
Inherits: Resource < Reference < Object

Class that has everything pertaining to a world.


Class that has everything pertaining to a world. A physics space, a visual scenario and a sound space. Spatial nodes register their resources into the current world.



PhysicsDirectSpaceState direct_space_state
Environment environment
Environment fallback_environment
RID scenario
RID space

Property Descriptions

PhysicsDirectSpaceState direct_space_state

Getter get_direct_space_state()

Direct access to the world's physics 3D space state. Used for querying current and potential collisions. Must only be accessed from within _physics_process(delta).

Environment environment

Setter set_environment(value)
Getter get_environment()

The World's Environment.

Environment fallback_environment

Setter set_fallback_environment(value)
Getter get_fallback_environment()

The World's fallback_environment will be used if the World's Environment fails or is missing.

RID scenario

Getter get_scenario()

The World's visual scenario.

RID space

Getter get_space()

The World's physics space.

© 2014–2020 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur, Godot Engine contributors
Licensed under the MIT License.