
Inherits: CanvasItem < Node < Object

Inherited By: RemoteTransform2D, Joint2D, ParticleAttractor2D, CollisionObject2D, VisibilityNotifier2D, TileMap, Navigation2D, CollisionPolygon2D, TouchScreenButton, Particles2D, AnimatedSprite, Light2D, SoundPlayer2D, ViewportSprite, Path2D, Sprite, RayCast2D, CollisionShape2D, NavigationPolygonInstance, PathFollow2D, ParallaxLayer, Polygon2D, Position2D, LightOccluder2D, BackBufferCopy, CanvasModulate, YSort, Camera2D

Category: Core

Brief Description

Base node for 2D system.

Member Functions

void edit_set_pivot ( Vector2 pivot )
float get_angle_to ( Vector2 point ) const
Vector2 get_global_pos ( ) const
float get_global_rot ( ) const
float get_global_rotd ( ) const
Vector2 get_global_scale ( ) const
Vector2 get_pos ( ) const
Matrix32 get_relative_transform_to_parent ( Object parent ) const
float get_rot ( ) const
float get_rotd ( ) const
Vector2 get_scale ( ) const
int get_z ( ) const
void global_translate ( Vector2 offset )
bool is_z_relative ( ) const
void look_at ( Vector2 point )
void move_local_x ( float delta, bool scaled=false )
void move_local_y ( float delta, bool scaled=false )
void rotate ( float radians )
void scale ( Vector2 ratio )
void set_global_pos ( Vector2 pos )
void set_global_rot ( float radians )
void set_global_rotd ( float degrees )
void set_global_scale ( Vector2 scale )
void set_global_transform ( Matrix32 xform )
void set_pos ( Vector2 pos )
void set_rot ( float radians )
void set_rotd ( float degrees )
void set_scale ( Vector2 scale )
void set_transform ( Matrix32 xform )
void set_z ( int z )
void set_z_as_relative ( bool enable )
void translate ( Vector2 offset )


Base node for 2D system. Node2D contains a position, rotation and scale, which is used to position and animate. It can alternatively be used with a custom 2D transform (Matrix32). A tree of Node2Ds allows complex hierarchies for animation and positioning.

Member Function Description

void edit_set_pivot ( Vector2 pivot )

Set the pivot position of the 2D node to ‘pivot’ value. This method is implemented only in some nodes that inherit Node2D.

float get_angle_to ( Vector2 point ) const

Return the rotation angle in radians needed for the 2d node to point at ‘point’ position.

Vector2 get_global_pos ( ) const

Return the global position of the 2D node.

float get_global_rot ( ) const

Return the global rotation in radians of the 2D node.

float get_global_rotd ( ) const

Return the global rotation in degrees of the 2D node.

Vector2 get_global_scale ( ) const

Return the global scale of the 2D node.

Vector2 get_pos ( ) const

Return the position of the 2D node.

Matrix32 get_relative_transform_to_parent ( Object parent ) const

Return the transform Matrix32 calculated relatively to the parent of this 2D node.

float get_rot ( ) const

Return the rotation of the 2D node.

float get_rotd ( ) const

Vector2 get_scale ( ) const

Return the scale of the 2D node.

int get_z ( ) const

Return the Z-index of the 2D node.

void global_translate ( Vector2 offset )

Apply a global translation of ‘offset’ to the 2D node, starting from its current global position.

bool is_z_relative ( ) const

Return true if the Z-index value of this 2D node is relative to its parent’s. Else, return false.

void look_at ( Vector2 point )

Rotate the 2d node so it points at ‘point’ position.

void move_local_x ( float delta, bool scaled=false )

Apply a local translation on X axis to the 2D node according to the ‘delta’ of the process. If ‘scaled’ is false, the movement is normalized.

void move_local_y ( float delta, bool scaled=false )

Apply a local translation on Y axis to the 2D node according to the ‘delta’ of the process. If ‘scaled’ is false, the movement is normalized.

void rotate ( float radians )

Apply a ‘radians’ rotation to the 2D node, starting from its current rotation.

void scale ( Vector2 ratio )

Apply the ‘ratio’ scale to the 2D node, according to its current scale value.

void set_global_pos ( Vector2 pos )

Set the global position of the 2D node to ‘pos’.

void set_global_rot ( float radians )

Set the global rotation in radians of the 2D node.

void set_global_rotd ( float degrees )

Set the global rotation in degrees of the 2D node.

void set_global_scale ( Vector2 scale )

Set the global scale of the 2D node.

void set_global_transform ( Matrix32 xform )

Set the global transform Matrix32 of the 2D node.

void set_pos ( Vector2 pos )

Set the position of the 2D node.

void set_rot ( float radians )

Set the rotation of the 2D node.

void set_rotd ( float degrees )

Set the rotation of the 2D node.

void set_scale ( Vector2 scale )

Set the scale of the 2D node.

void set_transform ( Matrix32 xform )

Set the local transform Matrix32 of the 2D node.

void set_z ( int z )

Set the Z-index value of the 2D node.

void set_z_as_relative ( bool enable )

Set the Z-index value as relative to the parent node of this 2D node. Thus, if this 2D node’s Z-index value is 2 and its parent’s effective Z-index is 3, then the effective Z-index value of this 2D node would be 3 + 2 = 5.

void translate ( Vector2 offset )

Apply a local translation of ‘offset’ to the 2D node, starting from its current local position.

© 2014–2020 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur, Godot Engine contributors
Licensed under the MIT License.