
Inherits: CanvasLayer < Node < Object

Category: Core

Brief Description

A node used to create a parallax scrolling background.

Member Functions

Vector2 get_limit_begin ( ) const
Vector2 get_limit_end ( ) const
Vector2 get_scroll_base_offset ( ) const
Vector2 get_scroll_base_scale ( ) const
Vector2 get_scroll_offset ( ) const
bool is_ignore_camera_zoom ( )
void set_ignore_camera_zoom ( bool ignore )
void set_limit_begin ( Vector2 ofs )
void set_limit_end ( Vector2 ofs )
void set_scroll_base_offset ( Vector2 ofs )
void set_scroll_base_scale ( Vector2 scale )
void set_scroll_offset ( Vector2 ofs )


A ParallaxBackground will use one or more ParallaxLayer nodes to create a parallax scrolling background. Each ParallaxLayer can be set to move at different speeds relative to the camera movement, this can be used to create an illusion of depth in a 2D game.

Member Function Description

Vector2 get_limit_begin ( ) const

Return the beginning limit.

Vector2 get_limit_end ( ) const

Return the ending limit.

Vector2 get_scroll_base_offset ( ) const

Return the base offset.

Vector2 get_scroll_base_scale ( ) const

Return the base motion scale.

Vector2 get_scroll_offset ( ) const

bool is_ignore_camera_zoom ( )

Return ignoring camera zoom.

void set_ignore_camera_zoom ( bool ignore )

Set to true for all child ParallaxLayer nodes to not be affected by the zoom level of the camera.

void set_limit_begin ( Vector2 ofs )

Set the left and top limits in pixels for scrolling to begin. If the camera is outside of this limit the background will not continue to scroll. If an axis is greater than or equal to the corresponding axis of limit_end, then it will not limit scrolling for that axis.

void set_limit_end ( Vector2 ofs )

Set the right and bottom limits in pixels for scrolling to end. If the camera is outside of this limit the background will not continue to scroll. If an axis is less than or equal to the corresponding axis of limit_begin, then it will not limit scrolling for that axis.

void set_scroll_base_offset ( Vector2 ofs )

Set the base offset in pixels of all children ParallaxLayer nodes.

void set_scroll_base_scale ( Vector2 scale )

Set the base motion scale of all children ParallaxLayer nodes.

void set_scroll_offset ( Vector2 ofs )

© 2014–2020 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur, Godot Engine contributors
Licensed under the MIT License.