
Inherits: Reference < Object

Category: Core

Brief Description

Type to handle file reading and writing operations.

Member Functions

void close ( )
bool eof_reached ( ) const
bool file_exists ( String path ) const
int get_16 ( ) const
int get_32 ( ) const
int get_64 ( ) const
int get_8 ( ) const
String get_as_text ( ) const
RawArray get_buffer ( int len ) const
StringArray get_csv_line ( String delim=”,” ) const
float get_double ( ) const
bool get_endian_swap ( )
Error get_error ( ) const
float get_float ( ) const
int get_len ( ) const
String get_line ( ) const
String get_md5 ( String path ) const
int get_modified_time ( String file ) const
String get_pascal_string ( )
int get_pos ( ) const
float get_real ( ) const
String get_sha256 ( String path ) const
void get_var ( ) const
bool is_open ( ) const
int open ( String path, int flags )
int open_encrypted ( String path, int mode_flags, RawArray key )
int open_encrypted_with_pass ( String path, int mode_flags, String pass )
void seek ( int pos )
void seek_end ( int pos=0 )
void set_endian_swap ( bool enable )
void store_16 ( int value )
void store_32 ( int value )
void store_64 ( int value )
void store_8 ( int value )
void store_buffer ( RawArray buffer )
void store_double ( float value )
void store_float ( float value )
void store_line ( String line )
void store_pascal_string ( String string )
void store_real ( float value )
void store_string ( String string )
void store_var ( Variant value )

Numeric Constants

  • READ = 1 — Open the file for reading.
  • WRITE = 2 — Open the file for writing. Create it if the file not exists and truncate if it exists.
  • READ_WRITE = 3 — Open the file for reading and writing, without truncating the file.
  • WRITE_READ = 7 — Open the file for reading and writing. Create it if the file not exists and truncate if it exists.


File type. This is used to permanently store data into the user device’s file system and to read from it. This can be used to store game save data or player configuration files, for example.

Here’s a sample on how to write and read from a file:

func save(content):
    var file ="user://save_game.dat", file.WRITE)

func load():
    var file ="user://save_game.dat", file.READ)
    var content = file.get_as_text()
    return content

Member Function Description

void close ( )

Close the currently opened file.

bool eof_reached ( ) const

Return whether the file cursor reached the end of the file.

bool file_exists ( String path ) const

Get whether or not the file in the specified path exists.

int get_16 ( ) const

Get the next 16 bits from the file as an integer.

int get_32 ( ) const

Get the next 32 bits from the file as an integer.

int get_64 ( ) const

Get the next 64 bits from the file as an integer.

int get_8 ( ) const

Get the next 8 bits from the file as an integer.

String get_as_text ( ) const

Get the whole file as a String.

RawArray get_buffer ( int len ) const

Get next len bytes of the file as a RawArray.

StringArray get_csv_line ( String delim=”,” ) const

Get the next value of the file in CSV (Comma Separated Values) format. You can pass a different delimiter to use other than the default ”,” (comma).

float get_double ( ) const

Get the next 64 bits from the file as a floating point number.

bool get_endian_swap ( )

Get whether endian swap is enabled for this file.

Error get_error ( ) const

Get the last error that happened when trying to perform operations. Compare with the ERR_FILE\_\* constants from @Global Scope.

float get_float ( ) const

Get the next 32 bits from the file as a floating point number.

int get_len ( ) const

Return the size of the file in bytes.

String get_line ( ) const

Get the next line of the file as a String.

String get_md5 ( String path ) const

Return a md5 String representing the file at the given path or an empty String on failure.

int get_modified_time ( String file ) const

String get_pascal_string ( )

Get a String saved in Pascal format from the file.

int get_pos ( ) const

Return the file cursor position.

float get_real ( ) const

Get the next bits from the file as a floating point number.

String get_sha256 ( String path ) const

Return a sha256 String representing the file at the given path or an empty String on failure.

void get_var ( ) const

Get the next Variant value from the file.

bool is_open ( ) const

Return whether the file is currently opened.

int open ( String path, int flags )

Open the file for writing or reading, depending on the flags.

int open_encrypted ( String path, int mode_flags, RawArray key )

Open an encrypted file in write or read mode. You need to pass a binary key to encrypt/decrypt it.

int open_encrypted_with_pass ( String path, int mode_flags, String pass )

Open an encrypted file in write or read mode. You need to pass a password to encrypt/decrypt it.

void seek ( int pos )

Change the file reading/writing cursor to the specified position (in bytes from the beginning of the file).

void seek_end ( int pos=0 )

Change the file reading/writing cursor to the specified position (in bytes from the end of the file). Note that this is an offset, so you should use negative numbers or the cursor will be at the end of the file.

void set_endian_swap ( bool enable )

Set whether to swap the endianess of the file. Enable this if you’re dealing with files written in big endian machines.

Note that this is about the file format, not CPU type. This is always reseted to false whenever you open the file.

void store_16 ( int value )

Store an integer as 16 bits in the file.

void store_32 ( int value )

Store an integer as 32 bits in the file.

void store_64 ( int value )

Store an integer as 64 bits in the file.

void store_8 ( int value )

Store an integer as 8 bits in the file.

void store_buffer ( RawArray buffer )

Store the given array of bytes in the file.

void store_double ( float value )

Store a floating point number as 64 bits in the file.

void store_float ( float value )

Store a floating point number as 32 bits in the file.

void store_line ( String line )

Store the given String as a line in the file.

void store_pascal_string ( String string )

Store the given String as a line in the file in Pascal format (i.e. also store the length of the string).

void store_real ( float value )

Store a floating point number in the file.

void store_string ( String string )

Store the given String in the file.

void store_var ( Variant value )

Store any Variant value in the file.

© 2014–2020 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur, Godot Engine contributors
Licensed under the MIT License.