tree.

empty_tree_rmb_selected ( Vector2 position )

Emitted when the right mouse button is pressed if right mouse button selection is active and the tree is empty.

item_activated ( )

Emitted when an item's label is double-clicked.

item_collapsed ( TreeItem item )

Emitted when an item is collapsed by a click on the folding arrow.

item_custom_button_pressed ( )

Emitted when a custom button is pressed (i.e. in a TreeItem.CELL_MODE_CUSTOM mode cell).

item_double_clicked ( )

Emitted when an item's icon is double-clicked.

item_edited ( )

Emitted when an item is edited.

item_rmb_edited ( )

Emitted when an item is edited using the right mouse button.

item_rmb_selected ( Vector2 position )

Emitted when an item is selected with the right mouse button.

item_selected ( )

Emitted when an item is selected.

multi_selected ( TreeItem item, int column, bool selected )

Emitted instead of item_selected if select_mode is SELECT_MULTI.

nothing_selected ( )

Emitted when a left mouse button click does not select any item.


enum SelectMode:

  • SELECT_SINGLE = 0 --- Allows selection of a single cell at a time. From the perspective of items, only a single item is allowed to be selected. And there is only one column selected in the selected item.

The focus cursor is always hidden in this mode, but it is positioned at the current selection, making the currently selected item the currently focused item.

  • SELECT_ROW = 1 --- Allows selection of a single row at a time. From the perspective of items, only a single items is allowed to be selected. And all the columns are selected in the selected item.

The focus cursor is always hidden in this mode, but it is positioned at the first column of the current selection, making the currently selected item the currently focused item.

  • SELECT_MULTI = 2 --- Allows selection of multiple cells at the same time. From the perspective of items, multiple items are allowed to be selected. And there can be multiple columns selected in each selected item.

The focus cursor is visible in this mode, the item or column under the cursor is not necessarily selected.

enum DropModeFlags:

  • DROP_MODE_DISABLED = 0 --- Disables all drop sections, but still allows to detect the "on item" drop section by get_drop_section_at_position.

Note: This is the default flag, it has no effect when combined with other flags.

  • DROP_MODE_ON_ITEM = 1 --- Enables the "on item" drop section. This drop section covers the entire item.

When combined with DROP_MODE_INBETWEEN, this drop section halves the height and stays centered vertically.

  • DROP_MODE_INBETWEEN = 2 --- Enables "above item" and "below item" drop sections. The "above item" drop section covers the top half of the item, and the "below item" drop section covers the bottom half.

When combined with DROP_MODE_ON_ITEM, these drop sections halves the height and stays on top / bottom accordingly.

Property Descriptions

bool allow_reselect

Default false
Setter set_allow_reselect(value)
Getter get_allow_reselect()

If true, the currently selected cell may be selected again.

bool allow_rmb_select

Default false
Setter set_allow_rmb_select(value)
Getter get_allow_rmb_select()

If true, a right mouse button click can select items.

int columns

Default 1
Setter set_columns(value)
Getter get_columns()

The number of columns.

int drop_mode_flags

Default 0
Setter set_drop_mode_flags(value)
Getter get_drop_mode_flags()

The drop mode as an OR combination of flags. See DropModeFlags constants. Once dropping is done, reverts to DROP_MODE_DISABLED. Setting this during Control.can_drop_data is recommended.

This controls the drop sections, i.e. the decision and drawing of possible drop locations based on the mouse position.

bool hide_folding

Default false
Setter set_hide_folding(value)
Getter is_folding_hidden()

If true, the folding arrow is hidden.

bool hide_root

Default false
Setter set_hide_root(value)
Getter is_root_hidden()

If true, the tree's root is hidden.

SelectMode select_mode

Default 0
Setter set_select_mode(value)
Getter get_select_mode()

Allows single or multiple selection. See the SelectMode constants.

Method Descriptions

bool are_column_titles_visible ( ) const

Returns true if the column titles are being shown.

void clear ( )

Clears the tree. This removes all items.

TreeItem create_item ( Object parent=null, int idx=-1 )

Creates an item in the tree and adds it as a child of parent.

If parent is null, the root item will be the parent, or the new item will be the root itself if the tree is empty.

The new item will be the idxth child of parent, or it will be the last child if there are not enough siblings.

void ensure_cursor_is_visible ( )

Makes the currently focused cell visible.

This will scroll the tree if necessary. In SELECT_ROW mode, this will not do horizontal scrolling, as all the cells in the selected row is focused logically.

Note: Despite the name of this method, the focus cursor itself is only visible in SELECT_MULTI mode.

int get_column_at_position ( Vector2 position ) const

Returns the column index at position, or -1 if no item is there.

String get_column_title ( int column ) const

Returns the column's title.

int get_column_width ( int column ) const

Returns the column's width in pixels.

Rect2 get_custom_popup_rect ( ) const

Returns the rectangle for custom popups. Helper to create custom cell controls that display a popup. See TreeItem.set_cell_mode.

int get_drop_section_at_position ( Vector2 position ) const

Returns the drop section at position, or -100 if no item is there.

Values -1, 0, or 1 will be returned for the "above item", "on item", and "below item" drop sections, respectively. See DropModeFlags for a description of each drop section.

To get the item which the returned drop section is relative to, use get_item_at_position.

TreeItem get_edited ( ) const

Returns the currently edited item. This is only available for custom cell mode.

int get_edited_column ( ) const

Returns the column for the currently edited item. This is only available for custom cell mode.

Rect2 get_item_area_rect ( Object item, int column=-1 ) const

Returns the rectangle area for the specified item. If column is specified, only get the position and size of that column, otherwise get the rectangle containing all columns.

TreeItem get_item_at_position ( Vector2 position ) const

Returns the tree item at the specified position (relative to the tree origin position).

TreeItem get_next_selected ( Object from )

Returns the next selected item after the given one, or null if the end is reached.

If from is null, this returns the first selected item.

int get_pressed_button ( ) const

Returns the last pressed button's index.

TreeItem get_root ( )

Returns the tree's root item, or null if the tree is empty.

Vector2 get_scroll ( ) const

Returns the current scrolling position.

TreeItem get_selected ( ) const

Returns the currently focused item, or null if no item is focused.

In SELECT_ROW and SELECT_SINGLE modes, the focused item is same as the selected item. In SELECT_MULTI mode, the focused item is the item under the focus cursor, not necessarily selected.

To get the currently selected item(s), use get_next_selected.

int get_selected_column ( ) const

Returns the currently focused column, or -1 if no column is focused.

In SELECT_SINGLE mode, the focused column is the selected column. In SELECT_ROW mode, the focused column is always 0 if any item is selected. In SELECT_MULTI mode, the focused column is the column under the focus cursor, and there are not necessarily any column selected.

To tell whether a column of an item is selected, use TreeItem.is_selected.

void set_column_expand ( int column, bool expand )

If true, the column will have the "Expand" flag of Control. Columns that have the "Expand" flag will use their "min_width" in a similar fashion to Control.size_flags_stretch_ratio.

void set_column_min_width ( int column, int min_width )

Sets the minimum width of a column. Columns that have the "Expand" flag will use their "min_width" in a similar fashion to Control.size_flags_stretch_ratio.

void set_column_title ( int column, String title )

Sets the title of a column.

void set_column_titles_visible ( bool visible )

If true, column titles are visible.

© 2014–2020 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur, Godot Engine contributors
Licensed under the MIT License.