
Category: Built-In Types

Brief Description

Vector used for 2D Math.

Member Functions

Vector2 Vector2 ( float x, float y )
Vector2 abs ( )
float angle ( )
float angle_to ( Vector2 to )
float angle_to_point ( Vector2 to )
Vector2 clamped ( float length )
Vector2 cubic_interpolate ( Vector2 b, Vector2 pre_a, Vector2 post_b, float t )
float distance_squared_to ( Vector2 to )
float distance_to ( Vector2 to )
float dot ( Vector2 with )
Vector2 floor ( )
Vector2 floorf ( )
float get_aspect ( )
float length ( )
float length_squared ( )
Vector2 linear_interpolate ( Vector2 b, float t )
Vector2 normalized ( )
Vector2 reflect ( Vector2 vec )
Vector2 rotated ( float phi )
Vector2 slide ( Vector2 vec )
Vector2 snapped ( Vector2 by )
Vector2 tangent ( )

Member Variables

  • float height - Height of the vector (Same as Y).
  • float width - Width of the vector (Same as X).
  • float x - X component of the vector.
  • float y - Y component of the vector.


2-element structure that can be used to represent positions in 2d-space, or any other pair of numeric values.

Member Function Description

Vector2 Vector2 ( float x, float y )

Constructs a new Vector2 from the given x and y.

Vector2 abs ( )

Returns a new vector with all components in absolute values (i.e. positive).

float angle ( )

Returns the result of atan2 when called with the Vector’s x and y as parameters (Math::atan2(x,y)).

Be aware that it therefore returns an angle oriented clockwise with regard to the (0, 1) unit vector, and not an angle oriented counter-clockwise with regard to the (1, 0) unit vector (which would be the typical trigonometric representation of the angle when calling Math::atan2(y,x)).

float angle_to ( Vector2 to )

Returns the angle in radians between the two vectors.

float angle_to_point ( Vector2 to )

Returns the angle in radians between the line connecting the two points and the x coordinate.

Vector2 clamped ( float length )

Returns the vector with a maximum length.

Vector2 cubic_interpolate ( Vector2 b, Vector2 pre_a, Vector2 post_b, float t )

Cubicly interpolates between this Vector and “b”, using “pre_a” and “post_b” as handles, and returning the result at position “t”.

float distance_squared_to ( Vector2 to )

Returns the squared distance to vector “b”. Prefer this function over “distance_to” if you need to sort vectors or need the squared distance for some formula.

float distance_to ( Vector2 to )

Returns the distance to vector “b”.

float dot ( Vector2 with )

Returns the dot product with vector “b”.

Vector2 floor ( )

Remove the fractional part of x and y.

Vector2 floorf ( )

Remove the fractional part of x and y.

float get_aspect ( )

Returns the ratio of X to Y.

float length ( )

Returns the length of the vector.

float length_squared ( )

Returns the squared length of the vector. Prefer this function over “length” if you need to sort vectors or need the squared length for some formula.

Vector2 linear_interpolate ( Vector2 b, float t )

Returns the result of the linear interpolation between this vector and “b”, by amount “t”.

Vector2 normalized ( )

Returns a normalized vector to unit length.

Vector2 reflect ( Vector2 vec )

Like “slide”, but reflects the Vector instead of continuing along the wall.

Vector2 rotated ( float phi )

Rotates the vector by “phi” radians.

Vector2 slide ( Vector2 vec )

Slides the vector by the other vector.

Vector2 snapped ( Vector2 by )

Snaps the vector to a grid with the given size.

Vector2 tangent ( )

Returns a perpendicular vector.

© 2014–2020 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur, Godot Engine contributors
Licensed under the MIT License.